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Frango tipo leitão...

Portugal na linha da frente das transmutações genéticas?

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Apesar da falta de originalidade não resistimos a divulgar esta fotografia.

O rasto do "frango tipo leitão":

Descobrimo-la no Arouca : Um blog sobre Arouca, as suas terras e as suas gentes... a ilustrar " razoavelmente o que é um transgénico, da autoria da Drª Margarida Silva...". É a referencia mais antiga que conseguimos obter. Um comentador diz que pode ser "frango de churrasco com molho de leitão".

No afixe a fotografia é "afixada" num post sob o título de "Leitão com asas", e curiosamente diz que foi extraída ("roubada" é feio) do blog Troll urbano . Um comentador do "afixe" de nome farpas espanta-se "da ignorância" de tão ilustres bloggers em matéria culinária e escreve que afinal o "frango tipo leitão" é um frango ... em que após cozinhado, "... 5- Abrir o bico do frango e enfiar lá uma maçã (de preferência vermelha!) 6- Comer acompanhado com vinho da Bairrada ou espumante".

Brilhante, "tipo leitão" corresponde a pôr uma maçã vermelha no bico (ou na boca) e comê-lo bem regado com espumante! Nesta linha pode haver "coelho tipo leitão", "porco tipo leitão", "truta tipo leitão" e até quem sabe "leitão tipo leitão". "Bacalhau tipo leitão" será difícil por causa da maçã, ou melhor da falta da boca (ou do bico). Ignorancia não paga imposto, porque se pagasse eramos um país superavitário, ou talvez não...- só para fugir aos impostos até nos cultivavamos alguma coisinha.
Cronológicamente mais tarde Humor com bento também divulga a mesma fotografia mas com uma explicação mais verosímel. Avança com o nome e localização do restaurante (que é um "restaurante tipo supermercado" - isto promete!) - "Sr. Pipo" de Alcabideche e então a origem do nome respeita ao facto de ao frango ser cozida uma cabeça de leitão. Agora tenho dúvidas é se a cabeça é cosida ao frango ou cozida com o frango!! ou até as duas coisas, ou seja "coszida" ou será "cozsida"?

Num forum tsunami voltei a descobrir a foto, com a eterna dúvida se será "frango que sabe a leitão?". Já comi na Ásia "frango que sabia a peixe" , por isso .... mas trocaria à vontade por esta nova especialidade.

Concluindo parece que Portugal afinal não está na linha da frente no desenvolvimento científico de transmutações genéticas e está mas é a fazer umas "osmoses" culinárias para fazer face à crise.

Pois é um post longo e complicado a falar sobre "coisa nenhuma". Seria muito mais fácil explicar "um frango à Ricardo", ou para não me chamarem de faccioso "um frango à Moreira" ainda quentinho e servido não com maçã mas com laranja (de Setúbal) pois claro...

Uma coisa é certa, divertimo-nos muito com esta coisa dos blogs. Isso é sem dúvida uma realidade. E nem é mau para esquecer o aumento do Iva.

Ommar Khayyam poetry


Khayam, if you are intoxicated with wine, enjoy!
If you are seated with a lover of thine, enjoy!
In the end, the Void the whole world employ
Imagine thou art not, while waiting in line, enjoy!

O friend, for the morrow let us not worry
This moment we have now, let us not hurry
When our time comes, we shall not tarry
With seven thousand-year-olds, our burden carry.

The caravan of life shall always pass
Beware that is fresh as sweet young grass
Let’s not worry about what tomorrow will amass
Fill my cup again, this night will pass, alas

Happily I walked with the tavern down the line
Passed an old drunk, holding a bottle of wine
"Do you not fear God?" was reproach of mine
said, "Mercy is God’s sign, in silence I wine and dine."

It is a day neither hot nor cold,
Clouds help the dry flowers unfold
Canary with his song to the flower told
Drink while you can, yourself don’t scold.


In life devote yourself to joy and love
Behold the beauty of the peaceful dove
Those who live, in the end must all perish
Live as if you are already in heavens above.

O hark, let us not think of the morrow
Cherish this moment, far from sorrow
Life is a temporal gift that we borrow
Whether dead for ages, or leave tomorrow.

To be aware of each moment spent
Is to live in the now, and be present
Worry for morrow shan’t make a dent
Caring for the now, your mind must be bent.

Our world upon joy and love was once built
Why is it that we reproach and cause guilt?
If we can simply correct our moral tilt,
We too will only will what God wilt.

When events unfold with calm and ease
When the winds that blow are merely breeze
Learn from nature, from birds and bees
Live your life in love, and let joy not cease.

Rubaiyat (excerts) of
Omar Khayyam
[Abu ol-Fath ebn-Ebrahim "Omar ol-Khayyami of Nishapur"]

Persian Poet (1048 - 1123)

Literal: This is a literal English translation (in quatrain form) with the intention of staying as close to the original text as possible. Poetry by Shahriar Shahriari.

Meaning : free translation with the objective of conveying the intended meaning. Poetry by Shahriar Shahriari.

