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On this day in History - Mar 31


Portugal empata na Eslováquia 1 - 1

Do mal o menos. Em Junho ajustamos contas

ESLOVÁQUIA - Contofalsky; Petras; Hanek; Varga e Karhan; Zabavnik, Hlinka, Mintal e Michalik; Jakubk e Nemeth.
PORTUGAL - Ricardo; Paulo Ferreira, Ricardo Carvalho, Jorge Andrade e Nuno Valente; Costinha, Maniche; Cristiano Ronaldo, Deco e Simão; Pauleta.
Árbitros: Alain Sars, Aux - Frédéric Arnault,Vincent Texier , 4º Pascal Garibian

Uma exibição descolorida e pouco ambiciosa da equipa de Portugal não permitiu fazer melhor do que empatar na Eslováquia em jogo para o Grupo 3 Europeu de Qualificação para o Mundial da Alemanha 2006.

Portugal a começar mal o jogo sofrendo o golo aos 7' na sequencia de um penalty, cometido por Paulo Ferreira sobre Mintal, que Kahran concretizou. À medida que o jogo decorria Portugal foi melhorando mas passou ainda por um calafrio numa jogada de contra ataque aos 22' com finalização de Nemeth que Ricardo evitou com grande defesa o 2-0. Portugal a perder tinha que ter iniciativa e dispôs de uma grande oportunidade por Simão em plena área frente ao guarda redes falhou o 1-1 ao chutar contra o corpo deste (34'). A tendencia do jogo era de ataque de Portugal mas no início da 2ª parte repetiu-se a "cena" da primeira.

Os eslovacos começam melhor a 2ª parte, menos recuados e com mais iniciativa. Scolari mexe na equipa e na altura não se diria que se concordava com a alteração. Tirou Pauleta entrou Postiga (aos 56') ou seja avançado por avançado com a agravante de Postiga não estar a fazer grande época no seu clube.

Cristiano Ronaldo aos 60' em jogada de inspiração desfere um pontapé de fora da área que se diria indefensável, mas uma defesa absolutamente espantosa de Contofalsky, todo esticado na horizontal conseguiu evitar o 1-1 desviando a bola para canto. Tratou-se, porém, de um adiamento porque na sequência do canto Ricardo Carvalho ganhou de cabeça e depois Postiga (jackpot de Scolari) a desviar vitoriosamente para o 1-1.

Os eslovacos sentiram o golo e abanaram mas Portugal não teve maior ambição para procurar a vitória; foi então a partir dos 80' que os eslovacos, voltaram a acreditar que podiam ganhar e atacaram vendo-se erros de Nuno Valente - a obrigar Costinha a fazer falta e levar cartão amarelo - e o próprio Postiga num mau alívio e a conceder canto a ajudar a Eslováquia nas suas ambições. Aos 92' na sequência de um canto a bola foi afastada mas um remate de fora da área de Mintal faria o golo se Ricardo não fizesse também uma excelente defesa garantindo o 1-1.

Exibição modesta de um Portugal "mole" com jogadores de fraco rendimento Paulo Ferreira, Deco, Pauleta e Simão Sabrosa (que falhou um golo) perante uma Eslováquia muito física e agressiva (25 - 10 em faltas!! ) num relvado muito irregular, cheio de buracos, em que a bola não rolava antes saltava o que também dificultou as operações da equipa mais técnica. Cristiano Ronaldo foi o melhor português. Na Eslováquia o guarda-redes e Mintal demonstraram ser jogadores acima da média.

O resultado acaba por ser razoável para Portugal que em Junho recebe em casa os eslovacos e considerando que a Russia também só conseguiu empatar na Estónia por igual resultado ou seja 1-1.

Portugal e Eslováquia comandam com 14 pontos e a Rússia é terceiro com 11, todos com 6 jogos disputados.

Van Gogh was born this day of the year 1853

Vincent Van Gogh (30.Mar.1853 - 29.Jul.1890)

...And was in this day of the year 1987 that his painting "Sunflowers" was bought by US$ 39,85 million. No doubt, a man who made very valuable things.

