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Balada da neve - Augusto Gil

Batem leve, levemente,
como quem chama por mim.
Será chuva? Será gente?
Gente não é, certamente
e a chuva não bate assim.

É talvez a ventania:
mas há pouco, há poucochinho,
nem uma agulha bulia
na quieta melancolia
dos pinheiros do caminho...

Quem bate, assim, levemente,
com tão estranha leveza,
que mal se ouve, mal se sente?
Não é chuva, nem é gente,
nem é vento com certeza.

Fui ver. A neve caía
do azul cinzento do céu,
branca e leve, branca e fria...
– Há quanto tempo a não via!
E que saudades, Deus meu!

Olho-a através da vidraça.
Pôs tudo da cor do linho.
Passa gente e, quando passa,
os passos imprime e traça
na brancura do caminho...

Fico olhando esses sinais
da pobre gente que avança,
e noto, por entre os mais,
os traços miniaturais
duns pezitos de criança...

E descalcinhos, doridos...
a neve deixa inda vê-los,
primeiro, bem definidos,
depois, em sulcos compridos,
porque não podia erguê-los!...

Que quem já é pecador
sofra tormentos, enfim!
Mas as crianças, Senhor,
porque lhes dais tanta dor?!...
Porque padecem assim?!...

E uma infinita tristeza,
uma funda turbação
entra em mim, fica em mim presa.
Cai neve na Natureza
– e cai no meu coração.

Augusto Gil (n. Porto 31 Jul 1873- m. Lisboa 26 Fev 1929)

Arsenal ganha Torneio de Amsterdan ao vencer o Porto por 2-1

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Porto 1 - 2 Arsenal

A 2ª. e última jornada do Torneio de Amesterdão colocou (por acaso) as equipas que haviam triunfado na 1ª. jornada. O FC Porto teve o pássaro na mão já que esteve a vencer por 1-0 com o golo marcado por Lizandro Lopes aos 36' a surgir a rematar vitoriosamente ao 2º poste após cruzamento de Jorginho resultado que se verificava ao intervalo e que aceitava face à lucidez que o Porto demonstrou.

Porém um Arsenal diferente na 2ª. parte (com as entradas de Ljundberg e Bergkamp)surpreendeu o FC Porto que não conseguiu parar os ingleses durante os 20 primeiros minutos da 2ª. parte. O meio campo não travava as "galopadas" dos ingleses que viraram o resultado para 2-1 com golos de Ljundberg aos 49' ( a aproveitar um corte de Ricardo Costa mas em que a bola lhe foi parar aos pés) e aos 68' após trabalho de Flamini pela direita, que levou a melhor sobre Leandro e cruzou para o centro da área, onde Ljungberg não teve dificuldade. A superioridade neste período do Arsenal foi evidente e só Baía conseguiu evitar que o marcador avançasse poer mais duas vezes ao defender remates de Pires e Bergkamp.

Com várias substituições o Porto por volta dos 70' passou a equilibrar e procurou mesmo o empate, mas através dum estilo de jogo de lançamentos longos, pouco habitual na equipa. O empate poderia mesmo ter sido o resultado final caso Jorginho não tivesse desperdiçado uma grande oportunidade ao minuto 89' aproveitando precisamente um lançamernto longo com um defesa inglês a escorregar e a isolar Jorginho em boa posição mas que tanto quiz colocar a bola que atirou ao lado da baliza de Lehman. O empate poderia mesmo ser suficiente para conquistar o Torneio que assim ruma para Inglaterra, já que o Arsenal venceu na 1ª. jornadas o Ajax por 1-0. A esta hora ainda se disputa o 4º e último jogo do Torneio entre o Ajax e o Boca Juniors.

O Porto apresentou a seguinte formação:

Vítor Baía; Sonkaya, Pedro Emanuel, Ricardo Costa e Leandro; Raul Meireles, Lucho Gonzalez e Hélder Postiga; Jorginho, Lisandro Lopez e McCarthy.
Jogaram ainda:Paulo Assunção, Ivanildo, Hugo Almeida, Pepe e Sokota.