On this day in History - May 31

0455 - Valentinian III, dies (b. 0419). Roman Emperor.
0455 - Petronius Maximus, dies killed by a mob. Roman Emperor.
1048 - Omar Khayyam, was born (d. 1131). Persian poet, astronomer, mathematician and philosopher.
1162 - Nascimento do conquistador mongol Gengis Khan.
1246 - Isabella of Angouleme, dies. Queen of John of England .
1408 - Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, dies (b. 1358). Ashikaga shogun.
1443 - Margaret Beaufort, was born (d. 1509). Mother of Henry VII of England.
1469 - King Manuel I of Portugal was born (d. 1521).
1495 - Cecily Neville, dies (b. 1415). Mother of Edward IV of England and Richard III of England 1578 - Martin Frobisher sails from Harwich, England to Frobisher Bay, Canada, eventually to mine fool's gold, used to pave streets in London.
1582 - Rei Felipe II assina alvará ordenado pagamento de pensão à mãe de Luíz Vaz de Camões
1594 - Morre Jacobo Robusti, Tintoretto, pintor veneziano.
1656 - Marin Marais, was born. French composer and viol player.
1669 - Citing poor eyesight, Samuel Pepys records the last event in his diary.
1678 - The Godiva procession through Coventry begins.
1680 - Joachim Neander, dies (b. 1650). Clergyman.
1727 - Criação do Royal Bank of Scotland.
1740 - King Friedrich Wilhem I of Prussia dies (b. 1688)
1747 - Andrei Osterman, dies (b. 1686). Russian statesman.
1750 - Karl August of Hardenberg, was born (d. 1822). Statesman and reformer.
1753 - Pierre Victurnien Vergniaud, was born (d. 1793). French revolutionist.
1759 - The Province of Pennsylvania bans all theater productions.
1773 - Ludwig Tieck, was born (d. 1853). German poet and writer.
1775 - Patriots in Charlotte, North Carolina adopt the Mecklenburg Resolutions urging the American Colonies to declare independence from Great Britian.
1790 - Alferez Manuel Quimper explores the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
1790 - Por decisão régia, são criadas em Lisboa 18 escolas para raparigas. São as primeiras escolas femininas em Portugal.
1799 - Pierre Lemonnier, dies (b. 1715). French astronomer.
1801 - Johann Georg Baiter, was born (d. 1887). Swiss philologist.
1809 - Joseph Haydn, dies. (b. 1732). Austrian composer.
1809 - Jean Lannes, dies (b. 1769). French Marshal of Empire.
1819 - Walt Whitman, was born (d. 1892). American poet.
1831 - Samuel Bentham, dies (b. 1757). Mechanical engineer.
1832 - Evariste Galois, dies (b. 1811). Mathematician.
1838 - Henry Sidgwick, was born (d. 1900). English philosopher.
1846 - Philip Marheineke, dies (b. 1780). German Protestant divine.
1847 - Thomas Chalmers, dies (b. 1780). Scottish pastor, social reformer, educator, author, and scientist.
1848 - Eugénie de Guérin, dies (b. 1805). Writer.
1852 - Nascia Francisco Pascasio Moreno, cientista, naturalista e explorador argentino.
1857 - Pope Pius XI (Ambrogio Damiano Achille Ratti) was born (d. 10 Feb 1939). 259th pope of the Roman Catholic Church [1922-1939].
1860 - Walter Sickert, was born (d. 1942). English painter.
1862 - American Civil War: The Battle of Seven Pines.
1864 - American Civil War: The Battle of Cold Harbor begins.
1866 - In the Fenian Invasion of Canada, John O'Neill leads 850 Fenian raiders across the Niagara River at Buffalo, New York/Fort Erie, Ontario, as part of an effort to free Ireland from the English. Canadian militia and British regulars repulse the invaders in over the next three days, at a cost of 9 dead and 38 wounded to the Fenian's 19 dead and about 17 wounded.
1872 - Heath Robinson, was born (d. 1944). English cartoonist.
1874 - Estreia, na Igreja de São Marcos de Milão, a Misa de Requiem que Verdi compôs para a morte do escritor Manzoni.
1875 - Eliphas Lévi, dies. French writer and magician.
1878 - Naufraga na costa inglesa o encouraçado alemão Grosser-Kurfurst, causando a morte de 269 tripulantes.
1880 - The League of American Wheelmen was formed in Newport, RI. It was the first national bicycle society to be organized in the United States.
1883 - Lauri Kristian Relander, was born (d. 1942). Finnish president .
1884 - John Harvey Kellogg patents corn flakes.
1887 - Saint-John Perse, was born (d. 1975). French diplomat and poet. Nobel Prize in Literature 1960.
1889 - Johnstown Flood: Over 2200 people die after a dam break sends a 60-foot (18-meter) wall of water over the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
1892 - Michel Kikoine, was born (d. 1968). Belarus painter.
1894 - Fred Allen, was born (d. 1956). American comedian.
1894 - Konstantin Stoilov Konstantinov assume (pela 2º vez) o cargo de primeiro-ministro da Bulgária
1898 - Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, was born (d. 1993). American clergyman.
1902 - Second Boer War: The last Afrikaner resistance forces sign a peace treaty with the British at Pretoria, ending the war, and ensuring British control of South Africa.
1908 - Don Ameche [Dominic Felix Amici] was born (d. 6 Dec 1993). American academy award-winning actor: Cocoon [1985]; Trading Places, Corinna Corinna; inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame [1992];
1910 - Creation of the Union of South Africa. Louis Botha assume o cargo de primeiro-ministro da África do Sul
1910 - Elizabeth Blackwell, dies (b. 1821). First female physician in the United States.
1911 - Nasce Maurice Allais, economista francês, Prêmio Nobel de Economia em 1988.
1912 - Alfred Deller, was born (d. 1979). English countertenor.
1913 - The Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, authorizing direct election of United States Senators, is declared ratified.
1916 - World War I: The German and British navies clash in the Battle of Jutland, the largest naval battle of the war.
1921 - Tulsa Race Riot: More than 300 are killed in a race riot in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA.
1921 - Comedian Buster Keaton marries actress Natalie Talmadge.
1922 - Denholm Elliott, was born (d. 1992). English actor.
1923 - Prince Rainier III of Monaco was born (d. 2005).
1924 - The Soviet Union signs an agreement with the Peking government, referring to Outer Mongolia as an "integral part of the Republic of China", whose "sovereignty" therein the Soviet Union promises to respect
1924 - Lauri Ingman assume (pela 2º vez) o cargo de primeiro-ministro da Finlândia.
1926 - James Kruss was born (d. 1997). Author.
1927 - The last Ford Model T rolls off the assembly line after a production run of 15,007,003 vehicles.
1928 - É fundada a Academia Nicaragüense de la Lengua.
1929 - Menahem Golan, was born. Producer.
1930 - Clint Eastwood, was born. American actor, director, producer.
1931 - Shirley Verrett, was born. American soprano.
1931 - John Robert Schrieffer was born. American physicist and winner (with John Bardeen and Leon N. Cooper) of the 1972 Nobel Prize for Physics for developing the BCS theory (for their initials), the first successful microscopic theory of superconductivity
1932 - Jay Miner, was born (d. 1994). American microchip designer.
1935 - Um terremoto destrói a cidade de Quetta (Paquistão) e morrem mais de 56 mil pessoas.
1935 - Criação do Banco Central de la República Argentina
1938 - Johnny PayCheck, was born (d. 2003). American country music singer.
1938 - John Prescott, was born. Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
1938 - Peter Yarrow, was born. American folk singer ("Peter, Paul and Mary")
1939 - Terry Waite, was born. British humanitarian.
1941 - Louis J. Ignarro was born. American pharmacologist who, along with Robert F. Furchgott and Ferid Murad, was co-awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery that nitric oxide (NO) acts as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system, an entirely new mechanism by which blood vessels in the body relax and widen
1942 - World War II: The Luftwaffe bombs Coventry, England
1943 - Sharon Gless, was born. Emmy Award-winning actress: Cagney & Lacey [1985-1986, 1986-1987]; Revenge of the Stepford Wives, Tales of the Unexpected
1943 - Joe Namath, was born. American football star.
1945 - Rainer Werner Fassbinder, was born (d. 10 Jun 1982). Film director: Chinese Roulette, Querelle, Veronika Voss, Berlin Alexanderplatz, Beware of a Holy Whore;
1947 - Mátyás Rákosi assume (pela 2º vez) o cargo de primeiro-ministro da Hungria.
1948 - Morte do pianista português José Vianna da Motta.
1948 - Syngman Rhee assume a presidência da Coréia do Sul
1948 - John Bonham, was born (d. 25 Sep 1980). British musician, drummer with Led Zeppelin.
1949 - Tom Berenger [Thomas Michael Moore], was born. Actor: One Life to Live, If Tomorrow Comes, Platoon, Sliver, The Big Chill, Eddie and the Cruisers, Gettysburg, Looking for Mr. Goodbar, A Murder of Crows, In the Company of Spies, Turbulence II: Fear of Flying.
1950 - Gregory Harrison, was born. Actor.
1952 - Dwight D. Eisenhower retires from active service in the United States Army.
1957 - Leopold Staff, dies (b. 1878). Polish poet.
1960 - Walther Funk, dies (b. 1890). Nazi leader.
1960 - Chris Elliott, was born. Comedian.
1961 - Lea Thompson, was born. Actress.
1961 - Creation of the Republic of South Africa.
1962 - Corey Hart, was born. Singer/songwriter.
1962 - The West Indies Federation dissolves.
1962 - Executado em Tel Aviv, por crimes contra os judeus, o ex-coronel das SS Adolfo Eichman, que havia sido sequestrado na Argentina por agentes israelitas.
1963 - Wesley Willis, was born. Musician.
1965 - Brooke Shields, was born. American model: Ivory Snow baby and actress: The Blue Lagoon, Pretty Baby, Brenda Starr, The Seventh Floor, Backstreet Dreams, Stalking Laura, Suddenly Susan.
1966 - Monges budistas atearam fogo sobre seus próprios corpos em Saigão, como forma de protesto contra a política do governo militar do Vietname do Sul.
1970 - Início do Campeonato Mundial de Futebol realizado no México.
1974 - Syria and Israel sign a disengagement agreement to resolve the Yom Kippur War
1975 - Constituição da Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA).
1976 - Jacques Monod, dies (b. 9 Feb 1910). French biochemist who, with François Jacob, did much to elucidate how genes regulate cell metabolism by directing the biosynthesis of enzymes. The pair shared, along with André Lwoff, the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1965. 1976 - Colin Farrell, was born. Actor.
1977 - The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System is completed.
1977 - William Castle dies (b. 1914). American director.
1983 - Jack Dempsey, dies (b. 1895). American boxer.
1984 - Jason Smith, was born. Australian actor.
1985 - The US-Canadian Outbreak: Forty-one tornadoes hit Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, and Ontario, leaving 76 dead.
1986 - James Rainwater dies (b. 9 Dec 1917) . American physicist who won a share of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1975 for his part in determining the asymmetrical shapes of certain atomic nuclei.
1991 - São firmados em Lisboa os acordos para pôr fim a 16 anos de guerra civil em Angola, que acabaram não se cumprindo.
1994 - Morte do barão Marcel Bich. Criador das canetas Bic.
1994 - O croata Kresimir Zubak é proclamado primeiro presidente da recém criada Federação musulmano-croata na Bósnia.
1996 - Paul Peter Piech, dies (b. 1920). Artist.
1996 - Timothy Leary, dies (b. 1920). American LSD advocate.
1997 - Canada's Confederation Bridge opens, linking Prince Edward Island with mainland New Brunswick.
2000 - Tito Puente, dies (b. 1923). Musician.
2000 - Johnnie Taylor, dies (b. 1938). Vocalist.
2002 - The 17th Football World Cup, co-hosted by Japan and South Korea, begins with a 1-0 upset of France by Senegal. The tournament ends on June 30, with Brazil winning a record fifth World Cup title.
2002 - Portugal ratifica o Protocolo de Kyoto.
2002 - Tem início o Campeonato do Mundo de Futebolorganizado pela Coreia do Sul/ Japão. No primeiro jogo o Senegal vence a França por 1-0.
2003 - The final flight of an Air France Concorde takes place.
2003 - Bomber Eric Rudolph is captured in Murphy, North Carolina.
2004 - A foul-up during routine software update at the Royal Bank of Canada leads to a three-day misplacement of 10 million account balances.
2004 - Robert Quine, dies (b. 1942). Punk rock guitarist.
Feast day of Mary, Mediatrix of all Graces
The Godiva procession
World No Tobacco day
Syaday (Discordianism) (5th day of the season of Confusion, honors Apostle Sri Syadasti)