Sunflowers, 1889
Oil on Canvas,
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam
(Vincent van Gogh Foundation)

(photo from internet)

On this day in History - Mar 30

  • 0239 -BC- 1st recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet.
  • 1135 - Nascimento de Moshé (Moisés) Ben Maimón, médico judeu sefardim, conhecido entre os muçulmanos como Abu Imram Musa ben Maimun Ibn Abdalá, e no ocidente por Maimónides, na Aljama de Córdoba-Espanha. Médico e filósofo.
  • 1266 - As Vésperas Sicilianas: o povo de Palermo, capital da Sicília, levanta-se contra Carlos de Anjou, após a cerimónia das Vésperas. A revolta terminará com a coroação do rei de Aragão Pedro III, o Grande, chamado para ocupar o trono.
  • 1492 - Ferdinand and Isabella sign a decree aimed at expelling all Jews from Spain unless they convert to Roman Catholicism.
  • 1533 Henry VIII divorces his 1st wife, Catherine of Aragon 1533 - Thomas Cranmer becomes Archbishop of Canterbury.
  • 1544 - El padre Bartolomé de las Casas es consagrado en Sevilla obispo de la diócesis mexicana de Chiapas.
  • 1559 - Muere el matemático Adam Ries, o Riese.
  • 1615 - Se otorga a Cervantes autorización real para la impresión de la segunda parte de "El Quijote".
  • 1620 - El Papa Paulo V crea la Diócesis Episcopal de Buenos Aires.
  • 1672 - Peter I "the Great" Romanov great tsar of Russia (1682-1725) was born.
  • 1681 - Peeter Snyers “le Saint”, was born (d. 04 May 1752). Flemish painter/engraver.
  • 1719 - Sir John Hawkins, author of the first history of music, was born.
  • 1746 - Francisco Goya [Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes], was born in Fuentedetodos, Spain (d. 16 Apr 1828). Painter /etcher (Naked Maja).
  • 1764 - Pietro Antonio Locatelli, Italian violinist/composer, dies at 68 .
  • 1778 - Playwright Voltaire crowned with laurel wreath Id-al-Adha (Islam) .
  • 1783 - William Hunter dies (b. 23 May 1718). British obstetrician, educator, and medical writer whose high standards of teaching and medical practice took obstetrics from the hands of the midwives and established it as an accepted branch of medicine .
  • 1791 - After a proposal by the Académie des sciences (Borda, Lagrange, Laplace, Monge and Condorcet), the French National Assembly finally chose that a metre would be a 1/10 000 000 of the distance between the north pole and the equator.
  • 1793 - Nace Juan Manuel de Rosas, gobernante argentino.
  • 1798 - Luise Hensel, was born. German poet (d. 1876) .
  • 1811 - Nace el químico e inventor Robert Wilhelm von Bunsen.
  • 1811 - El Congreso Constituyente de Colombia, presidido por Jorge Tadeo Lozano, aprueba la Constitución de Cundinamarca.
  • 1814 - Napoleonic Wars: Sixth Coalition forces march into Paris, ending a decade of French domination on the Continent.
  • 1820 - Anna Sewell, was born (d. 1878). British author ( Black Beauty) .
  • 1822 - Florida Territory created in the United States.
  • 1823 - Se establece en México el sistema republicano de Gobierno.
  • 1828 - François-Louis-David Bocion, was born in Lausanne (d. 13 Dec 1890). Swiss painter.
  • 1832 - Stephen Groombridge dies (b. 7 Jan 1755).English merchant and astronomer, who compiled of a star catalog known by his name. A Catalog of Circumpolar Stars, Reduced to January 1, 1810 was published posthumously in 1838, edited by G. Biddell Airy.
  • 1833 - Charles Victor Thirion, French artist who died on 27 April 1878.
  • 1842 - Anesthesia is used for the first time in an operation (Dr. Crawford Long performed the operation and ether was used).
  • 1842 - Marie Louise Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, dies (b. 16 Apr 1755). French Neoclassical painter specialized in Portraits. Starting in 1835, she wrote Souvenirs, her autobiography.
  • 1844 - Los dominicanos derrotan en Santiago de los Caballeros a los haitianos.
  • 1844 - Paul Verlaine, was born (d. 1896). French lyric poet.
  • 1845 - España firma un tratado con Venezuela, por el que reconoce la independencia y soberanía de este país.
  • 1852 - James Theodore Bent was born (d. 5 May 1897).British explorer and archaeologist who excavated the magnificent Iron Age ruined city named the Great Zimbabwe, an ancient site in SE Africa that inspired the name of the country Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia).
  • 1853 - Vincent van Gogh, Dutch Post-Impressionist painter who died on 29 July 1890.
  • 1855 - Origins of the American Civil War: Bleeding Kansas - "Border Ruffians" from Missouri invade Kansas and force election of a pro-slavery legislature.
