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A grande contratação do Benfica : Simão Sabrosa

Grande movimento também no Sporting. Marek Cech no Porto.

José Veiga declara que o Benfica fez três grandes contratações: Karagounis, Miccolli e o maior de todos Simão Sabrosa! Foi a mais cara de todas : 18.000.000 Euros pagos em cash!

O Benfica esticou a corda até aos 20 milhões, o Liverpool chegou aos 18, o Benfica foi intransigente, Simão não saiu e ficou a "perder" 3 milhões de euros/ano, livre de impostos!!

Fico contente em termos desportivos que Simão fique (desde que não falhe mais penalties), mas daí a dizer-se que foi o maior reforço do Benfica?! É de facto inacreditável o que os senhores do futebol conseguem dizer.

Entretanto o último dia de inscrições de jogadores foi agitado e o Sporting também registou grande movimentação. Rochemback saiu para o Middlesbrough. Wender, como já havíamos dito ontem, ingressou no Sporting, mas a novidade do dia foi a contratação de João Alves(ex- Sp. Braga) por três anos.

Mas o Porto também inscreveu um novo jogador na Liga, o eslovaco Marek Čech que representava o Sparta de Praga. Tem 22 anos, 1,80 e actua preferencialmente no meio-campo

Rifoneiro Português

(Ed. Nº. 8 )

Por riqueza não te exaltes, por pobreza, não te rebaixes.

Simão a caminho do Liverpool

O melhor jogador do Benfica está a ser negociado para o Liverpool que já chegou aos 15 milhões de euros. Luís Filipe Vieira aumentou a fasquia para os 20! É muito dinheiro, de facto.

A verdade é que terminando hoje as inscrições o Benfica em vez de se reforçar como precisava corre é o risco de perder o melhor jogador. Depois de Miguel, vai Simão.

No Benfica, quem falha um penalty vai embora, dizia humoristicamente um adepto!