On this day in History - May 30

1252 - King Ferdinand III of Castile and Leon dies (b. 1198/1199?)
1416 - Jerome of Prague, dies (b. 1379). Czech theologian.
1416 - The Catholic Church burns Jerome of Prague as a heretic.
1431 - In Rouen, France, 19-year-old Joan of Arc is burned at the stake by a pro-English tribunal.
1431 - Joan of Arc, dies (burned at the stake by a pro-English tribunal) (b. 1412) . French commander and saint.
1434 - Taborite forces led by Prokop the Great were defeated and almost annihilated in the Battle of Lipany, effectively ending the Hussite Wars.
1536 - King Henry VIII of England marries Jane Seymour, a lady-in-waiting to his first two wives.
1539 - In Florida, Hernando de Soto lands at Tampa Bay with 600 soldiers with the goal of finding gold.
1574 - Henry III becomes King of France.
1574 - King Charles IX of France dies (b. 1550).
1576 - Harada Naomasa, dies. Japanese retainer and samurai under Oda Nobunaga
1588 - The last ship of the Spanish Armada sets sail from Lisbon heading for the English Channel.
1593 - Christopher Marlowe,dies (b. 1564). English playwright
1640 - Peter Paul Rubens, dies (b. 1577). German painter.
1662 - Casamento de D. Catarina, filha de D. João IV, com Carlos II de Inglaterra.
1672 - Peter the Great, (Piotr Alekseevich Romanov) was born (d. 1725). Tsar of Russia. Nascimento de Pedro o Grande (1672-1725), imperador da Rússia. Foi responsável pela ocidentalização da Rússia, edificando a cidade de São Petersburgo.
1770 - François Boucher, dies (b. 1703). French painter.
1744 - Alexander Pope, dies (b. 1688). English poet, and writer.
1778 - Voltaire, (François Marie Arouet), dies (b. 1694). French philosopher, author.
1779 - D. Fernando de Sousa e Silva é nomeado 4º Cardeal Patriarca de Lisboa
1806 - Andrew Jackson kills a man in a duel after the man had accused Jackson's wife of bigamy.
1814 - The First Treaty of Paris is signed returning French borders to their 1792 extent. Napoleon I of France is exiled to Elba on the same day.
1814 - Michael Bakunin, was born (d. 1876). Russian anarchist.
1834 - As ordens religiosas masculinas são extintas e os seus bens nacionalizados. A medida é da responsabilidade de D. Pedro, enquanto regente, e de Joaquim António de Aguiar, que passa por isso a ser conhecido por «o Mata-Frades».
1849 - Pedro Santana assume (pela 2º vez) a presidência da República Dominicana
1850 - Nasceu o republicano português, fundador de "O Século", Sebastião de Magalhães Lima.
1854 - The Kansas-Nebraska Act becomes law establishing the US territories of Nebraska and Kansas.
1865 - John Catron, dies. Associate justice of the United States
1868 - Memorial Day (then known as "Decoration Day") is observed in the United States for the first time (it was proclaimed on May 5 by General John Logan).
1871 - The Paris Commune falls.
1875 - Nasceu a actriz portuguesa Palmira Bastos.
1876 - Ottoman sultan Abd-ul-Aziz is deposed and succeeded by his nephew Murat V.
1879 - New York City's Gilmores Garden is renamed Madison Square Garden by William Vanderbilt and is opened to the public at 26th Street and Madison Avenue.
1879 - Colin Blythe, was born (d. 1917). Kent and England left arm spinner.
1882 - Wyndham Halswelle, was born. British runner
1883 - In New York City, a rumor that the Brooklyn Bridge is going to collapse causes a stampede which crushes twelve people.
1895 - Maurice Tate, was born (d. 1956). Sussex and England all-rounder.
1896 - Howard Hawks, was born (d. 26 Dec 1977). American film director : Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Monkey Business, Hatari, Rio Bravo, Rio Lobo, Sergeant York, A Song is Born, The Thing.
1899 - Irving Thalberg, was born (d. 1936). American film producer.
1901 - Cornelia Otis Skinner, was born (d. 1979). Broadway producer, writer, director, and actress.
1902 - Stepin Fetchit, was born (d. 1985). American dancer and actor.
1904 - Nascimento de Ernesto Guardia Navarro. Presidente do Panamá (1956-1960)
1907 - Elly Beinhor, was born. Pilot .
1908 - Hannes (Olof Gösta) Alfvén was born (d. 2 Apr 1995). Swedish astrophysicist, one of the founders of the field of plasma physics (the study of ionized gases) and winner, with Louis Néel of France, of the 1970 Nobel Prize for Physics "for fundamental work in magnetohydrodynamics with fruitful applications in different parts of plasma physics."
1908 - Mel Blanc, was born (d. 1989). American voice actor.
1909 - Benny Goodman, was born (d. 1986). American clarinet player and Swing-era bandleader.
1910 - Inge Meysel, was born (d. 2004). German actress.
1911 - At the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the first Indianapolis 500 ends with Ray Harroun becoming the first winner of the 500-mile auto race.
1912 - Julius Axelrod, was born. American biochemist. Received the 1970 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 1970 (with British biophysicist Sir Bernard Katz and Swedish physiologist Ulf von Euler).
1912 - Joseph Stein, was born. Playwright
1912 - Hugh Griffith, was born (d. 1980). Welsh actor.
1912 - Erich Bagge, was born. German physicist
1913 - First Balkan War: A peace treaty is signed in London ending the war. Albania becomes an independent nation.
1919 - Nascimento de René Barrientos Ortuño. Presidente da Bolívia (1964-1969).
1920 - Franklin Schaffner, was born (d. 1989). American film director
1920 - Ralph Metcalfe, was born (d. 1978). American athlete
1922 - Hal Clement, was born (d. 2003). American science fiction writer.
1922 - In Washington, D.C., the Lincoln Memorial is dedicated. Daniel Chester French created the famous sculpture of Abraham Lincoln, titled Seated Lincoln. Lincoln is in meditation, seated in a large armchair. Both French and the Piccirilli brothers completed the sculpture. On this day in 1922 the memorial in which the statue is permanently seated was dedicated, although the cornerstone was laid in 1915.
1925 - Criação da Federación Ecuatoriana de Fútbol.
1926 - Christine Jorgensen,was born (d. 1989). transsexual activist.
1926 - O primeiro governo saído do golpe militar de 28 de Maio entra em funções. É presidido pelo comandante Mendes Cabeçadas, herói da Revolução de 5 de Outubro de 1910.
1927 - Clint Walker, was born. Actor
1934 - Aleksei Leonov, was born. Cosmonaut and first person to walk in space
1935 - Babe Ruth plays in his last baseball game, in the uniform of the Boston Braves.
1936 - Keir Dullea, was born. American actor
1939 - Michael J. Pollard, was born. American actor
1941 - World War II: Germany captures Crete.
1942 - World War II: 1000 British bombers launch a 90-minute attack on Cologne, Germany.
1943 - Gale Sayers, was born. American football star
1948 - A dike along the flooding Columbia River breaks, obliterating Vanport, Oregon within minutes. Fifteen people die and tens of thousands are left homeless.
1951 - Hermann Broch, dies (b. 1886). Austrian author.
1951 - Stephen Tobolowsky, was born. Actor
1951 - Zdravko Colic, was born. Yugoslavian singer
1953 - Colm Meaney, eas born. Irish actor (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine)
1954 - Susan Kelly-Gilbert, was born. Vice-President of Advertising and Marketing at the Colorado Springs Gazette in Colorado Springs, Colorado
1953 - Dooley Wilson, American musician, actor.
1955 - Topper Headon, was born. British musician, drummer with The Clash
1958 - The bodies of several unidentified soldiers killed in action during World War II and the Korean War are buried at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery.
1960 - Boris Pasternak, dies (b. 1890). Russian author. Nobel Prize 1958.
1961 - Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, dies (b. 1891). Dictator of the Dominican Republic .
1962 - Início do Campeonato Mundial de Futebol realizado no Chile.
1964 - Leó Szilárd, dies (b. 1898). Hungarian-American nuclear physicist.
1964 - Wynonna Judd, was born. American country music singer
1966 - Nascimento de Thomas Hassler. Jogador alemão de futebol.
1967 - Claude Rains, dies (b. 1889). English actor.
1967 - At the Ascot Speedway in Gardena, California, daredevil Evel Knievel jumps his motorcycle over 16 cars lined-up in a row.
1967 - The Nigerian state of Biafra secedes, sparking a civil war.
1971 - Mariner program: Mariner 9 is launched toward Mars.
1971 - Marcel Dupré, dies (b. 1886). French composer.
1972 - The Angry Brigade goes on trial over a series of 25 bombings throughout Britain.
1972 - In Tel Aviv, members of the Japanese Red Army carry out the Lod Airport Massacre, killing 24 people and injuring 78 others.
1972 - Manny Ramirez,was born. Dominican baseball player
1973 - Leigh Francis (aka Avid Merrion), was born. British comedian.
1975 - Steve Prefontaine, dies (b. 1951). American distance runner.
1982 - Spain becomes the 16th member of NATO and the first nation to enter the alliance since West Germany's admission in 1955.
1982 - Baseball player Cal Ripken, Jr plays the first of 2,632 consecutive games. His streak will end on September 20, 1998.
1986 - Perry Ellis, dies. Fashion designer
1986 - Claudia Beni, was born. Croatian singer
1989 - Tiananmen Square protests of 1989: The 33-foot high "Goddess of Democracy" statue is unveiled in Tiananmen Square by student demonstrators.
1992 - Antoni Zygmund dies (b. 26 Dec 1900). Polish-born mathematician who created a major analysis research centre at Chicago, and recognized in 1986 for this with the National Medal for Science.
1993 - Sun Ra, dies (b. 1914). American musician.
1994 - Juan Carlos Onetti dies. Writer.
1998 - A 6.6 magnitude earthquake hits northern Afghanistan, killing up to 5,000.
1999 - Kenny Bräck wins the 83rd Indianapolis 500
2000 - Tex Beneke, dies. Bandleader, singer, saxophone player .
2002 - Morte do actor, compositor e escritor brasileiro Mário Lago.
2003 - Mickie Most, dies (b. 1938). English musician
2003 - Hans Peter Willberg, dies. Literature critic
2003 - The final flight of an Air France Concorde takes
2004 - Buddy Rice wins a rain-shortened 88th Indianapolis 500
United States - Memorial Day (originally - currently last Monday in May)
Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna Day in Fiji (last Monday in May)


Em dia de nãos... Setúbal disse sim à Taça

Não à "dobradinha" sim à(o) Vitória

O Vitória de Setúbal conquistou com todo o mérito a sua terceira Taça de Portugal batendo o Benfica por 2-1 na final de Jamor.

O Benfica começou por abrir o activo num penalty cometido sobre Geovanni e concretizado por Simão Sabrosa, logo aos quatro minutos, mas o golo fez mal aos benfiquistas. O Vitória teve sempre mais a iniciativa do jogo, o meio-campo do Benfica não ligava o jogo -muitos jogadores em dia não - e assim o empate concretizado por Manuel José em remate ainda de fora da área, após jogada de insistencia de Jorginho justificava-se.

Curiosamente foi nos últimos minutos do primeiro tempo que o Benfica disfrutou de duas oportunidades para o 2-1 mas numa delas a falta de objectividade na conclusão de Simão (preferiu pôr no meio para a finalização de Nuno Gomes que não resultou) e na outra uma defesa in-extremis com as pernas de Moreto evitaram tal desfecho.