On this day in History - Jul 31

0780 - The oldest recorded eruption of Mt. Fuji (Traditional Japanese date: July 6, 781)
1009 - Pietro Boccapecora becomes Pope Sergius IV
1099 - El Cid, dies (b. 1044). Spanish warrior.
1108 - King Philip I of France dies
1396 - William Courtenay, dies. Archbishop of Canterbury
1396 - Philip III of Burgundy, was born (d. 1467). Duke of Burgundy
1423 - Hundred Years War: Battle of Cravant - The French army is defeated at Cravant on the banks of the river Yonne.
1498 - On his third voyage to the Western Hemisphere, Christopher Columbus becomes the first European to discover the island of Trinidad.
1508 - Na'od, dies killed in battle. Emperor of Ethiopia.
1547 - King Francis I of France dies (b. 1494)
1556 - Ignatius Loyola, dies (b. 1491). Spanish priest, founder of the Jesuits
1588 - The Spanish Armada is spotted off the coast of England.
1667 - The Treaty of Breda ends the Second Anglo-Dutch War.
1703 - Daniel Defoe is placed in a pillory for the crime of seditious libel after publishing a politically satirical pamphlet, but is pelted with flowers.
1726 - Nicolaus II Bernoulli, dies (b. 1695). Swiss mathematician.
1735 - Morte do poeta Basílio da Gama
1750 - D. João V de Portugal dies. King of Portugal
1784 - Denis Diderot, dies (b. 1713). French philosopher and encylopedist
1790 - First US patent issued; granted to inventor Samuel Hopkins.
1803 - John Ericsson, was born (d. 1889). Swedish inventor and engineer.
1811 - Morte de Miguel Hidalgo. Herói nacional mexicano.
1816 - George Henry Thomas, was born (d. 1870). American general.
1818 - Morte do escritor russo Nikolay Novikov
1856 - Christchurch, New Zealand chartered as a city.
1865 - Nascimento de Afonso de Bragança, Duque do Porto.
1872 - Nascimento, no Porto, de Ângelo de Lima (Ângelo Vaz Pinto Azevedo Coutinho de Lima) (m. 14 Ago 1921). Poeta português.
1873 - Nascimento de Augusto César Ferreira Gil. Escritor português.
1875 - Andrew Johnson, dies (b. 1808). 17th President of the United States
1884 - Friedrich Robert Helmert, was born (d. 15 Jun 1917). German geodesist and an important writer on the theory of errors.
1886 - Franz Liszt, dies. Hungarian composer.
1900 - José Manuel Cayetano Marroquín Ricaurte assume a Presidência da Colômbia
1901 - Jean Dubuffet, was born (d. 1985). Painter and sculptor.
1901 - Henriqueta Brieba, was born in Barcelona (d. 18 Sep 1995). Actress
1904 - Brett Halliday, was born (d. 1977). American mystery writer.
1911 - George Liberace, was born (d. 1983). Musician.
1912 - Milton Friedman, was born. American economist. Recipient of the 1976 "Nobel" Prize in economics
1912 - Irv Kupcinet, was born (d. 2003). American newspaper columnist.
1913 - William Todman, was born. Game show producer
1914 - Louis de Funès, was born (d. 1983). Actor and comedian.
1914 - Jean Jaurès, dies (b. 1859). French politician.
1916 - Bill Todman, was born (d. 1979). Game show producer.
1917- The Third Battle of Ypres starts in Flanders.
1917 - Francis Ledwidge, dies. Irish poet
1918 - Paul D. Boyer, was born. American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate
1918 - Hank Jones, was born. Pianist
1919 - Curt Gowdy, was born. Sports announcer
1919 - Primo Levi, was born (d. 1987). Author, chemist
1919 - German national assembly adopts the Weimar constitution (to enter into force August 14).
1921 - Whitney Young, was born (d. 1971). Civil rights activist.
1923 - Ahmet Ertegun,was born. Record company executive
1928 - Kurt Sontheimer, was born. Political scientist
1929 - Don Murray, was born. Aactor
1930 - Oleg Popov, was born. Clown
1930 - The radio mystery program The Shadow airs for the first time.
1931 - Kenny Burrell, was born. Guitarist.
1933 - Cees Nooteboom was born in The Hague. Dutch author, novelist ("Rituals" "Berlin Notes"). In 1993 he was awarded the European Prize for Literature.
1936 - The International Olympic Committee announces that the 1940 Summer Olympics were to be held in Tokyo. However, the games were given back to the IOC after the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out, and were eventually cancelled altogether because of World War II.
1937 - Charles Martine dies. Apache scout.
1939 - France Nuyen, was born. Actress
1941 - Amarsinh Chaudhary, was born. Politician
1941 - Holocaust: Under instructions from Adolf Hitler, Nazi official Hermann Göring, orders SS general Reinhard Heydrich to "submit to me as soon as possible a general plan of the administrative material and financial measures necessary for carrying out the desired final solution of the Jewish question."
1943 - William Bennett, was born. Former U.S. Secretary of Education and drug czar
1943 - Susan Flannery, was born. Actress
1944 - Geraldine Chaplin, was born. Actress
1944 - Antoine de Saint-Exupery, dies. French pilot and writer
1945 - Pierre Laval, fugitive former leader of Vichy France, surrenders to Allied soldiers in Austria.
1946 - Gary Lewis,was born. Singer/musician Gary Lewis & The Playboys
1946 - Bob Welch, was born. Rock and roll musician
1948 - At Idlewild Field in New York, New York International Airport (later renamed John F. Kennedy International Airport) is dedicated.
1950 - Morte da violoncelista portuguesa Guilhermina Suggia
1951 - Japan Airlines is established.
1951 - Evonne Goolagong, was born. Tennis star
1951 - Barry Van Dyke, was born. Actor
1952 - Alan Autry, was born. American football player, actor, mayor of Fresno, California
1952 - Helmuts Balderis, was born. Latvian ice-hockey player
1953 - Robert Taft, dies. U.S. Senator from Ohio and Presidential candidate
1954 - First ascent of K2, by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio.
1956 - Jim Laker sets extraordinary record at Old Trafford in the fourth Test of taking nineteen wickets in a first-class match (the previous best was seventeen.
1958 - Bill Berry, was born. Rock and roll musician (of the band R.E.M.)
1958 - Mark Cuban,was born. Billionaire businessman, producer, Dallas Mavericks owner
1959 - Stanley Jordan, was born. Jazz guitarist
1961 - At Fenway Park in Boston, Massachusetts, the first All-Star Game tie in major league baseball history occurs when the game is stopped in the 9th inning due to rain.
1962 - Wesley Snipes, was born. Actor
1964 - Jim Corr, was born. Singer, musician ("The Corrs")
1964 - Ranger program: Ranger 7 sends back the first close-up photographs of the moon, with images 1,000 times clearer than anything ever seen from earth-bound telescopes).
1965 - J. K. Rowling, was born. Novelist
1966 - Dean Cain, was born. Actor
1971 - Apollo program: Apollo 15 astronauts become the first to ride in a lunar rover.
1972 - Paul-Henri Spaak, dies. Prime minister of Belgium
1973 - A Delta Air Lines jetliner crashes while landing in fog at Logan Airport, Boston, Massachusetts killing 89
1974 - Jonathan Ogden, was born. American football player
1974 - Luca Tiengo, was born. Italian guitar player. Member of Ledel
1974 - Emilia Fox, was born. English actress
1975 - In Detroit, Michigan, Teamsters Union president Jimmy Hoffa is reported missing.
1975 - Jody Ann Paterson was born in Balikpapan, Indonesia.Playboy Playmate of the Month October 1999.
1976 - NASA releases the famous Face on Mars photo, taken by Viking 1
1976 - Annie Parisse, was born. American actress
1977 - Tim Couch, was born. American football quarterback
1978 - Justin Wilson, was born. Racing driver
1980 - Mohd. Rafi, dies (b. 1924). Indian playback singer
1981 - Ira Losco, was born. Maltese singer.
1986 - Karl Lagerfeld receives the "Golden Fingerhut"
1987 - A rare, class F-4 tornado rips through Edmonton, Alberta, killing 27 people and causing $330 million in damage.
1992 - A Thai Airways Airbus A300-310 crashes into mountain south of Kathmandu, Nepal killg 113.
1993 - Baudouin I of Belgium dies.
1996 - MIL-STD-1750A is declared inactive for use in new designs.
1999 - NASA intentionally crashes the Lunar Prospector spacecraft into the Moon, thus ending its mission to detect frozen water on the moon's surface.
2001 - Poul Anderson, dies. Science fiction author
2001 - Portugal - Morte de Francisco da Costa Gomes. Presidente da República (1974-1976)
2002 - Portugal - Inicio da 2ª edição da Minho Campus Party.
2002 - O Prémio Camões é entregue à escritora portuguesa Maria Velho da Costa
2002 - A África do Sul subscreve o Protocolo de Kyoto
2003 - WON is shut down
2003 - Guido Crepax, dies. Italian comics artist
La Hae Hawai‘i - Hawaiian Flag Day
Republic of the Congo - Upswing of the Revolution
Feast day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
A few hardcore devotees of Harry Potter celebrate Harry James Potter's birthday on this date. The novelist J. K. Rowling, writer of the Harry Potter books, chose this date as the fictional character's birthday as it is her own birthday.


Sporting triunfa no Torneio do Guadiana

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Sporting 2- 0 Vitória de Setúbal

SPORTING: Nélson; Miguel Garcia, Semedo, Beto e Paíto; Luís Loureiro, João Moutinho; Tello, Nani, Silva e Deivid. Jogaram ainda: Tonel, Polga, Rocehmback, Varela, Manoel, Sá Pinto, Douala e André Marques.
V. SETÚBAL: Marco Tábuas; Janício, Veríssimo, José Fonte e Nandinho; Diakité, Bruno Ribeiro e Madior; Lacombe, Madior e Heitor. Jogaram ainda: Sougou, Dembelê, Ricardo Chaves, Fábio, Adalto, Franja e Fonsenca.
Golos: João Moutinho (50'( e Varela (85')

O Sporting venceu o Torneio Internacional do Guadiana ao derrotar o Vitória de Setúbal por 2-0 (com 0-0 ao intervalo) em jogo disputado no Estádio do Algarve.

A vitória assenta bem na equipa leonina que foi superior, mostrando-se mais esclarecida. João Moutinho, inaugurou o marcador aos 50 minutos, na cobrança de um livre directo, descaído para a esquerda, bateu inapelavelmente Marco Tábuas, apontando um autêntico «golaço». O resultado final seria fixado aos 86 minutos, por intermédio de Varela, que deu o melhor seguimento a uma boa abertura de Rochemback, surgindo pela direita a desferir remate colocado para o poste mais distante.

Uma referencia especial para Nani (com idade de júnior) que jogou de início e fez uma boa exibição.
Em jogo para o 3º. lugar Bétis e Middlesbrough empataram 0-0 com o Bétis a ter sempre mais iniciativa mas a revelar uma finalização confrangedora. Finalização essa (ou melhor ausencia dela) que se propagou aos penalties, com falhanços indesculpáveis em jogadores profissionais e por isso a equipa inglesa ficou em 3º. lugar.

Benfica empata 1-1 em Guimarães

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Em jogo demasiado a sério o árbitro andou a brincar!

BENFICA: Quim; João Pereira, Luisão, Ricardo Rocha e Léo; Manuel Fernandes, Beto e Simão; Hélio Roque, Geovanni e Nuno Gomes (Alex, Nuno Assis e Mantorras)
V. GUIMARÃES: Paiva, Mário Sérgio, Dragonner, Cléber e Rogério Matias; Moreno, Flávio Meireles e Benachour; Paulo Sérgio, Clayton e Saganowski (Neca, Pintassilgo, Rivas, Zezinho e Hélder Cabral.).
Árbitro: António Costa

Um jogo que mais parecia a final da Liga dos Campeões tal o empenho dos intervenientes com um árbitro que mais parecia dos "regionais", sem qualquer categoria! Primeira parte de grande agressividade, às vezes violencia, com o árbitro a assistir, a permitir cotoveladas (Só Beto levou três, uma delas absolutamente inverosímel, sem bola), faltas e mais faltas, com o árbitro a assinalar algumas, mas sem exercer sanção disciplinar.