On this day in History - Aug 31

0012 - Caius Cæsar Caligula was born (d. 0041). 3rd Roman Emperor (0037-0041)
0161 - Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus was born (d. 0192). Roman Emperor (0180-0192).
0651 - Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne dies. Irish bishop and missionary
1056 - Byzantine Empress Theodora dies (b. 0981)
1056 - Byzantine Empress Theodora dies suddenly without children to succeed the throne, ending the Macedonian dynasty
1057 - Leofric dies. Count of Mercia and husband of Lady Godiva.
1158 - Sancho III dies. King of Castilia.
1218 - Al-Malik ab-Adil, Saphadin, Saif al-Din, brother of Saladin, died.
1290 - Edward I, King of England, expels the Jews from England.
1346 - Edward III, King of England, lays siege to Calais.
1422 - King Henry V of England dies (b. 1387)in Vincennes, near Paris
1522 -Adrian VI (Netherlands) is crowned last non-Italian Pope until 1978.
1535 - Pope Paul II deposes and excommunicates England's King Henry VIII.
1615 - Etienne Pasquier dies. French jurist and historian
1654 - Ole Worm dies (b. 1588). Danish physician
1663 - Guillaume Amontons was born (d. 1705). French physicist and instrument maker.
1688 - John Bunyan dies (b. 1628). English writer (Pilgrim's Progress)
1741 - Johann Gottlieb Heineccius dies (b. 1681). German jurist.
1772 - William Borlase dies (b. 1695). English naturalist and antiquary
1786 : Eugène Chevreul (1786-1889), chimiste français
1795 - Philidor (François-André Danican) dies (b. 1726). French chess player.
1797 - Ramón Castilla, presidente peruano.
1805 - Dr. James Currie dies. Biographer of Burns, 1805, Sidmouth;
1817 - Admiral Sir John Thomas Duckworth, 1817, Devonport.
1809 - Oswald Heer, géologue et naturaliste suisse († 27 Sep 1883)
1811 - Theophile Gautier was born (d. 1872). French poet and novelist. “Art for Art's Sake,”
1811 - Louis Antoine de Bougainville dies (b. 1729). French explorer.
1814 - Arthur Phillip dies (b. 1738). British admiral, first Governor of New South Wales.
1824 - Muere en Chile Juan Crisóstomo Lafinur, poeta y periodista nacido en San Luis, Argentina. Combatió junto al General Belgrano en la campaña al Alto Perú.
1834 - Amilcare Ponchielli was born (d. 1886). Italian composer.
1834 - Karl Ludwig Harding dies (b. 1765). German astronomer.
1864 - American Civil War: Union forces led by General William T. Sherman launch an assault on Atlanta, Georgia.
1864 - Muere el político socialista y filósofo Ferdinand Lasalle.
1867 - Charles Baudelaire dies (b. 1821). French poet.
1870 - Maria Montessori was born (d. 1952). Italian educator.
1875 - Jesse James Jr. was born in Tennessee (d. 26 Mar 1951). American outlaw.
1876 - Ottoman sultan Murat V is deposed and succeeded by his brother Abd-ul-Hamid II.
1878 - Frank Jarvis was born (d. 1933). American athlete.
1879 - Alma Mahler was born (d. 1964). Wife of Gustav Mahler, Walter Gropius, and Franz Werfel.
1879 - Nasce a pedagoga italiana María Montessori (d. 1952). Foi a primeira mulher em Itália en a formar-se em Medicina. Escreveu uma série de ensaios sobre educação que tiveram grande influencia na educação de varias geracões.
1880 - Queen Wilhelmina I of the Netherlands was born (d. 28 Nov 1962). She reigned from 1890-1947.
1885 - DuBose Heyward was born (d. 1940). American playwright.
1886 - Earthquake kills 100 in Charleston, South Carolina
1888 - Mary Ann Nicholls is murdered. She is perhaps the first of Jack the Ripper's victims
1890. Começo da construção do Santuário do Sameiro, nos arredores de Braga.
1895 - John Brallier is paid US$10 plus expenses to play football for the Latrobe, Pennsylvania YMCA, making him the first professional football player.
1897 - Thomas Edison patents the Kinetoscope, the first movie camera.
1897 - Fredric March was born (d. 1975). American actor.
1899 - Lynn Riggs, writer, was born. Her book “Green Grow the Lilacs” was adapted by Rodgers and Hammerstein to become “Oklahoma.”
1901 - Começam a circular os primeiros carros eléctricos em Lisboa.
1903 - Arthur Godfrey was born (d. 1983). American television host.
1903 - Vladimir Jankélévitch was born († 10 Apr 1985) . French philosopher
1907 - William Shawn was born (d. 1992). American editor.
1907 - Ramon Magsaysay was born (d. 1957). President of the Philippines.
1907 - England, Russia and France form the Triple Entente alliance.
1908 - William Saroyan was born in Fresco, California (d. 1981). American novelist and playwright. (The Human Comedy; The Time of Your Life 1940 Pulitzer Prize for Drama
1913 - Ambrós was born (d. 1992). Graphic creator (El Capitán Trueno).
1914 - Richard Basehart was born (d. 1984). American actor.
1914 - Ecuador becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.
1915 - Brazil becomes a signatory to the Buenos Aires copyright treaty.
1916 - Daniel Schorr was born. American journalist
1918 - Alan Jay Lerner was born (d. 1986). American composer.
1920 - First news radio program broadcast in Detroit, Michigan.
1920 - Polish-Bolshevik War: A decisive Polish victory in the Battle of Komarów.
1920 - Wilhelm Wundt dies (b. 1832). German philosopher and psycologist.
1921 - Emilinha Borba was born. Brazilian actress.
1924 - Buddy Hackett was born (d. 2003). American actor and comedian.
1928 - Turquía acuerda adoptar el alfabeto latino y abandonar el árabe.
1928 - James Coburn was born ( († 18 novembre 2002). American actor.
1931 - Noble Willingham was born (d. 2004). American actor.
1931 - Production of Ford Motor Company's Model A ends, with 4.3 million produced.
1935 - Frank Robinson was born. Baseball player and manager.
1935 - Eldridge Cleaver was born (d. 1998). American political activist.
1938 - Martin Bell was born. British journalist and politician.
1938 - Nasce Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho. Militar e político português.
1937 - Albert Heim was born. Swiss geologist.
1939 - Nazi Germany mounts a staged attack on Gleiwitz radio station, giving them an excuse to attack Poland the following day, starting World War II.
1941 - Marina Tsvetaeva dies (b. 1892). Russian poet.
1943 - The USS Harmon the first U.S. Navy ship to be named for a black person, is commissioned.
1945 - Sérgio Godinho was born in Oporto. Portuguese singer, composer and actor
1945 - Van Morrison was born. Irish musician
1945 - Itzhak Perlman was born. Israeli violinist
1947 - Carlos Gregório was born in Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian actor
1948 - Lowell Ganz was born. American screenwriter
1948 - Rudolf Schenker was born. German guitarist (Scorpions)
1949 - Richard Gere was born. American actor (Breathless, Cotton Club),
1949 - H. David Politzer was born. American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate
1955 - Edwin Moses was born. American athlet. ganador de la medalla de oro de los 400 metros con vallas en Montreal 76 y Los Ángeles 84.
1956 - Masashi Tashiro was born. Japanese television performer
1956 - Percy MacKaye dies in Cornish, New Hampshire. American writer: The Scarecrow (1908), a historical play; Caliban (1916), This Fine Pretty World (1923), The Mystery of Hamlet: King of Denmark (1945).
1957 - The Federation of Malaya gains its independence from the United Kingdom.
1958 - Edwin Moses was born. American athlete
1962 - Trinidad and Tobago become independent.
1963 - Georges Braque dies (b. 1882). French painter.
1968 - Todd Carty was born. British actor.
1969 - Rocky Marciano dies (b. 1923). American boxer.
1970 - Deborah Gibson was born. American singer
1972 - Chris Tucker was born. American actor.
1972 - Bobby Fischer se corona campeón mundial de Ajedrez ante el sovietico Boris Spassky.
1972 - At the Munich Summer Olympics American swimmer Mark Spitz won his fourth and fifth gold medals, in the 100-meter butterfly and 800-meter freestyle relay.
1972 - Olga Korbut, USSR, won Olympic gold medal in floor exercises and the balance beam.
1973 - John Ford dies (b. 1894). American film director.
1977 - Morre o cardeal-patriarca de Lisboa, Gonçalves Cerejeira
1977 - Craig Nicholls was born. Australian singer, songwriter, and guitarist (The Vines)
1977 - Jeff Hardy was born. American professional wrestler.
1978 -William and Emily Harris, founders of the Symbionese Liberation Army, plead guilty to the 1974 kidnapping of newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst.
1978 - Regiane (Kelly Lima) Alves was born in Santo André, São Paulo. Brazilian actress.
1979 - Sally Rand dies (b. 1904). American dancer and actress.
1979 - Vanessa Gleason was born in San Diego, California, USA. Playboy Playmate of the Month September 1998
1980 - The Solidarity trade union is formed in Poland.
1985 - A atleta portuguesa Aurora Cunha ganha a meia maratona internacional de Oslo.
1985 - Richard Ramirez, the "Night Stalker" serial killer, is arrested in Los Angeles, California.
1985 - Frank Macfarlane Burnet dies (b. 1899). Australian biologist.
1986 - Henry Moore dies (b. 1898). English sculptor.
1986 - Urho Kekkonen dies (b. 1900). President of Finland.
1986 - An Aeroméxico Douglas DC-9 collides with a Piper PA-28 over Cerritos, California, killing 67 in the air and 15 on the ground.
1986 - The Soviet passenger liner Admiral Nakhimov sinks in the Black Sea after colliding with the bulk carrier Pyotr Vasev, killing 398.
1989 - Buckingham Palace officials confirm that Princess Anne and Captain Mark Phillips are to be separated.
1991 - Kyrgyzstan declares its independence from the Soviet Union.
1992 - Pascal Lissouba is inaugurated as the President of the Republic of the Congo after a multiparty presidential election, ending a long history of one-party oppressive rule under the Congolese Workers Party.
1992 - Dr. Florencio Escardó morre em Buenos Aires. Decano da Faculdade de Medicina e Vice-reitor da Universidade de Buenos Aires.
1993 - Venezuela president Carlos Perez fled.
1994 - The Provisional Irish Republican Army declares a ceasefire.
1997 - Diana, Princess of Wales, dies in a car crash in Paris.
1997 - Diana, Princess of Wales dies (car accident) (b. 1961)
1997 - Dodi Fayed dies (car accident) (b. 1955). Egyptian-born film producer.
1997 - Morre o locutor e animador argentino de radio e televisão Guillermo Brizuela Méndez.
1998 - North Korea reportedly launchs Kwangmyongsong, its first satellite.
1999 - The first of a series of Russian Apartment Bombings in Moscow, killing one person and wounding 40 others.
2002 - Lionel Hampton dies (b. 1908). American vibraphone player.
2004 - Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ is released on DVD and VHS in stores across the United States, selling approximately 4.1 million copies by the end of the day.
2004 - Carl Wayne dies (b. 1943). English singer.
Malaysia: Hari Merdeka, a National Day
Independence Day for Trinidad and Tobago (1962)
Moldova: Day of Our Language (Limba Noastra)
BlogDay: International Day of Blogs and Bloggers


Karagounis e Miccolli no Benfica. Wender no Sporting

Não há fome que não dê em fartura. O Benfica contratou dois "números 10" isto é dois jogadores de apoio ao ponta de lança. Ponta de lança é que não foi possível arranjar!