Na segunda parte e principalmente com a substituição de Fyssas por Dos Santos o Benfica apareceu finalmente mais dominador, mas talvez tal facto se tenha devido mais a uma estratégia tactica do Setúbal que apareceu mais compacto no seu meio-campo. Quem contra atacava agora era o Vitória embora também não tivesse muitos lances.
Um remate de Manuel Fernandes obrigou Moreto a brilhar aos 64' defendendo para canto.
Num desequilibrio provocado pelo meio o Vitória consegue ganhar espaço para Ricardo Chaves rematar à entrada da área, Moreira defende para a frente e Meyong à vontade faz o 2-1.

Trapatonni faz entrar logo de seguida Mantorras para o lugar de Nuno Assis, mais tarde Delibasic para o lugar de Nuno Gomes, o Benfica tenta o ataque, carrega, mas sem jogadores parao futebol directo e sem altura na área setúbalense foi tempo para os vitorianos defenderem e erguer a Taça justamente por ter sido a equipa mais colectiva e mais eficaz

Em dia de não em França à Constituição Europeia também houve nuitos nãos "à dobradinha" da Taça : Fyssas (fraca exibição), Manuel Fernandes (aquele remate foi a excepção) , Moreira (sofreu dois golos quase sem defender e com culpas claras no segundo golo), Nuno Gomes (entalado entre dois centrais pouco fez) e Trapatonni (infeliz nas "substituições" do inicio do jogo ) e incapaz de reagir à adversidade, sem arriscar nada mesmo quando perdia. Dia "sim" para todos os adeptos setubalenses que venceram o campeão e coleccionaram a sua terceira Taça de Portugal (segunda conquistada aos "encarnados da Luz").

A arbitragem pareceu-me regular mas a actuar muito defensivamente cortando demasiado o jogo.

On this day in History - May 29

0757 - Paul I succeeds Stephen III as pope
1167 - Battle of Legano, in which The Lombard League defeats Emperor Frederick I.
1259 - King Christopher I of Denmark dies (b. 1219)
1379 - King Henry II of Castile dies (b. 1334)
1405 - Philippe de Mézières, dies. Advisor to Charles V of France
1414 - Council of Constance.
1453 - Ottoman armies under Sultan Mehmed II Fatih capture Constantinople after a siege, ending the Byzantine Empire.
1453 - Constantine XI Palaeologus, dies (b. 1404). Last Byzantine emperor.
1453 - Constantinopla é conquistada pelos Turcos, que lhe dão o nome de Istambul. É o fim do Império Bizantino. Marca, na cronologia histórica, a passagem da Idade Média para a Idade Moderna
1500 - Bartolomeu Dias, dies. Portuguese explorer.
1594 - Gottfried Heinrich Graf zu Pappenheim, was born (d. 1632). Bavarian general.
1630 - King Charles II of England was born (d. 1685)
1660 - English Restoration: Charles II is restored to the throne of England.
1660 - A monarquia inglesa é restaurada na pessoa de Carlos II, representante da dinastia Stuart. O rei casará mais tarde com a infanta portuguesa D. Catarina de Bragança, filha de D. João IV.
1677 - Treaty of Middle Plantation establishes peace between the Virginia colonists and the local Indians.
1727 - Peter II becomes Tsar of Russia.
1733 - Right of Canadians to keep Indian slaves upheld at Quebec City.
1736 - Patrick Henry, was born (d. 1799). American patriot.
1765 - O czar Pedro II assume o trono da Rússia.
1790 - Rhode Island becomes the last of the original United States colonies to ratify the Constitutionand is admitted as the 13th U.S. state.
1791 - Revolução francesa: fala-se pela primeira vez no lema Liberdade, Igualdade, Fraternidade, na Sociedade de Amigos dos Direitos Humanos.
1814 - Joséphine de Beauharnais, dies (b. 1763). Empress of France.
1848 - Criação da Carbonaria Lusitânia, sociedade secreta, fundada em Coimbra, defensora do regime republicano.
1848 - Wisonsin is admitted as the 30th U.S. state.
1864 - Emperor Maximilian of Mexico arrives in Mexico for the first time.
1860 - Isaac Albéniz, was born (d. 1909). Spanish composer.
1863 - Arthur Mold, was born (d. 1921). Controversial Lancashire fast bowler and alleged "chucker".
1866 - Winfield Scott, dies (b. 1786). American general and presidential candidate.
1867 - Austro-Hungarian agreement called Ausgleich ("the Compromise") is born through Act 12, which established the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy; on June 8 Emperor Francis Joseph was crowned King of Hungary
1874 - G. K. Chesterton, was born (d. 1936). English novelist.
1874 - Nasceu o poeta e escritor inglês G. K. Chesterton
1880 - Oswald Spengler, was born (d. 1936). German philosopher
1886 - Chemist John Pemberton places his first advertisement for Coca-Cola, the ad appearing in the Atlanta Journal.
1886 - Putney Bridge opened in west London.
1892 - Bahá'u'lláh, dies (b. 1817). Founder of the Bahá'í Faith.
1893 - Max Brand, was born (d. 1944). American author, war correspondent
1894 - Beatrice Lillie, was born (d. 1989). Canadian actress.
1894 - Josef von Sternberg, was born (d. 1969). Austrian-American writer, director
1897 - Erich Wolfgang Korngold, was born (d. 1957). Austrian composer.
1903 - Bob Hope, was born (d. 2003). British-born American comedian and actor.
1903 - Alexander Obrenovich, dies (b. 1876). King of Serbia
1906 - T.H. White, was born (d. 1964). British author.
1906 - Giovanni Giolitti assume (pela 3º vez) o cargo de primeiro-ministro da Itália.
1906 - Salomon Arvid Achates Lindman assume o cargo de primeiro-ministro da Suécia
1910 - Mily Balakirev, dies (b. 1837). Russian composer.
1911 - 1st running of Indianapolis 500
1915 - William S. Gilbert, dies (b. 1836). English dramatist.
1911 - Teófilo Braga é proclamado presidente da República, em substituição de Manuel de Arriaga, que se tinha demitido do cargo. Completará o mandato deste até 5 de Outubro de 1815.
1913 - Igor Stravinsky's ballet score The Rite of Spring is premiered in Paris.
1914 - Ocean liner RMS Empress of Ireland sinks in the Gulf of St. Lawrence; 1,024 lives lost.
1914 - Sherpa Tenzing Norgay was born (d. 1986)
1914 - Eduard Pestel, was born (d. 1988). Sscientist and engineer.
1915 - Karl Münchinger, was born (d. 190). German conductor.
1917 - John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was born (d. 1963). 35th President of the United States.