Houve ainda algum futebol com o Benfica mais dominador mas com poucas oportunidades, Beto aos 4' arrancou um livre do meio da rua para uma grande defesa de Tiago junto ao poste, para canto e Quim não fez nenhuma defesa. Koeman no banco barafustava (várias vezes) pela passividade do árbitro e foi um pequeno milagre não ter havido lesionados.

Na 2ª. parte as "leis" do jogo mudaram e o árbitro marca as faltinhas todas, mostra amarelos por tudo e por nada. O Benfica que tanta "porrada" levou viu Manuel Fernandes ser expulso (com duplo amarelo em diferentes lances) e ficou a jogar com dez. Antes num livre assinalado por falta sobre Hélio Roque, apontara o livre em que Beto de cabeça desviou a bola para o fundo da baliza de Paiva dando vantagem ao Benfica.

Reagiu o Vitória e esteve perto de empatar após excelente jogada de Clayton com Paulo Sérgio a desperdiçar (mérito para Quim) e a bola a siar para canto ainda tocada por Leo. Depois a expulsão e a saída de Nuno Gomes para entrar Alex. O Benfica abdicava de atacar e o empate chegou também de livre. Neca atirou à barra, na recarga Saganovsky empatou com a bola ainda a bater no poste . Esperava-se o carregar da equipa local, mas com o empate o Benfica distendeu-se oura vez no campo (com a entrada de Mantorras e saída de Giovanni) e nos últimos minutos foi mesmo o Benfica que esteve mais perto do golo com livres e cantos a seu favor. O árbitro em lance mal ajuizado de canto a favor do Benfica (inexistente) houve protestos e dá dois amarelos no mesmo lance a Dragoner. Estavamos no minuto 90'. Mais cinco minutos de compensação e terminou o jogo com uma igualdade.

Boa "performance" do Benfica, com debilidade no ataque. Atitude no Vitória, mas com agressividade a mais. Da arbitragem já se disse tudo. Não precisamos de árbitros destes. Ninguém percebe que as regras mudem durante os campeonatos, quanto mais que mudem ao intervalo de um jogo!

Vidigal sobre o sorteio que põe o Sporting em confronto com a Udinese

"O Sporting era a última equipa que queria defrontar nesta fase da Liga dos Campeões, mas sorteio é sorteio" .
Não te preocupes Vidigal que os teus desejos vão-se concretizar. Não vais jogar com mais ninguém. O Sporting vai ser mesmo a última equipa com que a Udinese vai jogar nesta Liga de Campeões... E esta hem?