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Karagounis representava o Inter e assinou contrato por três temporadas a "custo zero". Foi o marcador do 1º. golo do Euro 2004 e é Campeão da Europa pela Grécia (tal como Fyssas que o Benfica, dispensou!). Giorgios Karagounis nasceu a 6 de Março de 1977 em Pyrgos, na Grécia, é centrocampista. Tem 1,76m e cerca de 74 Kg. Desde 1998/99 representou o Panathinaikos, passando para o Inter em 2003/2004

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Foi difícil convencer a Juventus a emprestar Miccolli ao Benfica por uma época, tendo o Benfica a opção de compra do jogador no fim do empréstimo por cerca de 5 milhões de Euros. Fabrizio Miccolli nasceu no dia 27 de Junho de 1979 em S. Donato, província de Lecce; tem 1,68 m e 64 Kg é avançado. Miccolli jogou na época 2002/03 no Perugia tendo marcado 9 golos em 34 jogos.
Na época seguinte passou para a Juventus onde participou em 25 jogos, marcando 8 golos na prova nacional e fez 6 jogos na Liga dos Campeões marcando 1 golo. Na época passada representou a Fiorentina tendo obtido 12 golos em 35 jogos. É um jogador de baixa estatura (tipo Rui Barros) forte no um para um. Em 2004 num jogo particular entre a selecção de Portugal e Itália marcou um dos golos da vitória italiana por 2-1.
Entretanto no mercado interno o bracarense Wender sempre acabou por ir parar a Alvalade, assegurando o Sp. de Braga por sua vez o brasileiro Rossato que estava ao serviço da Real Sociedade.