1919 - Observation of shifted star positions during a solar eclipse confirm Albert Einstein's theory of relativity (see Arthur Eddington).
1922 - Ecuador becomes independent
1922 - Iannis Xenakis, was born in Braila Romania (d. 2001). Composer.
1933 - John Mayall,was born. Mmusician
1933 - Helmuth Rilling, was born. German conductor
1933 - Edward Whittemore, wwas born. Writer
1935 - Josef Suk, dies (b. 1874). Czech composer and violinist.
1938 - Fay Vincent, was born. Former commissioner of baseball
1939 - Al Unser, was born. Rrace car driver
1940 - Farooq Leghari, was born. Former President of Pakistan
1942 - Kevin Conway, was born. Actor
1942 - John Barrymore, dies (b. 1882). Actor.
1944 - Helmut Berger, was born. Aactor
1946 - Fernando Buesa, was born (d. 2000). Basque politician.
1948 - Anthony Geary, was born. Actor
1948 - Dame May Whitty, dies (b. 1865). Actress.
1950 - St. Roch, first ship to circumnavigate North America, arrives in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
1951 - Fanny Brice, dies (b. 1891). American singer, comedienne, and actress.
1953 - Man Mountain Dean, dies (b. 1891). Professional wrestler.
1953 - Edmund Hillary e Narkey Tensing escalam, pela primeira vez, o monte Everest (tecto do Mundo com 8848 m de altitude), nos Himalaias.
1953 - Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay are the first people to reach the summit of Mount Everest.
1953 - Danny Elfman, was bon. Composer, musician ("Oingo Boingo")
1955 - John Hinckley Jr., was born. Assassin (attempted)
1956 - LaToya Jackson, was born. Musician
1957 - Jeb Hensarling, was born. American politician
1958 - Annette Bening, was born. Actress
1958 - Juan Ramón Jiménez, dies (b. 1881). Spanish poet (Nobel 1956).
1958 - Real Madrid wins 3rd Europe Champions Cup in Brussels
1959 - Adrian Paul, was born. Actor
1959 - Rupert Everett, was born. Actor
1959 - Charles de Gaulle forms French government
1961 - Melissa Etheridge, was born. U.S. singer, songwriter, guitarist (Never Enough) .
1961 - David Palmer, was born. Heavy metal drummer (ABC, AC/DC)
1963 - Lisa Whelchel, was born. Actress.
1965 - Emilio Sanchez,was born in Madrid Spain, Tennis player (1988 Olympic bronze)
1967 - Pope Paul VI names 27 new cardinals, including Karol Wojtyla, archbishop of Krakow, who later became Pope John Paul II
1967 - Noel Gallagher, was born. Musician
1968 - Manchester United wins 13rd Europe Champions Cup in London beating Benfica in extra-time 4-1 (after 1-1 at 90' minutes) .
1969 - Estoura em Córdoba (Argentina) um movimento de trabalhadores e estudantes, conhecido como o Cordobazo, , que causou a morte de 14 pessoas.
1970 - É sequestrado e depois assassinado o ex-presidente argentino Pedro Eugenio Aramburu, por um grupo denominado os Montoneros.
1970 - Nascimento de Roberto Di Matteo. Jogador suíço de futebol.
1975 - Melanie Brown,was born. Musician, actress .
1977 - Janet Guthrie becomes the first woman to qualify for the Indianapolis 500.
1984 - Carmelo Anthony, waas born. NBA basketball player
1979 - Mary Pickford, dies (b. 1892). Actress and studio founder.
1980 - Morreu o cantor português Max [Maximiano de Sousa] (nasceu no Funchal em 1918) .Foi uma das mais populares vedetas da rádio, do teatro e da televisão portuguesa, desde os anos quarenta até à sua morte em 1980. Quem não se lembra de “Noites da Madeira”, “Bailinho da Madeira” ou “A Mula da Cooperativa”?.
1982 - Romy Schneider, dies (cardiac arrest) (b. 1938)
1985 - Juventus wins 30th Europe Champions Cup in Brussels, 39 die in riot
1985 - Heysel Stadium disaster: In Brussels, Belgium, 39 football fans die and hundreds are injured during a riot at a European Cup match.
1985 - Amputee Steve Fonyo completes cross-Canada marathon at Victoria, British Columbia after 14 months.
1989 - John Cipollina, dies (b. 24 Aug 1943). American musician, Quicksilver Messenger Service
1990 - Boris Yeltsin is elected president of the Russian republic
1991 - Crevena Zvezda wins 36th Europe Champions Cup .
1991 - Presidente Franjo Tudjman proclama a independência da Croácia
1994 - Erich Honecker, dies (b. 1912). Leader of East Germany .
1994 - Hungary's Socialist Party wins parliamentary election
1996 - Jeremy Sinden, dies at 45. Actor (Chariots of Fire, Ascendancy, Harem).
1996 - Benjamín Netanyahu, líder do partido conservador Likud, é eleito primeiro-ministro de Israel.
1997 - Jeff Buckley, dies (b. 1966). Musician (accidental drowning)
1998 - Barry M. Goldwater, dies (b. 1909). Arizona Senator.
1998 - China assina o Protocolo de Kyoto.
1999 - In Jerusalem, Israel, Charlotte Nilsson wins the forty-fourth Eurovision Song Contest for Sweden singing "Take Me To Your Heaven".
1999 - Morte de João Carlos de Oliveira (João do Pulo). Atleta brasileiro.
1999 - Olusegun Obasanjo assume a presidência da Nigéria tornando-se o primeiro civil a ocupar o cargo após 15 anos de regimes militares.
1999 - Primeiras eleições presidenciais na Eslováquia
2000 - Alberto Fujimori se declara presidente eleito do Peru antes da data oficial, e seu opositor, Alejandro Toledo convoca uma marcha pacífica para anular as eleições.
2002 -O suíço Joseph Blatter é reeleito presidente da FIFA
2002 - A russa Oxana Fedorova é eleita Miss Universo em San Juan - Porto Rico
2004 - Sam Dash, dies (b. 1925). Chief counsel to Senate Watergate Committee.
2004 - Archibald Cox, Jr., dies (b. 1912). Watergate special prosecutor.
2004 - O Paris Saint-Germain vence por 1-0 o Chateauroux e conquista a Taça de França em Futebol.
2005 - O Benfica tem a hipótese de fazer a "dobradinha" feito que não consegue há 18 anos, se vencer hoje a final da taça de Portugal no Jamor, em Lisboa. O Vitória de Setúbal tentará evitá-lo lutando pelo terceiro título da sua história.
29 Maio - Dia Internacional das Forças de Manutenção da Paz das Nações Unidas
Bahá'í Faith: Ascension of Bahá'u'llah
England: Oak Apple Day
Nigeria: Democracy Day Nigeria returns to democratical form of governance after 16 years of military dictatorship.