On this day in History - Jul 30

0578 - Jacob Baradaeus, dies. Bishop of Edessa
0579 - Benedict I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
0657 - St Vitalian begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1178 - Fredrick "Barbarossa" crowned King of Burgundy
1233 - Assassination of Conrad of Marburg and Gerhard Lutelholb
1291 - Haifa falls to the Mameluks
1371 - Massacre of the Compagnia del Bruco in Florence, Italy
1419 - Defenestration of Prague; Beginning of the Hussite Wars
1511 - Birth of Giorgio Vasari.
1523 - Juan de Anchieta was born. Spanish composer.
1538 - Newfoundland reached by Sir Humphrey Gilbert
1549 - Ferdinando I de' Medici, was born (d. 1609). Grand Duke of Tuscany.
1588 Howard sails from Plymouth
1608 - At Ticonderoga (now Crown Point, New York), Samuel de Champlain shoots and kills two Iroquois chiefs. This was to set the tone for French-Iroquois relations for the next one hundred years.
1609 - Iroquois Indians defeated by their first sight of firearms
1616 - Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone, Irish rebel, dies at about 76
1619- In Jamestown, Virginia, the first representative assembly in the Americas, the House of Burgesses, convenes for the first time.
1641 - Regnier de Graaf, was born (d. 1673). Dutch physician and anatomist.
1652 - Charles Amédée de Savoie, dies (b. 1624). 6th Duc de Nemours, French soldier.
1680 - Thomas Butler, Earl of Ossory, dies (b. 1634). Irish naval commander.
1683 - Maria Theresa of Spain, dies (b. 1638). Queen of Louis XIV of France.
1691 - Daniel Georg Morhof, dies (b. 1639). German writer and scholar.
1715 - Nahum Tate, dies (b. 1652). Irish poet.
1718 - William Penn, dies (b. 1644). English founder of the Province of Pennsylvania.
1729 - Baltimore, Maryland is founded.
1733 - First Freemasons lodge opened in what will become the United States.
1763 - Samuel Rogers is born in Stoke Newington, England. Poet (The Pleasures of Memory). He will be best remembered as a witty conversationalist and friend of many greater poets.
1766 - Carta régia que proíbe, no Brasil, as indústrias de ourives, fiadores de ouro, de sedas e algodões tecidos.
1771 - Thomas Gray, dies (b. 1716). English poet and letter-writer ("Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard") .
1784 - Denis Diderot, dies. French wryter and encyclopedist.
1818 - Emily Brontë, was born (d. 1848). English novelist.
1825 - Malden Island discovered.
1835 - Vicente Rocafuerte ocupa la presidencia de Ecuador.
1848 - A iluminação a gás é inaugurada em Lisboa.
1855 - Georg Wilhelm von Siemens, was born. German industrialist
1857 - Thorstein Veblen, was born in Cato, Wisconsin (d. 1929). Economist (The Theory of the Leisure Class).
1863 - Henry Ford, was born (d. 1947). American industrialist.
1863 - Nascimento de Henry Ford (1863-1947), no Michigan, Estados Unidos da América. Foi o inventor da linha de montagem para produção de automóveis.
1863 - Indian Wars: Chief Pocatello of the Shoshone tribe signs the Treaty of Box Elder, promising to stop harassing the emigrant trails in southern Idaho and northern Utah.
1864 - American Civil War: Battle of the Crater - Union forces attempt to break Confederate lines by exploding a large bomb under their trenches.
1875 - George Pickett, dies (b. 1825). American Confederate general.
1889 - Franz Masereel, was born (d. 1972). Painter and graphic artist.
1889 - Vladimir Zworykin, was born (d. 1982). Physicist and inventor. 1889: Vladimir Zworykin, often called the "Father of Television" for inventing the iconoscope, was born in Russia.
1890 - Casey Stengel, was born (d. 1975). Baseball Hall of Famer.
1894 - Walter Pater dies in Oxford.
1898 - Otto von Bismarck, dies. German chancellor
1898 - Henry Moore, was born (d. 1986). English sculptor.
1900 - Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha dies (b. 1844).
1906 - Mário Quintana nascia em Alegrete (RS) (d. 5 Mai 1994). Poeta brasileiro (A Rua dos Cataventos)
1909 - C. Northcote Parkinson, was born (d. 1993). British historian and writer.
1912 - Emperor Meiji dies (b. 1852). Japanese emperor.
1914 - Lord Killanin was born (d. 1999). Former IOC president.
1918 - Joyce Kilmer, dies in fighting near Seringes on the Western Front. Poet.
1921 - Grant Johannesen, was born (d. 2005). American concert pianist.
1925 - Jacques Sernas was born. Actor (La Dolce Vita, Superfly T.N.T.)
1927 - Richard Johnson was born. Actor.
1928 - George Eastman showed the first color motion pictures in the U.S.
1929 - Christine McGuire was born. Singer (The McGuire Sisters: Sincerely, He)
1929 - Werner Tübke, was born. Painter (de:Werner Tübke)
1930 - Thomas Sowell, was born. Economist
1930 - In Montevideo, Uruguay win the first Football World Cup. / Em Montevideu, os donos da casa vencem a Argentina por 4 a 2 e conquistam o Campeonato do Mundo de Futebol.
1930 - Hans Gamper, dies. Founder of Futbol Club Barcelona
1932 - The 1932 Summer Olympics open in Los Angeles, California.
1933 - Edd "Kookie" Byrnes was born. Actor(77 Sunset Strip, holds record for appearing on the most magazine covers [20] in one month [October 1960])
1934 - Ben Piazza was born. Actor (Guilty by Suspicion, The Hanging Tree)
1934 - Bud Selig, was born. Baseball team owner and commissioner
1934 - Kurt von Schuschnigg was named Austrian chancellor following the assassination of Engelbert Dollfuss.
1934 - «Noite das Facas Longas». Ernest Rohm, chefe das SA, e um número muito elevado de comandantes da organização paramilitar do partido nazi, são assassinados por ordem de Hitler, assim como muitos políticos de direita, que se opunham ao governo ditatorial de Hitler.
1936 - Buddy Guy, was born. Guitarist, singer
1938 - Joe Nuxhall was born. Baseball: Cincinnati Reds pitcher: youngest major-league player [15yrs, 314 days])
1939 - Eleanor Smeal was born. Feminist activist.
1939 - Peter Bogdanovich, was born. Film director (The Last Picture Show, Paper Moon, What's Up Doc?)
1940 - Former U-S Representative Patricia Schroeder
1941 - Count Desmond (Edward Benjamin) sword swallower
1941 - Paul Anka, was born. Singer and composer
1945 - David Sanborn, was born. Jazz musician, Grammy Award winner
1945 - World War II: A Japanese submarine sinks the USS Indianapolis, killing 883 seamen in the worst single loss in the history of the United States Navy.
1946 - Neil Bonnett, was born (d. 1994). NASCAR driver.
1947 - Arnold Schwarzenegger, was born. Actor, 38th Governor of California
1947 - William Atherton, was born. American actor
1947 - Joseph Cook, dies. Sixth Prime Minister of Australia
1948 - Jean Reno, was born. Actor
1949 - Dwight White (football: Pittsburgh Steelers defensive end: Super Bowl IX, X, XIII, XIV)
1950 - Willie Harper was born. Football: San Francisco '49ers linebacker: Super Bowl XVI)
1950 - Frank Stallone was born. Actor
1954 - Ken Olin was born. Actor (Hill Street Blues, Thirtysomething)
1956 - Delta Burke, was born. (Designing Women, Filthy Rich)
1956 - Anita Hill, was born. American law professor, author
1956 - A Joint Resolution of the U.S. Congress is signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, authorizing "In God We Trust" as the U.S. national motto.
1957 - Nery Alberto Pumpido was born. Argentine player, coach
1958 - Richard Burgi was born. Actor
1961 - Laurence Fishburne, was born. Actor
1961 - Neal McCoy was born. Country singer
1962 - Alton Brown, was born. Food Network host
1963 - Lisa Kudrow, was born. Actress
1964 - Jürgen Klinsmann was born. German football player
1964 - Vivica A. Fox, was born. Actress
1964 - Dwayne O'Brien was born. Country musician (Little Texas)
1964 - Vivica Fox was born. Actress ("Independence Day")
1965 - US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Social Security Act of 1965 into law, establishing Medicare and Medicaid.
1966 - At Wembley Stadium, host England wins the Football World Cup, beating Germany 4 to 2. / Em Londres, os donos da casa vencem a Alemanha por 4 a 2 e conquistam a Copa do Mundo de Futebol.
1966 - President Johnson signed the Medicare bill on this day in 1966.
1969 - Vietnam War: US President Richard M. Nixon makes an unscheduled visit to South Vietnam and meets with President Nguyen Van Thieu and with US military commanders.
1970 - Powder Ridge Rock Festival
1971 - Apollo program: Apollo 15 lands on the Moon.
1971 - Início dos Jogos Pan-Americanos na Colômbia
1971 - An All Nippon Airways Boeing 727 and a Japanese Air Force F-86 collide over Morioka, Japan killing 162
1971 - Tom Green, was born. Comedian, actor
1971 - Christine Taylor was born. Actress ("The Brady Bunch Movie")
1971 - Kenneth Slessor, dies. Australian poet
1974 - Hilary Swank, was born. Academy Award winning actress
1974 - Watergate Scandal: US President Richard M. Nixon releases subpoenaed White House recordings after being ordered to do so by the United States Supreme Court.
1975 - Representatives of 35 countries convened in Helsinki, Finland, for a conference on security and human rights that resulted in the "Helsinki Accords." The conference was aimed at ensuring peace in Europe.
1975 - Graham Nicholls, was born. British artist
1975 - James Blish, dies. Author
1975 - Jimmy Hoffa, disappeared. Labor leader
1977 - Jaime Pressly was born. Actress.
1980 - Vanuatu gains independence.
1981 - Nicky Hayden, was born. American Motorcycle Racer
1983 - Lynn Fontanne, dies. Actress
1984 - West German swimmer Michael Gross became the first double gold winner of the 1984 Summer Olympics, while the United States picked up three gold medals in swimming and shooting.
1984 - Mobutu Sese Seko is reelected Presidente of Zaire.
1990 - The first Saturn automobile rolls off the assembly line.
1996 - Claudette Colbert, dies in Barbados at age 92. Actress
1997 - Bao Dai, dies (b. 1913). Last empereur of Vietnam
2000 - President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela won a fresh six-year term in a landslide re-election.
2002 - Los Angeles Sparks center Lisa Leslie is the first woman to dunk in a basketball game.
2003 - In Mexico, the last 'old style' Volkswagen Beetle rolls off the assembly line.
2003 - Sam Phillips, dies. Record producer.
2004 - A gas explosion kills 16 people in Belgium.
Vanuatu - Independence Day
International Bog Day
Sysadmin Appreciation Day
Comedy Celebration Day - Held on the last Sunday in July. This celebration in San Francisco recognizes the many comics that started their career there. Sponsor: Jose Simon.


Sporting goleia o Middlesbrough 4 - 0

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Vamos ter final portuguesa no Torneio do Guadiana

O Sporting produziu uma boa exibição e conseguiu um resultado dilatado demonstrando que se dá bem perante estes ingleses do Middlesbrough que já eliminara na época passada na Taça Uefa. Ao intervalo o Sporting vencia por 1-0 com um golo de Rochemback de fora da área aos 17'. Ainda antes do final da primeira metade os ingleses ficranm a jogar com 10 por expulsão de Boateng após desinteligencia com Moutinho que fez uma falta muito dura vendo (apenas) o amarelo.

Na segunda parte as coisas foram mais fáceis fazendo o Sporting valer a sua superioridade, também numérica, e com o 2-0 obtido pelo novo reforço Deivid, de cabeça, a resistencia inglesa esfumou-se e os golos aumentaram. O 3º. marcado por Manoel e o 4º através de um penalty ínexistente, convertido por Rochemback. Vitória fácil mas com "Paixão" a mais o que não permitiu fazer um verdadeiro teste a este Sporting 2005/6. Veremos esse teste no jogo contra o Vitória de Setúbal já amanhã.

SPORTING – Ricardo; Rogério, Beto, Polga e Edson; Carlos Martins, Rochemback, João Moutinho e Douala; Sá Pinto e Liedson. Suplentes: Tiago, Miguel Garcia, Tonel, Paíto, Luís Loureiro, Tello, Varela, Deivid e Manoel.

MIDDLESBROUGH – Schwarzer; Parnaby, Quenudrue, Parlour, Eniogu, Southgate, Boatenot, Mendieta, Jymmy, Yakubo e Douning. Suplentes: Brad Jones, Reiziguer, Bates, Nonka, Nemeth, Job, Doriva, Kennedy, Mines e Catermore.