On this day in History - Aug 30

30 a.C. - Cleópatra VII do Egipto dies (suicide)
0711 - K'inich K'an Joy Chitam king of Palenque, disappears from history. He was probably taken prisoner by a rivalling city state
1158 - King Sancho III of Castile dies (b. 1134)
1181 - Rolando Bandinelli (Pope Alexander III) dies
1334 - King Peter I of Castile was born (d. 1369) . King of Castile (1349-1369)
1428 - Emperor Shoko of Japan dies. (b. 1401)
1464 -Início do pontificado do Papa Paulo II
1483 - King Louis XI of France (b. 1423) . King of France (1461-1483)
1574 - Guru Ram Das became the Fourth Sikh Guru/Master
1585 - Andrea Gabrieli dies. Italian composer.
1590 - Tokugawa Ieyasu enters Edo Castle. (Traditional Japanese date: August 1, 1590).
1619 - Shimazu Yoshihiro dies (b. 1535). Japanese samurai and warlord.
1748 - Jacques-Louis David was born (d. 1825). French painter
1751 - Christopher Polhem dies (b. 1661). Swedish scientist and inventor
1773 - Nicolau Nasoni dies. Italian architect who has several important works in Portugal.
1797 - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley was born (d. 1851). English writer ( Frankenstein).
1808 -Assinatura da convenção de Sintra, que põe termo à Primeira Invasão Francesa.
1813 - Battle of Kulm - French forces defeated by Austrian-Prussian-Russian alliance
1813 - Creek War: Creek Red Sticks carried out the Fort Mims Massacre.
1820 - Aprovação da Constituição da Colômbia
1839 - Gulstan Ropert was born (d. 1903). French Catholic prelate.
1848 - Costa Rica proclama su independencia. José María Castro Madriz se convierte en el primer presidente de Costa Rica (1848-49). Se lo considera fundador de la República.
1850 - Honolulu, Hawaii becomes a city
1852 - Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff was born (d. 1911). Dutch chemist, Nobel Prize laureate 1871 - Ernest Rutherford, 1st Baron Rutherford of Nelson was born (d. 1937). New Zealand physicist, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908.
1856 - Gilbert Abbott à Beckett dies (b. 1811). English writer
1857 - Inauguración de la primera línea ferroviaria en la República Argentina: La Porteña
1862 - Battle of Richmond, Kentucky - Confederates under Edmund Kirby Smith rout a Union army under General Horatio Wright
1862 - Union forces defeated in Second Battle of Bull Run
1870 - Bernardo de Sá Nogueira de Figueiredo assume o cargo de primeiro-ministro de Portugal
1879 - John Bell Hoodv dies (b. 1831). American Confederate general
1883 - Angela Peralta was born in Mazatlán, Sinaloa.
1884 - Theodor Svedberg was born (d. 1971). Swedish chemist, Nobel Prize laureate
1893 - Huey Long was born (d. 1935). American politician
1896 - Raymond Massey was born (d. 1983). Canadian actor
1896 - Nascimento de Luiz Damasco Penna. Educador brasileiro.
1898 - Shirley Booth was born (d. 1992). American actress
1901 - Roy Wilkins was born (d. 1981). American civil rights leader
1902 - Nace en Buenos Aires el poeta, escritor, periodista y director de teatro Leónidas Barletta (m. 15 Mar 1975), perteneciente al Grupo Boedo. En 1930 fundó el Teatro del Pueblo, precursor del teatro indepeniente "Los pobres", "La ciudad de un hombre" e "Historia de perros". En 1930 fundó el Teatro del Pueblo, precursor del teatro independiente.
1903 - Muere en Buenos Aires el historiador Vicente Fidel López (n. 24 Abr 1815). "La novia del hereje" "Autobiografía".
1904 - Se funda el club Atlético Uruguay, de Concepción del Uruguay, provincia de Entre Ríos, Argentina.
1906 - Se funda el club Argentino de Merlo, en la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1906 - Joan Blondell was born (d. 1979). American actress.
1907 - Richard Mansfield dies (b. 1857). American actor and manager
1908 - Fred MacMurray was born (d. 1991). American actor
1908 - Se funda el club Gimnasia y Esgrima 1908, de Mendoza, Argentina.
1909 - Burgess Shale fossils discovered by Charles Doolittle Walcott
1912 - Edward Mills Purcell was born (d. 1997). American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate
1914 - Battle of Tannenberg
1916 - Se funda el club Independiente, de Trelew, Chubut, Argentina.
1918 - Fanya Kaplan, an assassin, shot and seriously injured Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin. This, along with the assassination of Bolshevik senior official Moisei Uritsky days earlier, prompted the decree for Red Terror.
1918 - Ted Williams was born (d. 2002). B baseball player (d. 2002)
1919 - Kitty Wells was born. American singer
1921 - António Joaquim Granjo assume o cargo de primeiro-ministro de Portugal
1922 - Battle of Dumlupinar, final battle in Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922) ("Turkish War of Independence")
1922 - Lionel Murphy was born. Australian politician and judge
1925 - Laurent de Brunhoff was born. French writer and illustrator
1927 - Geoffrey Beene was born. American fashion designer
1928 - Wilhelm Wien dies (b. 1864). German physicist, Nobel Prize laureate in 1906.
1930 - Warren Buffett was born. American entrepreneur
1930 - Jerry Tarkanian was born. American basketball coach
1935 - John Phillips was born. American singer (The Mamas and the Papas) (d. 2001)
1935 - Henri Barbusse dies (b. 1873). French novelist and journalist.
1939 - John Peel was born. English radio disc jockey (d. 2004)
1940 - J.J. Thomson dies (b. 1856). English physicist, Nobel Prize laureate
1941 - Ben Jones was born. was born. American actor and politician
1941 - Nélson Xavier was born. Brazilian actor
1941 - Siege of Leningrad begins
1942 - World War II: Battle of Alam Halfa began
1943 - Jean-Claude Killy was born.French skier
1943 - R. Crumb was born. American cartoonist.
1943 - Father Eustaquio van Lieshout dies (b. 1890). Dutch Catholic priest.
1944 - Molly Ivins was born. American political humorist
1945 - Hong Kong is liberated from Japan by British Forces
1945 - Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, General Douglas MacArthur lands at Atsugi Air Force Base.
1947 - Peggy Lipton was born. American actress
1948 - Lewis Black was born. American comedian
1951 - Timothy Bottoms was born. American actor
1951 - Dana (singer) was born. Irish singer and politician
1954 - Alexander Lukashenko was born. President of Belarus
1959 - Mark 'Jacko' Jackson was born. Australian footballer and actor
1961 - España, Ladislao Kubala se retira como jugador de fútbol.
1961 - Charles Coburn dies (b. 1877). American actor.
1962 - Japan conducts a test of the NAMC YS-11, its first aircraft since the war and its only successful commercial aircraft from before or after the war.
1963 - Hotline between U.S. and Soviet leaders goes into operation
1963 - Paul Oakenfold was born. British disc jockey
1965 - Casey Stengel announces his retirement from baseball
1965 - Rock musician Bob Dylan releases his influencial album Highway 61 Revisited featuring the song "Like a Rolling Stone."
1967 - Thurgood Marshall confirmed as the first African American Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
1970 - Paulo Sousa was born. Portuguese footballer.
1972 - Cameron Diaz was born. American actress .
1972 - Kaya Brüel was born. Danish actress.
1972 - Pavel Nedved was born. Czech footballer
1974 - Aaron Barrett was born. American guitarist and singer (Reel Big Fish)
1975 - Vasco Gonçalves é demitido do cargo de primeiro-ministro.
1975 - Francisco Morales Bermúdez assume a presidência do Peru
1976 - Tom Brokaw becomes news anchor of the Today Show
1979 - Nascimento de Juan Ignacio Chela (tenista argentino)
1981 - Atentado mata o presidente do Irã, Mohammad Ali Rajai.
1981 - Vera-Ellen dies (b. 1921). American actress.
1982 - Andy Roddick was born. American tennis player.
1985 - Taylor Caldwell dies (b. 1900). English-born author.
1990 - Tatarstan declares independence from the RSFSR
1991 - Azerbaijan declares independence from the USSR
1991 - Jean Tinguely dies (b. 1925). Swiss painter and sculptor.
1991 - Lançamento do satéllite japonês Yohkoh
1992 - Michael Schumacher wins his first Formula One race at the Belgian Grand Prix.
1993 - The Late Show with David Letterman debuts on CBS.
1993 - El rey Hassan II de Marruecos inaugura en Casablanca la Gran Mezquita que lleva su nombre, la mayor después de la de La Meca.
1994 - Lindsay Anderson dies (b. 1923). English film director.
1995 - Agepê dies (b. 1942). Brazilian singer.
1995 -Mário Soares recebe o Prémio Príncipe das Astúrias de Cooperação Internacional.
1999 - East Timorese vote for independence in a referendum.
2002 - The Tandy Center Subway in Fort Worth, Texas ceases to operate.
2002 - China ratifica o Protocolo de Kyoto
2003 - O marroquino Jaouad Gharib vence a maratona do Mundial de Atletismo - Paris - França.
2003 - Charles Bronson dies (b. 1921). American actor
2003 - Donald Davidson dies (b. 1917). American philosopher
2004 - Fred Lawrence Whipple dies (b. 1906). American astronomer.
2004 - O jogador Luís Fabiano (São Paulo) assina contrato com o Porto, Portugal
Victory Day in Turkey (to commemorate the Battle of Dumlupinar in 1922)
Saint Rose of Lima's Day in Peru and Philipines


Declarações explosivas de Toni sobre o Benfica

Toni não diz nada de especial que qualquer leitor atento ao fenómeno recente do futebol do Benfica não veja. Mas vindo de quem vem, de um assumido benfiquista, treinador de futebol e que sempre foi ponderado nas suas afirmações a situação é objecto de relevância especial - é sinal de que o Benfica está mesmo muito mal.

«Koeman não tem modelo de jogo»;

«Os problemas do Benfica não serão resolvidos por um número nove e um número dez. Andar com um saco de caramelos para comprar jogadores num mercado de milhões é realmente difícil, é impensável para o Benfica»;

«O Benfica não tem um modelo de jogo, não tem ainda uma ideia de jogo, e isso é que é mais preocupante. O treinador tinha um sistema táctico definido mas não um modelo de jogo";

" A partir do encontro com o Chelsea o Benfica parece que regrediu"

são algumas das declarações de Toni.

Koeman tem efectivamente revelado que nada sabe do futebol português. Tem um sistema tactico e à força quer aplicá-lo no Benfica independentemente de não ter jogadores com as características requeridas pelo mesmo.

Pois é, Trapattoni nem sabes o que fizeste pelo Benfica. Nunca te vi queixar de jogadores que faltavam. O que é certo é que foste campeão. O Benfica não jogava bem?