Futsal - Benfica nas meias finais

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Benfica 8 - 0 Alpendorada

Se ainda existiam dúvidas sobre a diferença de qualidade entre Benfica e Alpendorada, elas ficaram totalmente dissipadas no terceiro jogo dos quartos-de-final do "play off". O Benfica esmagou o Alpendorada por 8-0, garantindo a passagem às meias-finais. André Lima, Rogério Vilela, Zé Maria e Ricardinho fizeram os golos na primeira parte com a particularidade do primeiro ser ainda no minuto inicial do jogo.

A superioridade encarnda foi manifesta e na etapa complementar o marcador avançou com mais quatro golos concretizados por Ricardinho, Micky e Miguel Almeida por duas vezes.

Ficha do jogo
Terceiro jogo dos quartos-de-final do “play off” do Campeonato Nacional, realizado no Pavilhão n.º 2 da Luz.Árbitros: Paulo Macau e Silvério Sousa.

Benfica – Zé Carlos, Rogério Vilela, Pedro Costa, André Lima (cap.) e Micky.Suplentes: Ricardinho, Majó, Nelito, Zé Maria, Miguel Almeida e Bruno Tavares.
Treinador: Adil Amarante.
Acção disciplinar: Cartão amarelo a Ricardinho (22’) e Nelito (39’).
Golos: André Lima (1’), Rogério Vilela (6’), Zé Maria (14’), Ricardinho (19’ e 22’), Micky (22’) e Miguel Almeida (25’ e 28’).
Alpendorada – Paulo Carvalho, Vítor Amorim, Tino, Edivaldo e Adriano.Suplentes utilizados: Emerson, Davide, Zé Mendes, Hélder Resende e Paulinho.
Treinador: José Vasconcelos.
Acção disciplinar: Cartão amarelo para Davide (16’).Golos: nada a registar.
Ao intervalo: 4-0

Voleibol - Portugal ganha

Portugal derrota Japão na estreia da Liga Mundial
Portugal tem vindo a revelar nos últimos anos uma apreciável progressão nesta modalidade. Agora com novo treinador, Orlando Samuels, em jogo hoje disputado em Guimarães na estreia da participação portuguesa na Liga Mundial desta época, Portugal derrotou o Japão em três sets com os parciais de 27-22, 27-25 e 25-22. Parabéns à equipa de Portugal que volta a defrontar os japoneses amanhã.