Entretanto o Sporting (ainda de manhã) ficou a conhecer o seu adversário na Pré-eliminatória da Liga dos Campeões : a Udinese. Podia ter sido melho mas não podemos esquecer que o Sporting foi finalista da Taça Uefa da época passada. Então... vamos aos italianos, com quem temos algumas contas para ajustar.

Amsterdan tournament - Porto wins the first match

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Porto vence o Boca Juniors por 2-0

O FC Porto entrou a ganhar no Torneio de Amesterdão ao derrotar os argentinos do Boca Juniors por 2-0 com 1-0 ao intervalo. Os golos foram obtidos por Hélder Postiga aos 20' e Jorginho aos 72'. O jogo foi agradável com a presença de jogadores, em ambas as equipas, de grande nível tecnico e a vitória do Porto foi justa por ter sido a equipa que disfrutou de mais oportunidades de golo e ter tido mais objectividade na finalização. A equipa da Argentina deu boa réplica, dando a impressão em certa fase do jogo de que podia discutir o resultado, mas ficou a faltar mais decisão na hora do remate: exemplo disso foi um lance de Palermo que tendo tudo para rematar à baliza pretendeu antes fazer a assistencia para o toque final que não aconteceu. Com a marcação do segundo golo (cruzamento largo da direita de Sonkaya, toque de cabeça de Hugo Almeida e finalização junto ao outro poste de Jorginho) o Porto acabou com as aspirações do Boca Juniors.

Gostámos no Porto de Helton (acreditamos que pode disputar a titularidade), Raul Meireles a querer segurar a titularidade na posição de trinco e uma boa segurança defensiva - destaque para Pedro Emanuel. Dos novos reforços Lisandro López esteve mais activo.

A arbitragem não teve problemas ainda que tenha tido necessidade de mostrar alguns amarelos

Ficha do jogo

FC PORTO – Helton; Sonkaya, Pedro Emanuel, Ricardo Costa e Leandro; Lucho González, Jorginho e Raul Meireles; McCarthy, Hélder Postiga e Lisandro López.

Jogaram ainda: Pepe, Ibson, Hugo Almeida, Ivanildo, Ricardo Quaresma e Paulo Assunção.

BOCA JUNIORS – Abbondanzieri; Júlio Barroso, Daniel Díaz, Schiavi e Morel Rodríguez; Diego Cagna, Gago e Insúa; Guillermo Barros Schelotto, Palermo e Bilos.

Jogaram ainda: Palácio, Calvo, Cardozo, Rivera e Silvestre.

Ao intervalo: 1-0 Golos: 1-0, Hélder Postiga (20 m); 2-0, Jorginho (72 m) Resultado final: 2-0

On this day in History - Jul 29

0238 - Pupienus and Balbinus, die (assassinated). Roman emperors
1014 - Battle of Kleidion: Byzantine emperor Basil II inflicts a decisive defeat on the Bulgarian army, but his subsequent savage treatment of 15,000 prisoners reportedly causes Tsar Samuil of Bulgaria to die of shock.
1030 - King Olaf II fought and died in the Battle of Stiklestad, trying to regain his Norwegian throne from the Danes.
1099 - Pope Urban II dies
1108 - King Philip I of France dies (b. 1081).
1507 - Martin Behaim, dies (b. 1459). Navigator and geographer.
1565 - Mary Queen of Scots married her cousin, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley.
1567 - James VI is crowned King of Scotland at Stirling.
1588 - Battle of Gravelines: The Spanish Armada is defeated by an English naval force under command of Lord Charles Howard and Sir Francis Drake off the coast of Gravelines, France.
1644 - Pope Urban VIII dies.
1693 - War of the Grand Alliance: Battle of Landen - France wins a Pyrrhic victory over Allied forces in the Netherlands.
1793 - John Graves Simcoe decides to build a fort and settlement at Toronto, having sailed into the bay there.
1801 - George Bradshaw, was born (d. 1853). English publisher.
1805 - Alexis de Tocqueville, was born (d. 1859). Historian and political scientist.
1833 - William Wilberforce, dies. Campaigner against slavery
1843 - Johannes Schmidt, was born (d. 1901). German linguist.
1844 - Franz Xaver Wolfgang Mozart, dies. Composer.
1846 - Princesa Isabel was born in Rio de Janeiro -Brazil (d. 14 Nov 1921).
1848 - Irish Potato Famine: Tipperary Revolt - In Tipperary, an unsuccessful nationalist revolt against British rule is put-down by police.
1849 - Max Nordau, was born (d. 1923). Author, philosopher and Zionist leader.
1851 - Annibale de Gasparis discovers asteroid 15 Eunomia.
1856 - Robert Schumann, dies. German composer
1858 - United States and Japan sign the Harris Treaty.
1864 - American Civil War: Confederate spy Belle Boyd is arrested by Union troops and detained at the Old Capitol Prison in Washington, DC.
1865 - Alexander Glazunov, was born (d. 1936). Russian composer.
1869 - Booth Tarkington, was born (d. 1946). Author.
1871 - Grigori Rasputin, was born (d. 1916). Russian spiritualist.
1874 - James Shaver Woodsworth, was born (d. 1942). Methodist minister, social worker, and politician.
1876 - Maria Ouspenskaya, was born (d. 1949). Actress
1878 - Don Marquis, was born. Author (d. 1937)
1883 - Benito Mussolini, was born (d. 1945). Italian dictator.
1883 - Porfirio Barba-Jacob, was born (d. 1942). Colombian poet and writer.
1884 - Ralph A. Bard, was born (d. 1975). U.S. Navy Under Secretary.
1887 - Sigmund Romberg, was born (d. 1951). Composer.
1890 - Vincent van Gogh, dies (b. 1853). Dutch painter.
1892 - William Powell, was born (d. 1984). Actor.
1897 - Sir Neil Ritchie, was born (d. 1983) . British general.
1898 - Isidor Isaac Rabi, was born (d. 1988). American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate.
1899 - The First Hague Convention was signed.
1900 - In Italy, King Umberto I of Italy is assassinated by Italian-born anarchist Gaetano Bresci.
1900 - Eyvind Johnson, was born (d. 1976). Swedish writer.
1905 - Clara Bow, was born (d. 1965). Actress.
1905 - Dag Hammarskjöld, was born (d. 1961). UN Secretary-General,.
1905 - Thelma Todd, was born (d. 1935). Actress.
1905 - Stanley Kunitz, was born. American poet
1906 - Diana Vreeland, was born (d. 1989). Fashion editor.
1907 - Melvin Belli, was born (d. 1996). Lawyer and actor.
1907- Sir Robert Baden-Powell founds the Boy Scouts with the first scout camp at Brownsea Island.
1920 - Rodolfo Acosta was born (d. 1974). Mexican character actor (d. 1974)
1924 - Lloyd Bochner, was born. Canadian actor
1926 - Don Carter was born. Bowler
1927 - Harry Mulisch, was born. Dutch author
1930 - Paul Taylor, was born. Dancer, choreographer
1932 - Great Depression: In Washington, DC, US troops disperse the last of the "Bonus Army" of World War I veterans.
1932 - Nancy Landon Kassebaum Baker, was born. U.S. Senator
1935 - Peter Schreier, was born. German tenor
1938 - Peter Jennings, was born. Television news anchor.
1941 - David Warner, was born. Actor
1942 - Tony Sirico, was born. Actor
1943 - David Taylor, was born. English snooker player
1945 - The BBC Light Programme radio station was launched for mainstream light entertainment and music.
1947 - After being shut off on November 9, 1946 for a memory upgrade, ENIAC, the world's first all-electronic digital computer, is reactivated. It will remain in continuous operation until October 2, 1955.
1948 - After a hiatus of 12 years caused by World War II, the first Summer Olympics opened in London, United Kingdom.
1949 - Vida Blue, was born. Major League Baseball player
1951- Hozumi Shigeto, dies. Japanese author.
1953 - Ken Burns, was born. Television producer and director
1953 - Geddy Lee, was born. Musician (Rush)
1954 - Coen de Koning, dies. Dutch speed skater
1954 - The Fellowship of the Ring, the first part of The Lord of the Rings, is published in the UK. 1957 - The International Atomic Energy Agency is established.
1957 - Nelli Kim, was born. Soviet gymnast.
1957 - Nascimento do poeta português Luís Miguel Nava. O seu primeiro livro, Películas, publicado em 1979, recebeu o Prémio Revelação da Associação Portuguesa de Escritores. Vulcão, de 1994, foi o seu último livro.
1958 - The U.S. Congress formally creates the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
1959 - Ruud Janssen, was born. Teacher, writer, and artist
1959 - Sanjay Dutt, was born. Actor.
1965 - Vietnam War: The first 4,000 101st Airborne Division paratroopers arrive in Vietnam, landing at Cam Ranh Bay.
1965 - Chang-Rae Lee, was born. Author
1966 - Patrick Hogan, was born. Marathon runner
1966 - Martina McBride, was born. Country singer
1967 - Vietnam War: Off the coast of North Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin, the USS Forrestal catches on fire in the worst US naval disaster since World War II (134 American servicemen are killed, 62 injured, 21 planes are destroyed and 42 more are damaged).
1970 - John Barbirolli, dies. Conductor
1970 - George Szell, dies. Hungarian conductor
1972 - Wil Wheaton, was born. Actor
1973 - Stephen Dorff, was born. Actor
1974 - Steve-O, was born. Musician and actor
1974 - Mama Cass Elliot, dies. musician
1974 - Erich Kästner, dies. German author
1975 - James Blish, dies. Science fiction writer
1976 - In New York City, the "Son of Sam" pulls a gun from a paper bag, killing one person and seriously wounding another in the first of a series of attacks that terrorized the city for the next year.
1979 - Bill Todman, dies. Game show producer
1979 - Abs Breen, was born. Singer.
1981 - Fernando Alonso,was born. Race car driver
1981 - Lady Diana Spencer marries Charles, Prince of Wales.
1981 - Robert Moses, dies (b. 1888). New York public works official.
href=",_Prince_of_Wales">Charles, Prince of Wales.
1982 - Vladimir Zworykin, dies. Physicist and inventor
1983 - David Niven, dies. Actor
1983 - Raymond Massey, dies. Actor
1983 - Luis Buñuel, dies. Director
1984 - Fred Waring,dies. Band leader, inventor.
1986 - Criação da Associação Portuguesa de Jovens Empresários - ANJE
1990 - Bruno Kreisky, dies (b. 1911). Chancellor of Austria
1993 - The Israeli Supreme Court acquits accused Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk of all charges and he is set free.
1996 - The controversial child protection portion of the Communications Decency Act (1996) is struck down as too broad by a US federal court.
1998 - Morte de Jorge Pacheco Areco. Presidente do Uruguai (1967-1972)
1998 - Uruguai assina o Protocolo de Kyoto
2001 - Edward Gierek, dies. Polish politician
2001 - Henryk Jablonski, dies. President of Poland
2001 - Wau Holland, dies. German hacker.
2003 - Foday Sankoh, dies. Sierra Leonean rebel leader
2004 - Francis Crick, dies. Molecular biologist
2004 - Rena Vlahopoulou, dies (b. 1923). Greek comedienne and actress.
2004 - U.S. Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts accepts the Democratic nomination for President of the United States at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts.
Norway - St. Olav's Day
Roman Catholic Church - Feast of Saint Olaf (Olaf II of Norway), patron of woodcarvers
Roman Catholic Church - Feast of Saint Martha, sister of Lazarus, patron of cooks and dieticians
Faroe Islands - Ólavsøka: opening of the Løgting session