Pois temo que o Benfica dentro de mais 2 jogos tenha a época arrumada. O próximo jogo é com o Sporting e pode ficar a 8 pontos (ou 7 se empatar) do Porto e do próprio Sporting. Depois joga em casa com o Lille e se não ganha esse jogo pode dizer adeus à continuidade na Liga dos Campeões.
Depois será ver o resto do campeonato (por isso, quase o campeonato todo) com o Estádio da Luz "às moscas". Adeus "kits" de sócio : o prazo de validade está-se a esgotar.

Quanto às promessas dos "craques" subscrevo o que se escreve em Benfica do futuro: O Benfica está mal. Mas se só há "um saco de caramelos" porque motivo prometeram 3 ou 4 jogadores de grande categoria, categoria essa que até íamos ficar admirados. Vejam lá!

On this day in History - Aug 29

0708 - Copper coins are minted in Japan for the first time (Traditional Japanese date: August 10, 708)
0886 - Basil I dies (b. 0811). Byzantine Emperor.
1093 - Hugh I, Duke of Burgundy dies (b. 1057).
1261 - Urban IV becomes Pope, the last man to do so without being a Cardinal first.
1395 - Duke Albert III of Austria dies (b. 1349).
1435 - Isabeau de Bavière dies (b. 1371). Queen of Charles VI of France.
1471 - D. Afonso V, rei de Portugal, conquista Tânger, em Marrocos.
1475 - Treaty of Picquigny ends a brief war between France and England
1484 - Pope Innocent VIII, a staunch supporter of the Spanish Inquisition, is elected Pope
1521 - The Ottoman Turks capture Nándorfehérvár, now known as Belgrade
1526 - Battle of Mohács: The Ottoman Turks led by Suleiman the Magnificent defeat and kill the last Jagiellonian king of Hungary and Bohemia
1533 - Atahualpa dies. Last Inca ruler of Peru.
1541 - The Ottoman Turks capture Buda, the capital of the Hungarian Kingdom .
1619 - Jean-Baptiste Colbert was born (d. 1683). French minister of finance.
1628 - John Granville, 1st Earl of Bath was born (d. 1701). English royalist statesman.
1632 - John Locke was born (d. 1704). English philosopher.
1657 - John Lilburne dies. English dissenter.
1712 - Gregory King dies (b. 1648). English statistician.
1730 - Nascimento de Antonio Francisco Lisboa (Aleijadinho). Escultor brasileiro.
1756 - Frederick the Great attacks Saxony, beginning the Seven Years' War
1756 - Heinrich Graf von Bellegarde was born (d. 1845). Austrian field marshal and statesman
1769 - Edmund Hoyle dies (b. 1672). English author and teacher.
1780 - Jacques-Germain Soufflot dies (b. 1713). French architect.
1780 - Jean Ingres was born (d. 1867). French painter.
1786 - Shays' Rebellion, an armed uprising of Massachusetts farmers, begins in response to high debt and tax burdens.
1799 - Pope Pius VI [Giovanni A Braschi] dies (b. 1717). Italian Pope (1775-99).
1805 - Frederick Maurice was born (d. 1872). English theologian.
1809 - Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. was born (d. 1894). American physician and writer.
1810 - Juan Bautista Alberdi was born in Tucumán (d. 1884). Argentine politician and writer (“Bases y punto de partida para la organización política de la República Argentina").
1825 - Reconhecimento da independência do Brasil por Portugal.
1842 - Tratado de Nanking, que abre a China à penetração estrangeira.
1842 - The Tokugawa shogunate orders the local daimyō to begin providing foreign ships with fresh water and supplies when requested. (Traditional Japanese date: July 24, 1842)
1843 - David B. Hill was born (d. 1910). Governor of New York.
1862 - Andrew Fisher was born (d. 1928). Fifth Prime Minister of Australia
1862 - Maurice Maeterlinck was born (d. 1949). Belgian writer who was the 1911 Nobel Prize in Literature laureate.
1862 - Battle of Aspromonte - Italian royal forces defeat rebels
1871- Emperor Meiji orders the abolition of the han system and the establishment of prefectures as local centers of administration. (Traditional Japanese date: July 14, 1871)
1871 - Albert Lebrun was born. President of France (1932-1940)
1874 - Manuel Machado was born. Spanish poet.
1876 - Charles F. Kettering was born (d. 1958). American inventor.
1877 - Brigham Young dies (b. 1801). American religious leader and western settler
1885 - Gottlieb Daimler patents the world's first motorcycle.
1891 - Morre, em Sintra, José Maria Latino Coelho (n. 29 Nov 1825). Historiador e deputado português.
1895 - The formation of the Northern Rugby Union at the George Hotel, Huddersfield.
1895 - Francisco Navarro Villoslada dies. Spanish writer and ideologist.
1896 - Chop suey is invented in New York City
1898 - Goodyear tire company is founded.
1898 - Preston Sturges was born (d. 1959). American screenwriter.
1904 - Werner Forssman was born. German urologist (Nobel 1956) .
1904 - 3rd modern Olympic Games opens in St Louis
1904 - Murad V dies (b. 1840). Ottoman Sultan
1907 - The Quebec Bridge collapses during construction, killing 75 workers
1910 - Japan changes Korea's name to Chōsen and appoints a governor-general to rule its new colony.
1911 - Ishi, considered the last Native American to make contact with whites, emerges from the wilderness of northeastern California
1914 - Alfonso Quiñónez Molina assume a presidência de El Salvador
1915 - Ingrid Bergman was born (d.29 Aug 1982). Swedish actress.
1916 - George Montgomery was born (d. 2000). American actor.
1917 - Isabel Sanford was born (d. 2004). American actress.
1920 - Charlie Parker was born (d. 1955). American jazz saxophonist and composer
1923 - The Lord Attenborough was born. English film director.
1924 - Dinah Washington was born (d. 1963). American singer.
1924 - Consuelo Velázquez was born (d. 2005)., Mexican songwriter.