On this day in History - May 28

0585 BC - A solar eclipse occurs, as predicted by Thales, while Alyattes is battling Cyaxares, leading to a truce. This is one of the cardinal dates from which other dates can be calculated.
0640 Severinus begins his reign as Catholic Pope (elected in 638)
1156 Battle at Brindisi: King Willem of Sicily beats Byzantine fleet
1357 - King Afonso IV of Portugal dies (b. 1291).
1371 - John the Fearless, was born (d. 1419). Duke of Burgundy.
1503 - James IV of Scotland and Margaret Tudor are married by Pope Alexander VI according to Papal Bull.
1503 - Treaty of Everlasting Peace between Scotland and England is signed, which would actually last 10 years.
1524 - Selim II, was born (d. 1574). Ottoman Emperor.
1588 - Pierre Seguier, was born (d. 1672). Chancellor of France.
1588 - The Spanish Armada, with 130 ships and 30,000 men, begins to set sail from Lisbon heading for the English Channel. (It will take until May 30 for all ships to leave port).
1660 - King George I of Great Britain was born (d. 1727)
1738 - Joseph Ignace Guillotin, France, physician/inventor, guillotine .
1749 - Pierre Hubert Subleyras, dies (b. 1699). French painter specialized in Historical Subjects. Mass of St Basil
1754 - French and Indian War: In the first engagement of the war, Virginia militia under 22-year-old Lieutenant Colonel George Washington defeat a French reconnaissance party at Jumonville Glen in what is now Fayette Couty in southwestern Pennsylvania.
1759 - William Pitt the Younger, was born (d. 1806). Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
1774 - American Revolutionary War: The first Continental Congress convenes.
1779 - Thomas Moore, was born (d. 25 Feb 1852). Poet, lyricist (Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms, The Last Rose of Summer, Oft in the Stilly Night);
1799 - Nascimento de António Pereira de Sá Sotto Maior . Visconde de Milhaúdos - Portugal.
1804 - Napoleão Bonaparte é proclamado imperador da França
1805 - Luigi Boccherini, dies (b. 1743). Italian composer.
1807 - Louis Agassiz, was born (d. 1873). Zoologist and geologist.
1810 - Alexandre Calame, was born (d. 17 Mar 1864). Swiss painter, specialized in Landscapes
1811 - Henry Dundas, dies (b. 1742).
1st Viscount Melville, British minister.
1818 - Pierre Beauregard, was born. American Confederate general.
1836 - Alexander Mitscherlich, was born (d. 1918). Chemist.
1843 - Noah Webster, dies (b. 1758). American author, politician, and lexicographer.
1849 - Anne Brontë, dies (b. 1820). English author, sister of Charlotte and Emily Brontë.
1853 - Carl Olof Larsson, was born (d. 22 Jan 1919). Swedish painter, illustrator and printmaker. 1858 - Carl Rickard Nyberg, was born (d. 1939). Inventor.
1863 - American Civil War: The 54th Massachusetts, the first African American regiment, leaves Boston, Massachusetts to fight for the Union.
1884 - Edvard Benes, was born (d. 1948). Politician.
1884 - Foram inauguradas as instalações do Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa
1887 - Jim Thorpe, was born (d. 1953). Sportsman.
1892 - Sepp Dietrich, was born (d. 1966). SS officer, bodyguard of Adolf Hitler.
1892 - In San Francisco, California, John Muir organizes the Sierra Club.
1898 - O fotógrafo italiano Secondo Pia tira as primeiras fotografias do Santo Sudário.
1900 - Tommy Ladnier, was born (d. 1939). Jazz musician.
1900 - Boer War: The Orange Free State is annexedIn a proclamation timed to coincide with the Queen's birthday, General Lord Roberts renames the Orange Free State (Oranje Vrij Staat) as the Orange River Colony. Utrecht, in the Transvaal, also surrenders to the British.
1902 - Boer War: PeaceBoer negotiators are handed the final British proposals for the Boer surrender. The offer includes a general amnesty for all burghers except for rebels and those involved in (listed) war crimes. Rebel leaders are to be put on trial.
1903 - Foi inaugurada a iluminação eléctrica da cidade de Lisboa.
1905 - Russo-Japanese War: The Battle of Tsushima ends. The Russian Baltic Fleet was destroyed by Admiral Togo Heihachiro and the Imperial Japanese Navy.
1908 - Ian Fleming, was born (d. 12 Aug 1964). Author of James Bond books.
1910 - T-Bone Walker, was born (d. 1975). Blues singer.
1910 - Lady Rachel Kempson, was born (d. 2003). Actress.
1911 - Fritz Hochwälder, was born (d. 1986). Author.
1911 - Thora Hird, was born (d. 2003). British actress.
1911 - Portugal - Primeiras eleições legislativas do regime republicano. A legislação eleitoral é praticamente igual à da monarquia, não sendo estabelecido um sistema eleitoral democrático. Há 850.000 eleitores, dos quais só 60% votarão.
1912 - Hans Zassenhaus was born (d. 21 Nov 1991). German mathematician who did important work on Group Theory and Lie algebras. Author of Lehrbuch der Gruppentheorie (1937).
1912 - Patrick White, was born (d. 1990). Author.
1914 - W. G. G. Duncan Smith, was born (d. 1996). World War II pilot.
1915 - Joseph Greenberg, was born (d. 2001). Linguist.
1915 - Women in Berlin demonstrate for peace
1916 - Walker Percy, was born (d. 1990). Author.
1917 - Papa John Creech, was born (d. 1994). Musician.
1917 - Morte do arqueólogo argentino Juan Bautista Ambrosetti.
1918 - The first Republic of Armenia declares its statehood.
1918 - Independence day in the Azerbaijan Republic.
1918 - Fundação do Club Atlético Huracán Corrientes - Argentina
1921 - Heinz G. Konsalik, was born (d. 1999). Author.
1922 - Lou Duva, was born. Boxing trainer.
1923 - György Ligeti, was born. Composer.
1923 - Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao, was born (d. 1998). Actor, director, producer.
1923 - Henry Kissinger, was born. US presidential advisor
1925 - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, was born. German baritone.
1925 - Bülent Ecevit, was born. Prime Minister of Turkey .
1926 - Military dictatorship established in Portugal to suppress the unrest of the First Republic. Um golpe militar iniciado em Braga e comandado pelo general Gomes da Costa pôs fim à 1.ª República. Este golpe de Estado promoveu a instauração da ditadura militar em Portugal, a que a revolução de 25 de Abril de 1974 pôs fim.
1930 - The Chrysler Building in New York City officially opens.
1931 - Carroll Baker, was born. Actress .
1933 - Membros do Partido Nacional-Sindicalista, os «camisas azuis» chefiados por Rolão Preto, surgem fardados nas comemorações do 28 de Maio realizadas em Braga.
1934 - The Dionne quintuplets, was born. The world's first surviving quintuplets .
1934 - Near Callender, Ontario, the Dionne quintuplets are born to Olivia and Elzire Dionne, later becoming the first quintuplets to survive infancy.
1934 - The Glyndebourne festival in England is inaugurated.
1936 - Alan Turing submits On Computable Numbers for publication.
1936 - Betty Shabazz, was born. Civil rights leader and wife of Malcolm X.