Torneio Internacional do Guadiana

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Vitória de Setúbal está na final

Começou esta noite a disputar-se o Torneio Internacional do Guadiana com o Vitória de Setúbal a deslocar-se a Ayamonte para defrontar o Bétis de Sevilha. A equipa portuguesa venceu por 2-1 com 1-0 ao intervalo, com golos marcados por Ricardo Chaves e Nandinho para o Setúbal e Juanito para o Bétis todos na sequência de lances de livre. O primeiro num livre de canto, Auri de cabeça mandou a bola à barra da baliza de Contreras, mas na recarga Ricardo Chaves desviou a bola para o fundo das redes da equipa espanhola onde João Tomás actuou durante a primeira parte. O 2º golo foi de livre indirecto, aos 26', um toque de Ricardo Chaves para a esquerda (depois de uma desmarcação de um vitoriano para a direita, a iludir os adversários) para o remate forte e bem colocado com o pé esquerdo de Nandinho a fazer um golo de belo efeito. A verdade é que tinham sido os espanhóis que começaram melhor o jogo com o Vitória a ter que fazer muitas faltas, mas o 1º. golo da equipa de Setúbal (muito apoiada pelos seus adeptos presentes em número significativo) transmitiu confiança. Com o 2-0 sabia-se que o Vitória passaria a ter maior concentração defensiva o que veio a acontecer.

Para a 2ª. parte o Bétis mudou praticamente a equipa toda (só ficou o guarda-redes e Luis Fernandez - defesa esquerdo) entrando algumas das suas estrelas : Juanito, Joachim, Marcos Assunção. O Vitória manteve ainda até cerca dos 20' da 2ª. parte a equipa inicial, aliás com muitas novidades relativamente à época passada, em que se destacaram Lacombe e Songou. O Bétis melhorou o Vitória recuava, as substituições operadas foram mais defensivas e as oportunidades começaram a aparecer para o Bétis com Dani a desperdiçar as maiores, com um remate desastrado de pé esquerdo para fora e posteriormente ainda em melhor posição na cara de Moreto a rematar de pé direito mas frouxo para a defesa ainda assim dificil do guarda-redes de Setúbal.

Aos 79' após uma sequência de cantos chegou o golo do Bétis após um remate em posição frontal de Juanito e então adivinhava-se dificuldades face ao forcing final previsível do Bétis. A equipa de Setúbal conseguiu resistir com boa coesão defensiva e algum congelamento da bola, embora com a sorte de ver um livre directo de Marcos Assunção bater no poste da sua baliza. O Vitória assegurou, pois, a presença na final do torneio que poderá ser 100% portuguesa se o Sporting amanhã derrotar o Middlesbrough.

Boas indicações de alguns dos reforços do Vitória - Lacombe e Songou mostraram ser jogadores de boa qualidade- aos quais acrescentamos as boas prestações de Moreto, Ricardo Chaves e Nandinho. Do Bétis, equipa que ganhou a Taça de Espanha e ficou em 4º. lugar esperava-se mais ainda que na 2ª. parte tenham melhorado significativamente.
A arbitragem esteve em bom plano.

Boa Noite - Sidónio Muralha

A zebra quis
Ir passear
Mas infeliz
foi para a cama
Teve de se deitar
Porque estava de pijama

in Televisão da Bicharada 1962
Sidónio Muralha

Xadrez - Sidónio Muralha ( a propósito do aniversário do seu nascimento)

É branca a gata gatinha
é branca como farinha.

É preto o gato gatão
é preto como carvão.

E os filhos, gatos gatinhos,
são todos aos quadradinhos.

Os quadradinhos branquinhos
fazem lembrar mãe gatinha
que é branca como a farinha.

Os quadradinhos pretinhos
fazem lembrar pai gatão
que é preto como o carvão.

Se é branca a gata gatinha
e é preto o gato gatão,
como é que são os gatinhos?

- os gatinhos eles são,
são todos aos quadradinhos.

Sidónio Muralha (n. 28 Jul 1920 Lisboa; m. 8 Dez 1982 Curitiba -Brasil)

O medo faz calar as aves ... Sidónio Muralha

O medo faz calar as aves nas florestas densas
mas as canções dos homens faze-as mais largas, mais intensas,
mais impetuosas, mais rudes, canções que ferem e espantam
pois com o medo as aves calam-se e os homens gritam e cantam.
E a canção é um homem que percorre o Mundo lés a lés
gesticulando com os seus próprios braços, andando com os seus próprios pés,
grito que vai de continente em continente implacável e forte
e que passa as fronteiras sem precisar de passaporte.
Canções robustas e lavadas que se levantam cedo
e bebem a madrugada e têm o fôlego dos atletas,
porque enquanto as aves se calam, estranguladas pelo medo,
o medo, como uma faca, rasga os corações dos poetas.