1926 - Fada Santoro was born. Brazilian actress.
1929 - El dirigible alemán Graf Zeppelin realiza el primer vuelo alrededor del mundo.
1930 - the last 36 remaining inhabitants of St Kilda voluntarily evacuated to Scotland.
1930 - William Archibald Spooner dies (b. 1844). English writer.
1933 - Portugal: É criada a Polícia de Vigilâncioa e Defesa do Estado (PVDE), antepassada da PIDE-DGS.
1933 - Arnold Koller was born. Swiss Federal Councilor.
1935 - Queen Astrid of Belgium dies (b. 1905)
1936 - John McCain was born. American politician
1937 - James Florio was born. Governor of New Jersey
1938 - Robert Rubin was born. United States Secretary of the Treasury
1938 - Elliott Gould was born. American actor
1939 - William Friedkin was born. American film director
1939 - Joel Schumacher was born. American film director
1940 - Gary Gabelich was born. Race car driver and land world speed record holder
1941 - Robin Leach was born. English television host.
1943 - Edu Lobo (Euardo de Góis Lobo) was born. Brazilian music, songwriter and singer.
1943 - German-occupied Denmark scuttles most of its navy; Germany dissolves Danish government
1944 - Slovak National Uprising takes place as 60,000 Slovak troops turn against the Nazi rulers.
1945 - Adolfo Castelo was born. Argentine journalist and television host.
1946 - Bob Beamon was born. American jumper
1947 - James Hunt was born in Sutton, Surrey (d. 14 Jun 1993). English F1 car racer (1973 - 1979): 92 GPs (10 times winner); World Champion.
1947 - Manolete dies (b. 1917). Spanish bullfighter
1949 - Soviet atomic bomb project: The Soviet Union tests its first atomic bomb, known as First Lightning or Joe 1, at Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan.
1952 - Premiere of John Cage's 4'33" in Woodstock, New York
1958 - United States Air Force Academy opens in Colorado Springs, Colorado
1958 - Michael Jackson was born. American singer and songwriter
1959 - Ernesto Rodrigues was born. Portuguese composer
1959 - Timothy Perry Shriver was born. American chairman of the Special Olympics
1959 - Ramón Díaz was born. Argentine player and coach (National Team).
1961 - Nascimento de Cássio Gabus Mendes. Actor brasileiro.
1962 - Rebecca De Mornay was born. American actress
1966 - Last Beatles concert, in San Francisco
1966 - Execution of Sayyid Qutb, an important theoretician of the Egyptian Muslim Broherhood.
1966 - Sayyid Qutb dies (b. 1906). Egyptian theoretician
1969 - Me'Shell NdegéOcello was born. American singer
1969 - Joe Swail was born. Irish snooker player
1970 - Alessandra Negrini was born. Brazilian actress.
1972 - Lale Andersen dies (b. 1905). German singer.
1975 - É assinado em Lisboa um acordo de cessar-fogo entre o MPLA e a UNITA (Angola)
1975 - Eamon de Valera dies (b. 1882). President of Ireland (1959-1973).
1975 - Perú: Francisco Morales Bermúdez encabeza un golpe de estado contra el gobierno del entonces presidente, Juan Velasco Alvarado.
1976 - Luana Piovani was born. Brazilian model and actress and model.
1976 - Dahl Tomasson was born in Roskild, Denmark. Footballer.
1978 - Em Portugal dá-se a tomada de posse do III Governo Constitucional, presidido por Nobre da Costa.
1980 - David Desrosiers was born. Canadian musician (Simple Plan)
1980 - Morre Bernardo Santareno, um dos maiores dramaturgos portugueses do século XX.
1981 - Lowell Thomas dies (b. 1892). American writer and broadcaster
1982 - Ingrid Bergman dies on 67th birthday (b. 29 Aug 1915). Swedish, academy award winning actress.
1982 - The synthetic chemical element Meitnerium, atomic number 109, is first synthesized at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany.
1986 - Johanna Nieto was born. American model.
1987 - Lee Marvin dies (b. 1924). American actor .
1987 - Em Roma, a atleta portuguesa Rosa Mota sagra-se bicampeã Europeia da maratona
1989 - Peter Scott dies (b. 1909). English explorer, naturalist, and painter.
1991 - Supreme Soviet suspends all activities of the Soviet Communist Party
1995 - NATO launched Operation Deliberate Force against Bosnian Serb forces.
1995 - Reinaldo Silva dies shot. Brazilian journalist.
1995 - Enrique Carreras dies. Argentine film director.
1996 - A Vnukovo Airlines Tupolev Tu-154 crashes into a mountain on the Arctic island of Spitsbergen, killing all 141 aboard
1997 - At least 98 villagers killed by the GIA in the Rais massacre, Algeria
1997 - Serial killer Angel Maturino Resendiz bludgeons to death Christopher Maier of Lexington, Kentucky, the first of nine victims.
2001 - Susana Feitor, atleta portuguesa, conquista a medalha de prata nos 10Km marcha das XXI Universíadas de Pequim.
2001 - Dá-se inicio à maior lan party realizada em Portugal, a Minho Campus Party
2001 - Francisco Rabal dies. Spanish actor
2003 - Ayatollah Sayed Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim dies (b. 1939). Iraqi political leader.
2003 - Ayatollah Sayed Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim, the Shia Muslim leader in Iraq, was assassinated in a terrorist bombing that killed him along with nearly 100 worshippers as they were leaving a mosque in Najaf.
2004 - End of the 2004 Summer Olympics in Atenas.
2004 - O alemão Michael Schumacher sagra-se pela 7ª. vez Campeão do Mundo de Fórmula 1 após o Grande Prémio da Bélgica disputado no circuito de de Spa-Francorchamps.
2004 - Hans Vonk dies (b. 1942). Dutch conductor.
Eastern Orthodox Christianity commemorates the beheading of John the Baptist with a feast day Slovak National Uprising Day, Slovakia
Brasil: Dia Nacional de Combate ao Fumo.