1937 - The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California is officially opened by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in Washington, DC, who pushes a button signaling the start of vehicle traffic over the span.
1937 - Neville Chamberlain becomes British Prime Minister.
1938 - Osvaldo Romberg, was born. Painter, architect.
1938 - Jerry West, was born. Basketball star .
1940 - World War II: Belgium surrenders to Germany.
1940 - World War II: Norwegian, French, Polish and British forces recapture Narvik. First allied infantry victory in WW2.
1940 - Friedrich Karl von Hessen dies (b. 1868).
1941 - World War II: North Africa Max Schmeling, German ex-world heavyweight boxing champion, is captured whilst trying to flee British troops in Egypt.
1942 - World War II: In retaliation for the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, Nazis in Czechoslovakia kill over 1800 people.
1942 - World War II: North AfricaOperation Venezia:Colonel General Erwin Rommel begins his third offensive to push the British back into Egypt.
1944 - Rudy Giuliani, was born. Former mayor of New York City
1944 - Gladys Knight, was born. Singer.
1944 - Billy Vera, was born. Actor/musician
1945 - John Fogerty, was born. Musician ("Creedence Clearwater Revival")
1946 - K. Satchidanandan, was born. Poet.
1947 - Sondra Locke, was born. Actress
1948 - Unity Mitford, dies (b. 1914). Fascist sympathizer.
1949 - Wendy O. Williams, was born (d. 1998). Musician ("The Plasmatics").
1952 - É inaugurado no Porto o Estádio das Antas.
1955 - John McGeoch, was born (d. 4 Mar 2004). Scottish musician, Siouxsie and the Banshees.
1957 - Kirk Gibson, was born. Baseball player.
1961 - Peter Benenson's article "The Forgotten Prisoners" is published in several internationally read newspapers. This will later be thought of as the founding of the human rights organization Amnesty International. Amnesty International founded - (Nobel Peace Prize 1977)
1962 - Roland Gift, was born. Musician ("Fine Young Cannibals")
1962 - Brandon Cruz, was born. Actor .
1963 - Cyclone hits Chittagong, Bangladesh; about 1 million houses destroyed
1963 - Estimated 22,000 die in another cyclone in Bay of Bengal (India)
1963 - Jomo Kenyatta becomes 1st PM of Kenya.
1963 - Em Portugal, o tecto da estação ferroviária do Cais do Sodré desabou provocando um elevado número de mortos e ferido.
1963 - OTAN anuncia a instalação da base de comando da Zona Ibero­Atlântica em Portugal
1964 - Jeff Fenech, was born. Boxer.
1964 - Christa Miller, was born. Actress (The Drew Carey Show, Scrubs).
1964 - The Palestine Liberation Organization is formed.
1965 - Chris Ballew, was born. Musician.
1968 - Kylie Minogue, was born. Actress and singer.
1968 - Cornelis Theodorus Maria Kees van Dongen, dies (b. 26 Jan 1877). Dutch-born French Fauvist painter and printmaker. He was a member of Die Brücke
1969 - Sound engineer Glyn Johns mixes the second of the Beatles Bootlegs.
1969 - A. C. Milan wins 14th Champions Europe Cup in Madrid
1971 - Audie Murphy, dies (b. 1924). American actor and war hero.
1972 - King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom dies (b. 1894)
1974 - Northern Ireland's power-sharing Sunningdale Agreement collapses following a general strike by loyalists.
1975 - Fifteen West African countries sign the Treaty of Lagos thus creating the Economic Community of West African States.
1975 - Bayern Munchen wins 20th Champions Europe Cup in Paris
1975 - Portugal: - As sedes do MRPP são ocupadas pelo Comando Operacional do Continente (COPCON), comandado por Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, que prende alguns dos seus dirigentes.
1977 - In Southgate, Kentucky, the Beverly Hills Supper Club is engulfed in fire, killing 165 people inside.
1977 - Elisabeth Hasselbeck, was born. Television panelist.
1979 - European Market accepts Greece as member
1980 - Mark Feehily, was born. Member of the Irish boyband Westlife
1980 - Nottingham Forrest wins 25th Champions Europe Cup in Madrid
1980 - Rolf Nevanlinna, dies (b. 1895). Mathematician.
1982 - Falklands War: British forces defeat the Argentines at the Battle of Goose Green.
1983 - Hamburger ZV wins 28th Champions Europe Cup in Athens
1986 - Democratic Labor Party wins parliamentary election in Barbados
1987 - 19-year-old West German pilot Mathias Rust evades Soviet Union air defenses and lands a private plane in Red Square in Moscow. He is immediately detained and will later be released on August 3, 1988.
1987 - A robot probe finds the wreckage of the USS Monitor near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. 1988 - Morte do pintor italiano Alfredo Volpi
1990 - Eugenia Charles' Dom'n Freedom Party wins election in Dominica.
1990 - César Gaviria Trujillo installed as President of Colombia .
1991 - Ethiopians People's Revolutionary Democratic Front capture Addis Ababa.
1991 - Valeriu Muravschi assume o cargo de primeiro-ministro da Moldávia.
1993 - Billy Conn, dies (b. 1917). Boxer. W orld light heavyweight champion from 1939-41;
1993 - Polish government of Suchocka falls
1993 -Newly independent Eritrea becomes a member of the United Nations.
1994 - Julius Boros, dies (b. 1920). Golfer.
1994 - Ely Jacques Kahn, Jr., dies (b. 1916). American magazine writer.
1995 - Neftegorsk, Russia is hit by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake killing at least 2,000 people, 2/3 of the town's population.
1995 - An outbreak of the Ebola virus kills 153 people in Zaire.
1998 - Nuclear testing: Pakistan responds to a series of Indian nuclear tests with five of its own, prompting the United States, Japan, and other nations to impose economic sanctions.
1998 - Phil Hartman, diesd (b. 1948). Actor, comedian.
1999 - In Milan, Italy, after 22 years of restoration work, Leonardo de Vinci's newly-restored masterpiece "The Last Supper" is put back on display.
2000 - The volcano Mount Cameroon erupts.
2001 - Francisco Varela, dies (b. 1946). Chilean biologist and philosopher.
2002 - Jean Berger, dies (b. 1909). German-born composer.
2002 - Washington DC's medical examiner declares that Chandra Levy's death was the result of homicide.
2003 - Alexander Heimann, dies. Author.
2003 - Oleg Makarov, dies (b. 1933). Cosmonaut.
2003 - Martha Scott, dies (b. 1912). American actress.
2003 - Ilya Prigogine, dies (b. 1907). Winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry - 1977
2004 - The cable TV channels TechTV and G4 merge.
2004 - Reverend Thomas L. Gross canonically elected Administrator of the Diocese of Honolulu by the diocesan College of Consultors
2004 - Conselho de Governo iraquiano escolhe Iyad Allawi para o cargo de primeiro-ministro.
2004 - Paul McCartney abre o Rock in Rio Lisboa
2004 - Umberto Agnelli, dies (b. 1934). Italian businessman.
Republic Day in Azerbaijan and Armenia (both 1918)