Sidónio Muralha (n. 28 Jul 1920 Lisboa; m. 8 Dez 1982 Curitiba -Brasil)

On this day in History - Jul 28

0450 - Theodosius II dies (b. 0401). Emperor of the East (408–50), son and successor of Arcadius
1057 - Pope Victor II dies (b. 1018)
1148 - Crusaders outside of Damascus retreat - end of the 2nd Crusade
1165 - Ibn al-'Arabi, was born. Muslim mystic, philosopher
1230 - Leopold VI of Austria dies (b. 1176)
1330 - Serbians defeat Bulgarians, and kill Czar Michael Sisman of Bulgaria
1458 - Jacopo Sannazaro was born. Italian poet (Arcadia)
1480 - Turks make a sneak attack on Rhodes
1491 - Henry VIII, was born. King of England
1493 - Great fire in Moscow
1540 - One of the most important political figures of the reign of Henry VIII of England, Thomas Cromwell, is executed on order from the king on charges of treason. Henry marries his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, on the same day.
1565 - Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, orders her heralds to publish that Lord Darnley is to be "named and styled King"
1576 - Frobisher's expedition reaches Labrador
1586 - Sir Thomas Harriot introduces potatoes to Europe
1588 - English fireships burn the Spanish Armada
1609 - Bermuda discovered by Admiral George Somers
1611 - Surrender of Kalmar Castle, Sweden
1615 - Champlain discovers Lake Huron
1637 - Riot in St. Giles' Cathedral, Edinburgh, in protest against the use of the Book of Common Prayer
1650 - Cromwell reaches Edinburgh
1655 - Cyrano de Bergerac, dies (b. 1619). French poet.
1659 - Charles Ancillon, was born (d. 1715). French Huguenot pastor.
1667 - Abraham Cowley, dies (b. 1618). English poet. Abraham Cowley--"that incomparable poet and virtuous man" to John Evelyn--dies in Chertsey, Surrey, at 48, and is buried in Westminster Abbey.
1685 - Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington, dies (b. 1618). English statesman.
1718 - Etienne Baluze, dies (b. 1630). French scholar.
1741 - Antonio Vivaldi, dies (b. 1678). Italian composer.
1746 - Thomas Heyward soldier, signed Declaration of Independance
1750 - Philipe Fabre d'Églantine was born in Carcassonne, France (d. 5 Apr 1794). French political dramatic satirist and prominent figure in the French Revolution. First an actor, he will later become a poet, best known for his song, "Il pleut, il pleut, bergere," still sung by French children today.
1750 - Johann Sebastian Bach, dies (b. 21 Mar 1685). German composer.
1762 - George Dodington, 1st Baron Melcombe, dies (b. 1691). English politician.
1794 - Maximilien Robespierre, dies (b. 1758). French Revolutionary leader.
1794 - Louis de Saint-Just, dies (b. 1867). French Revolutionary leader.
1794 - Maximilien Robespierre is guillotined in front of a cheering crowd, for sending thousands of others to a similar fate during the French Revolution.
1804 - Ludwig Feuerbach, was born (d. 1872). German philosopher.
1814 - Percy Bysshe Shelley, already married to the former Harriet Westbrook, elopes to France with Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin). (Harriet's suicide in 1816 will free him to wed Mary.)
1817 - Jane Austen, dies (b. 1775). British novelist
1818 - Gaspard Monge, dies ( born 9 May 1746). French mathematicien
1821 - Peru declares independence from Spain.
1842 - Clemens Brentano, dies (b. 1778). German poet.
1844 - Joseph Bonaparte, dies (b. 1768). Older brother of Napoleon I and King of Naples and Spain.
1844 - Gerard Manley Hopkins, was born in Stratford, Essex (d. 1889). English poet. "The Wreck of the Deutschland"
1851 - Manuel Querino, was born (d. 1923). Brazilian historian.
1859 - Balington Booth was born. Founder of Volunteers of America
1864 - American Civil War: Battle of Ezra Church begins - Confederate troops led by General John Bell Hood make a third unsuccessful attempt to drive Union forces under General William T. Sherman from Atlanta, Georgia.
1866 - The Metric Act of 1866 becomes law and legalizes the standardization of weights and measures in the United States.
1866 - Beatrix Potter was born (d. 1943). English author, Children's writer and illustrator. (The Tale of Peter Rabbit)
1867 - Charles Dillon Perrine was born (d. 1951). Astronomer.
1868 - The 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution is adopted guaranteeing African Americans full citizenship and all persons in the United States due process of law.
1873 - The Japanese government implements land and tax reform as part of the Meiji Restoration reforms.
1874 - Ernst Cassirer, was born (d. 1945). Philosopher.
1878 - Great Britain's William Gowland becomes the first non-Japanese to reach Yarigaoka peak, and he names the mountain the Japanese Alps, a name that eventually spreads to the entire mountain range.
1881 - American Presbyterian theologian J. Gresham Machen was born in Baltimore.
1887 - Marcel Duchamp, was born (d. 1968). French painter (Nude Descending a Staircase).
1891 - Joe E. (Evan) Brown (comedian, actor: It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World)
1901 - Rudy (Hubert) Vallee was born. Singer: (My Time is Your Time)
1902 - Karl Popper was born (d. 1994). Philosopher of science.
1904 - Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, was born (d. 1990). Russian physicist, Nobel Prize laureate.
1904 - Fundação do Club Ferro Carril Oeste, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1907 - Dolf Sternberger, was born (d. 1989). Publicist.
1907 - Earl S. Tupper, was born in New Hampshire (d. 5 Oct 1983). American inventor (Tupperware).
1909 - Malcolm Lowry, was born (d. 1957). Novelist and poet (Under the Volcano)
1914 - Carmen Dragon, was born (d. 1984). Composer.
1914 - World War I begins: Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia after it failed to meet the conditions of an ultimatum it set on July 23 following the killing of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serbian assassin. This event leads to the outbreak of war.
1915 - Charles Townes, was born. Americn physicist, Nobel Prize laureate
1915 - Frankie Yankovic, was born (d. 1998). "Polka King". Grammy Award-winning musician: accordion: Just Because
1915 - Charles Hard Townes was born. American physicist, joint winner with the Soviet physicists Aleksandr M. Prokhorov and Nikolay G. Basov of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1964 for his role in the invention of the maser and the laser.
1916 - David Brown, was born. American film producer.
1919 - Epitácio Pessoa toma posse da presidência da República do Brasil.
1920 - Andrew V. McLaglen was born. Movie director.
1920 - Nasce em Lisboa, na Madragoa, Sidónio Muralha (m. 1982). Poeta português um dos precursores do neo-realismo português.É considerado um dos maiores poetas para crianças da língua portuguesa.
1922 - Jacques Piccard, was born. French undersea explorer.
1925 - Baruch S. Blumberg was born. American research physician whose discovery of an antigen that provokes antibody response against hepatitis B led to the development by other researchers of a successful vaccine against the disease. Co-winner (with D. Carleton Gajdusek) of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1976, for their work on the origins and spread of infectious viral.
1927 - John Ashbery, was born. Poet.
1929 - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, [Jacqueline Lee Bouvier] was born (d. 1994). American wife of 35th U. S. Presidennt John F. Kennedy ; wife of Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis; editor: Doubleday Publishing)
1931 - Darryl Hickman was born. Actor (The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis)
1932 - US President Herbert Hoover orders the United States Army to forcibly evict the "Bonus Army" of World War I veterans gathered in Washington, DC.