Sporting ganha na Madeira

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Marítimo 1 - 2 Sporting

A diferença entre Youssouf e Liedson fez o resultado

O Sporting que perdeu os quatro jogos da época passada disputados com as equipas madeirenses deslocava-se aos Barreiros depois da eliminação da Liga dos Campeões e com a pressão adicional do chamado "episódio Ricardo" substituido por Nelson.

O Sporting apresentou-se no seu estilo habitual de controlo de bola e a assumir as despesas do jogo com o Marítimo a tomar uma posição de maior expectativa. Aos 4' Deivid disfrutava da 1ª. oportunidade mas o remate foi à figura de Marcos.

Aos 10' um centro remate da esquerda de Liedson leva a bola ao poste de Marcos.

A superioridade territorial era leonina mas, como vem acontecendo, a eficácia é fraca.

Aos 45' boa combinação, Liedson na esquerda assiste Douala no centro mas o remate sai para fora, perdendo-de mais uma excelente oportunidade de "facturar".

Na segunda parte as preocupações defensivas do Marítimo aumentam, mas os contra-ataques começam a surgir. Youssouf é isolado em posição frontal (55') mas desperdiça rematando frouxo e não conseguindo iludir Nelson. Os treinadores começam com a dança das substituições. Entra Sá Pinto no Sporting saindo Rochembach (61'). No Marítimo entra Filipe Oliveira para o lugar de Walter Júnior

Passe do centro para a meia-direita para Liedson que no limite da legalidade baila e troca as voltas ao defesa esquerdo e remata cruzado fazendo inaugurar o marcador, aos 68'.

O Marítimo responde com mais uma oportunidade de Youssouf isolado (71') e volta a perder no confronto com Nelson; mas Liedson não desaproveita , bola lançada em profundidade disputa o lance com Marcos que ainda toca na bola mas ressalta para o avançado do Sporting que perante a baliza deserta e apenas com um estorvo (mais do que oposição) de um defesa maritimista faz o 0-2. O jogo estava resolvido.

O Marítimo já "com o fogo no rabo" finalmente apostava no ataque com elementos ofensivos (Marcinho entrou para o lugar de Van der Gaag) e mais tarde o perdulário Youssouf fora substituido por Rincon. Pois numa bola metida para a área leonina Rogério falha a intercepção, bola sobra para Rincon que marca com um remate cruzado sem hipóteses para Nelson. Estavamos no minuto 90. Mais cinco minutos para jogar, alguma intranquilidade leonina mas o jogo terminou com o triunfo justo da equipa que mais quis e mais fez para ganhar.

A arbitragem esteve bem num jogo sem casos (ainda assim houve um protesto do banco leonino numa bola na área de Liedson, mas que a meu ver não se justificou) e só com um cartão amarelo para Luís Loureiro (2').

Ficha do jogo:

Estádio: Estádio dos Barreiros
Árbitros: João Ferreira, Aux - Pais António e Venâncio Tomé

Marítimo: Marcos; Ferreira, Van der Gaag (76'), Nuno Morais e Briguel; Fahel, Wénio, Komac e Walter Júnior (67'); Manduca e Youssouf (81'). Jogaram ainda: Filipe Oliveira (67'), Marcinho (76') e Rincon (81').

Sporting: Nélson, Rogério, Beto, Polga e Edson; João Moutinho, Rochemback (61'), Luís Loureiro (78') e Douala; Deivid (74') e Liedson. Jogaram ainda: Sá Pinto (61') , Nani (75') e Tonel (78')

Golos: Liedson 1-0 (68') ; Liedson 2-0 (83') ; Rincon 2-1 (90')

Cartão amarelo para Luís Loureiro (2')

On this day in History - Aug 28

0430 - Augustine of Hippo dies (b. 0354), North African saint and theologian / Morte de Santo Agostinho.
0475 - The Pannonian general Orestes forces western Roman Emperor Julius Nepos to flee his capital of Ravenna and appoints Romulus Augustus in his place.
0489 - Theodoric, king of the Ostrogoths defeats Odoacer at the Battle of Isonzo, forcing his way into Italy.
1025 - Emperor Go-Reizei of Japan was born (d. 1068)
1481 - King Afonso V of Portugal dies in Sintra (b. 1432)
1484 - Portugal: O duque de Bragança é degolado na praça de Évora.
1498 - Portugal: Morte de D. Beatriz. Esposa de D. Manuel I
1521 - The Turks occupy Belgrade
1551 - Um violento tremor de terra atinge Lisboa.
1565 - St. Augustine, Florida, established. It is the oldest surviving European settlement in the United States.
1578 - Portugal: Sobe ao trono o Cardeal D. Henrique . Rei de Portugal (28 de Agosto de 1578 até à data da sua morte, em 31 de Janeiro de 1580).
1609 - Henry Hudson discovers Delaware Bay.
1612 - Marcus Zuerius van Boxhorn was born (d. 1653). Dutch scholar
1619 - Ferdinand II is elected emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
1645 - Grotius, dies (b. 1583). Dutch jurist.
1676 - Morte do compositor espanhol Juan Cererols
1749 - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born (d. 1832). German writer and scientist (“Fausto")
1774 - Elizabeth Ann Seton was born (d. 1821). First American-born Catholic saint.
1784 - Junípero Serra dies (b. 1713). Spanish Franciscan friar and missionary.
1810 - Portugal: Devido à explosão do paiol, a fortaleza de Almeida rende-se ao exército comandado pelo marechal Massena, no começo do que será a Terceira Invasão Francesa.
1814 - Sheridan le Fanu was born (d. 1873). Irish writer.
1818 - Jean Baptiste Point du Sable dies. Founder of Chicago.
1821- O general José de San Martín funda a Biblioteca Nacional del Perú doando para a mesma a sua biblioteca particular.
1821 - Argentina : O Governador de Buenos Aires, general Martín Rodríguez (1771-1845) cria o Archivo General de la Nación.
1828 - Leo Tolstoy was born (d. 1910). Russian writer.
1828 - Uruguay es declarado estado independiente mediante la Convención Preliminar de Paz.
1830 - The Tom Thumb presages the first railway service in the United States.
1837 - Morte de João Nepomuceno de Macedo (n. 15 Mai 1793). Barão de São Cosme - Portugal.
1839 - William Smith dies (b. 1769). English geologist.
1845 - Scientific American magazine publishes first issue
1849 - After a siege of over one month, Venice, which had declared itself independent, surrenders to Austria.
1849 - Benjamin Godard was born (d. 1895). French composer.
1850 - Richard Wagner's opera Lohengrin premieres in Weimar, Germany.
1862 - Second Battle of Bull Run- also known as the battle of Second Manassas
1867 - The United States occupies Midway Island.
1867 - Umberto Giordano was born (d. 1948). Italian compose.
1878 - George Hoyt Whipple was born (d. 1 Feb 1976). American physician. 1934 Nobel Prize in Medicine
1879 - Cetshwayo, last king of the Zulus, is captured by the British.
1884 - First known photograph of a tornado is made.
1888 - Nascimento de Eduardo Santos Montejo. Presidente da Colômbia (1938-1942)
1894 - Karl Böhm was born (d. 1981). Austrian conductor.
1896 - Morte de Antonio Rafael Pinto Bandeira . Pintor brasileiro
1897 - Charles Boyer was born (d. 26 Aug 1978). French actor (d. 1978)
1898 - Caleb Bradham renames his carbonated soft drink "Pepsi-Cola".
1900 - Henry Sidgwick dies (b. 1838). English philosopher.
1903 - Frederick Law Olmsted dies (b. 1822). American landscape architect
1903 - Harley-Davidson Motor Company is founded
1903 - Bruno Bettelheim was born (d. 1990). American psychologist
1904 - Secondo Campini was born (d. 1980). Italian jet engine pioneer.
1905 - Nasce o actor cómico argentino Fidel Pintos.
1906 - John Betjeman was born (d. 1984). English poet
1908 - Roger Tory Peterson was born (d. 1996). American ornithologist and illustrator
1910 - Tjalling Koopmans was born (d. 1985). Dutch economist
1911 - Joseph Luns was born (d. 2002). Dutch politician.
1913 - Robertson Davies was born (d. 1995). Canadian writer.
1913 - Richard Tucker was born (d. 1975). American tenor
1913 - Queen Wilhelmina opens the Peace Palace in The Hague.
1914 - The British fleet beats the German fleet in the so-called Battle of Heligoland Bight (actually a comparatively minor engagement).
1916 - Germany declares war on Romania.
1916 - Italy declares war on Germany.
1917 - Ten suffragists are arrested when picketing the White House.
1917 - Jack Kirby was born (d. 1994). American comic book artist
1919 - Godfrey Hounsfield was born (d. 2004). English electrical engineer and inventor, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
1921 - Fernando Fernán Gómez was born. Spanish plawright, actor and director
1924 - Janet Frame was born. New Zealand author
1924 - Peggy Ryan was born (d. 2004). American actress
1925 - Donald O'Connor was born (d. 2003). American singer, dancer, and actor
1929 - Istvan Kertesz was born (d. 1973). Hungarian conductor
1930 - Ben Gazzara was born. American actor
1931- John Shirley-Quirk was born. English bass-baritone
1931 - Walmor Chagas was born. Brazilian actor.
1932 - Raul Cortez was born. Brazilian actor
1937 - Toyota Motors becomes an independent company
1938 - Maurizio Costanzo was born. Italian television journalist.
1940 - Roger Pingeon was born in Hauteville. French cyclist
1941 - Baroness Sybille de Selys Longchamps, was born. Belgian aristocrat
1943 - David Soul was born. American actor
1943 - Lou Piniella was born. Baseball manager
1943 - In Denmark, a general strike against the Nazi occupation is started.
1943 - King Boris III of Bulgaria dies (b. 1894)
1944 - Marseille and Toulon are liberated.
1945 - Roberto J. Noble (1902-1969) funda em Buenos Aires o diário "Clarín".
1947 - Liza Wang was born. Hong Kong actress.
1950 - Nídia de Paula was born. Brazilian actress.
1950 - Nicolas de Tavernost was born. Television and comunication personality (M6)
1953 - Nippon Television broadcasts Japan's first television show, including its first TV advertisement.
1955 - Black Mississippian Emmett Till is murdered, allegedly for whistling to a white woman and alling her baby.
1957 - Daniel Stern was born. American actor
1957 - Rick Rossovich was born. American actor
1958 - Scott Hamilton was born. American figure skater.
1959 - Bohuslav Martinů dies (b. 1890). Romanian composer.
1960 - Emma Samms was born. English actress
1961- Kim Appleby was born. British singer
1963 - During a 200,000-person civil rights rally in at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., Matin Luther King, Jr. gives his famous I have a dream speech.
1964 - The Philadelphia race riot began.
1965 - Shania Twain was born. Canadian singer.
1965 - Satoshi Tajiri was born. Pokémon creator.
1965 - Giulio Racah dies (b. 1909). Israeli physicist
1968 - Billy Boyd was born. Scottish actor
1968 - Riots in Chicago, Illinois during the Democratic National Convention
1969 - Jason Priestley was born. Canadian actor
1971 - Janet Evans was born. American swimmer
1971 - The dollar is allowed to float against the yen for the first time.
1972 - During the Olympic Games of Munich, Mark Spitz gets his first of seven gold medals in swimming events.
1975 - Missionary Armand Doll is imprisoned in Mozambique by Marxist extremists.
1979 - An IRA bomb explodes on the Great Market in Brussels.
1979 - Robert Hoyzer was born. German football referee
1980 - Eric Schomburg was born. American author
1981 - Martin Erat was born. Czech hockey player
1981 - The National Centers for Disease Control announce a high incidence of Pneumocystis and Kaposi's sarcoma in gay men. Soon, these will be recognized as symptoms of an immune disorder, which will be called AIDS.
1982 - LeAnn Rimes was born. American singer.
1985 - Ruth Gordon dies (b. 1896). American actress
1986 - Stage of siege declared in Bolivia.
1986 - US Navy officer Jerry A. Whitworth is sentenced to 365 years imprisonment for espionage for the Soviet Union.
1987 - John Huston dies (b. 1906)., American movie director
1988 - At an air show in Ramstein, West Germany, three stunt fighters collide; 69 people die.
1990 - Iraq declares Kuwait it's 19th province of Iraq.
1990 - The Plainfield Tornado: An F5 tornado hit in Plainfield, Illinois and Joliet, Illinois killing 28 people.
1990 - Willy Vandersteen dies (b. 1913). Belgian cartoonist.
1990 - Morre Victorio Spinetto. Seleccionador nacional de futebol da Argentina.
1993 - William Stafford dies (b. 1914). American writer
1993 - Edward Palmer Thompson dies (b. 1924). British historian
1993 - A dam breaks in Qinghai, China. 223 die.
1993 - 76 die in an airplane crash in Tajikistan.
1993 - Ong Teng Cheong elected president of Singapore
1994 - First Japanese gay pride march.
1994 - Morre Rui Filipe, futebolista português que representava o FC Porto.
1994 - Em San Sebastian de los Reyes, o toureiro Pedrito de Portugal é colhido gravemente por um touro.
1995 - A mortar shell kills 38 people in Sarajevo, Bosnia. The NATO action against Bosnian Serbs was a reaction to this incident.
1995 - Michael Ende dies (b. 1929). German writer.
1996 - Britain's Charles, Prince of Wales and Diana, Princess of Wales are divorced.
1998 - Pakistan's National Assembly passes a constitutional amendment to make the "Qur'an and Sunnah" the "supreme law" but the bill was defeated in the Senate.
1998 - George Hermann Büchi dies (b. 1 Aug 1921). Swiss chemist
2001 - Dutch prime minister Wim Kok announces that he will not be available for another term as PvdA party leader or prime minister after the 2002 elections.
2001 - Juan Muñoz dies. Spanish sculptor.
2002 - Morre o pintor Fernando Azevedo, presidente da Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes. Na toponímica de Almada tem uma rua com o seu nome
Hong Kong: Liberation Day (1945)
Many Christian churches: feast day of Saint Augustine of Hippo