1934 - Jacques d'Amboise, was born. Dancer and choreographer.
1934 - Marie Dressler, dies (b. 1868). Actress.
1936 - Garfield Sobers, was born. Cricketer.
1936 - Morte do padre espanhol Pedro Poveda Castroverde - (canonizado em 04 Mai 2003)
1937 - Peter Duchin, was born. Pianist and bandleader
1938 - Alberto Fujimori was born. President of Peru
1938 -Morte de Lampião (Capitão Virgolino Ferreira), conhecido como 'O Rei do Cangaço', no ano 1940 - Philip Proctor, was born. Comedian
1941 - Riccardo Muti, was born in Naples. Italian conductor
1942 - World War II: USSR leader Joseph Stalin issues Order No. 227 in response to alarming German advances into Russia. Under the order all those who retreat or otherwise leave their positions without orders to do so will be immediately killed.
1942 - William Matthew Flinders Petrie, dies (b. 1853). English Egyptologist.
1943 - World War II: Operation Gomorrah - The British bomb Hamburg causing a firestorm that kills 42,000 German civilians.
1943 - Bill Bradley, was born. Basketball player and U.S. Senator
1945 - Jim Davis, was born. Cartoonist
1945 - Richard Wright was born. Keyboard player with Pink Floyd
1945 - "Garfield" creator Jim Davis was born.
1945 - A US Army bomber accidentally crashes into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building killing 14 injuring 26.
1945 - José Luis Bustamante y Rivero asume la presidencia del Perú
1946 - Linda Kelsey was born. Actress ( Lou Grant, Day by Day)
1946 - Jonathan Edwards was born. Singer
1947 - Barbara Ferrell was born. U.S. National Track & Field Hall of Famer: Olympic medalist: silver: 100 meter dash, gold: 4x100 meter relay [1968]; gold medalist: Pan American Games: 100 meters [1967]; tied world record twice: 100 meters [11.1 seconds [1967])
1948 - Georgia Bright Engel was born. Actress. (The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Coach)
1948 - Sally (Ann) Struthers. Emmy Award-winning actress: All in the Family [1971-72, 1978] promoter of the Christian Children's Fund) .
1948 - O Congresso da FIFA realizado em Londres, designa o Brasil como sede do Campeonato do Mundo de Futebol de 1950
1949 - Vida Blue was born. Baseball: Cy Young Award [1971])
1949 - Peter Doyle was born. Singer: group: The New Seekers: I'd like to Teach the World to Sing, Look What They've Done to My Song Ma)
1949 - Steve Peregrin Took, was born (d. 1980). Singer and songwriter.
1950 - Manuel A. Odría asume la presidencia del Perú
1951 - The Walt Disney film, Alice in Wonderland, was released by RKO Pictures.
1951 - Santiago Calatrava was born in Valencia. Spanish well-known architect who has designed the Olympic Stadium in Athens, Greece.
1952 - Yoshitaka Amano, was born. Japanese artist.
1953 - Guilherme Arantes was born in São Paulo. Brazilian singer and composer.
1954 - Steve Morse, was born. American guitarist.
1954 - Gerd Faltings was born. German mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal, the highest honour that a young mathematician can receive, in 1986, primarily for his proof of the Mordell Conjecture which he achieved using methods of arithmetic algebraic geometry.
1954 - Hugo Chavez was born in Sabaneta, Venezuela. President of Venezuela (1999-2004)
1954 - Manuel Prado Ugarteche assume, pela segunda vez, a Presidencia do Perú
1957 - Edith Abbott, dies (b. 1876). Social worker, educator, and author.
1958 - Terry Fox, was born (d. 1981). Cancer activist.
1962 - Rachel Sweet, was born. Singer
1963 - Michael Hayden was born. Actor ("Murder One")
1963 - Fernando Belaúnde Terry asume la presidencia del Perú
1964 - Ian Livingston, was born. British businessman
1965 - Vietnam War: US President Lyndon B. Johnson announces his order to increase the number of United States troops in South Vietnam from 75,000 to 125,000.
1965 - Lori Loughlin, was born. Actress.
1965 - Daniela Mercury was born in Salvador - Baía. Brazilian singer.
1965 - Edogawa Ranpo, dies (b. 1894). Japanese author of detective novels.
1966 - Miguel Angel Nadal was born. Spanish football (soccer) player.
1968 - Otto Hahn, dies (b. 8 Mar1879). German chemist, Nobel Prize for Chemistry laureate in 1994 shared with the radiochemist Fritz Strassmann. He also shared the Enrico Fermi Award in 1966 with Strassmann and Lise Meitner.
1969 - Frank Loesser, dies (b. 1910). Composer.
1971 - Myril Hoag, dies (b. 1908). Baseball player.
1972 - Helen Traubel, dies (b. 1903). American soprano.
1972 - Elizabeth Berkley, was born. Actress (Saved by the Bell, The First Wives Club, Random Encounter, Any Given Sunday, Africa, The Elevator, Soulmates)
1973 - Watkins Glen, New York concert attended by 600,000 to see The Band, The Allman Brothers Band, and the Grateful Dead.
1975 - Leonor Watling was born. Spanish actress.
1976 - Jacoby Shaddix, was born. Singer, Papa Roach
1976 - The Tangshan earthquake measuring between 7.8 and 8.2 magnitude flattens Tangshan, China, killing 242,769 and injuring 164,851.
1977 - Emanuel Ginóbili, was born. Argentine basketball player
1979 - Birgitta Haukdal, was born. Icelandic singer
1980 - Fernando Belaúnde Terry asume, por segunda vez, la presidencia del Perú.
1982 - Keith Green, dies (b. 1953). American gospel singer, songwriter, and pianist.
1983 - O Grémio de Porto Alegre vence em casa o Peñarol do Uruguay por 2 -1 e conquista a Taça Libertadores. No jogo da 1ª. mão o resultado tinha sido um empate 1-1.
1984 - The 23rd Summer Olympic Games opened at the Los Angeles Coliseum in Southern California this day. Peter V. Uberroth, head of the U.S. Olympic Committee, welcomed 7,800 athletes from 140 nations during the 3-1/2 hour opening ceremonies
1985 - Alan García Pérez asume la presidencia del Perú.
1988 - Actor Jonathan Osser was born. Actor "Hiller and Diller"
1990 - Alberto Fujimori becomes president of Peru
1992 - Mary J. Blige releases her album What's the 411?. It is considered the album that started the new subgenre, hip-hop soul (also see 1992 in music).
1993 - Constituição da Federação Portuguesa de Bilhar
1995 - Network Solutions announces a new policy to help companies protect their trademarks on the Internet.
1995 - Alberto Fujimori inicia su segundo periodo en la presidencia del Perú.
1996 - Kennewick Man, the remains of a prehistoric man, was discovered near Kennewick, Washington.
1996 - Marguerite "Marge" Ganser, dies (b. 1948). Singer (Shangri-Las)
1997 - Guatemala becomes a member of the Berne Convention copyright treaty.
1998 - Monica Lewinsky scandal: Ex-White House intern, Monica Lewinsky receives transactional immunity in exchange for her grand jury testimony concerning her relationship with US President Bill Clinton.
1999 - Trygve Magnus Haavelmo dies. Norwegian economist
2000 - Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori was sworn in for an unprecedented third term of office, infuriating demonstrators who set government buildings ablaze
2001 - Alejandro Toledo Manrique asume la presidencia del Perú
2003 - NPR broadcasts the first episode of Day to Day, a one-hour radio newsmagazine
2003 - Lady Valerie Goulding, dies (b. 1918). Irish Senator and campaigner for the disabled.
2004 - Tiziano Terzani, dies (b. 1938). Italian journalist.
2004 - Francis Crick, dies (b. 8 Jun 1916). English chemist, recipient of the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly with James Watson and Maurice Wilkins, for their determination of the molecular structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the chemical substance ultimately responsible for hereditary control of life functions
2004 - Sam Edwards, dies (b. 1915). American actor.
Canada - Commemoration of the deportation of the Acadians
Faroe Islands - Ólavsøka Eve
Peru - Independence Day
San Marino - Fall of the Fascist Government
Dia do Agricultor (Brasil)