  • 1855 - Violence disrupts first Kansas election .
  • 1856 - The Treaty of Paris (1856) is signed, ending the Crimean War.
  • 1857 - Leon Charles Thevenin, was born(d. 1926). French telegraph engineer.
  • 1858 - Hyman Lipman patents a pencil with an attached eraser.
  • 1863 - Auguste Bravais dies (b.23 Aug 1811).French physicist and mineralogist, best remembered for his work on the lattice theory of crystals.
  • 1863 - Mary Whiton Calkins was born (d. 26 Feb 1930). As an educator and psychologist, she was the first American woman to attain distinction in these fields of study. Calkins studied psychology at Harvard as a "guest," since women could not officially register.
  • 1863 - Prince Wilhelm Georg of Sleeswÿk-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg is chosen as King George I of Greece.
  • 1866 - Peter Philippi, German artist who died in 1958.
  • 1867 - Alaska is purchased for $7.2 million, about 2 cent/acre ($4.19/km²), by United States Secretary of State William H. Seward. The news media call this Seward's Folly.
  • 1868 - Koloman Moser, Austrian artist who died on 18 October 1918 .
  • 1870 - Texas is readmitted to the Union following Reconstruction.
  • 1870 - 15th Amendment passes, guarantees right to vote regardless of race.
  • 1873 - Benedict Augustin Morel dies (b. 22 Nov 1809).Austrian-born French psychologist who introduced the term dementia praecox to refer to a mental and emotional deterioration beginning at the time of puberty. The disorder was renamed schizophrenia in 1908 by the Swiss psychologist Eugen Bleuler. He is the author of "Traité des dégenerescences physiques, intellectuelles et morales de l'espèce humaine" (1857).
  • 1875 - Muere Dalmacio Vélez Sarsfield, estadista argentino, autor del Código Civil.
  • 1875 - Jonathan Campbell, was born (d. 1942). Film pioneer.
  • 1876 - Antoine-Jérôme Balard dies (b. 30 Sept 1802). French chemist who in 1826 discovered the element bromine, determined its properties, and studied some of its compounds. Later he proved the presence of bromine in sea plants and animals .
  • 1879 - Coen de Koning, was born (d.1954). Dutch speed skater.
  • 1879 - Thomas Couture, dies (b. 21 Dec 1818). French painter and teacher.
  • 1880 - Sean O'Casey, was born (d. 1964). Irish dramatist, playwright (Playboy of the Western World) .
  • 1882 - Fallece el escritor Ramón Mesonero Romanos.
  • 1885 - Las tropas invasoras guatemaltecas son derrotadas por las salvadoreñas en una batalla librada en los márgenes del río Coco.1900 - El Gobierno argentino decreta la reforma de algunas frases del himno nacional que España podría considerar ofensivas.
  • 1886 - Edmund Blampied, English painter who died in 1966.
  • 1891 - Arthur William Sidney Herrington was born (d. 6 Sep 1970). American engineer and manufacturer who developed a series of military vehicles, the best known of which was the World War II jeep.
  • 1892 - Stefan Banach was born (d. 31 Aug 1945).Polish mathematician who founded modern functional analysis and helped develop the theory of topological vector spaces .
  • 1895 - British inventor Birt Acres films Oxford-Cambridge .
  • 1895 - Nikolai Bulganin, was born (d.1975). Premier of the Soviet Union.
  • 1903 - Countee Cullen, was born. American poet (d. 1946).
  • 1911 - Lötschberg tunnel in Switzerland (13,735 meter) completed.
  • 1911 - Ellen Swallow Richards dies (b. 3 Dec 1842). Ellen Henrietta Swallow was an American chemist and founder of the home economics movement in the United States.
  • 1912 - France establishes a protectorate over Morocco.
  • 1912 - Karl May, dies. German author, novelist.
  • 1913 - Richard Helms, was born (d. 2002). Director of the Central Intelligence Agency .
  • 1913 - Frankie Laine, was born. Singer .
  • 1914 - Sonny Boy Williamson, was born. Musician.
  • 1914 - John Henry Poynting dies (b. 9 Sep 1852).British physicist who introduced a theorem (1884-85) that assigns a value to the rate of flow of electromagnetic energy known as the Poynting vector, introduced in his paper "On the Transfer of Energy in the Electromagnetic Field"(1884).
  • 1916 - El músico Enrique Granados muere a bordo del Sussex, torpedeado por los alemanes.
  • 1916 - Pancho Villa killed 172 at the Guerrero garrison in Mexico.
  • 1919 - McGeorge Bundy, was born (d. 1996). National Security Advisor .
  • 1922 - Os aviadores portugueses Gago Coutinho e Sacadura Cabral iniciaram a sua Travessia Aérea do Atlântico.
  • 1926 - Ingvar Kamprad, was bornm. Swedish founder of IKEA .
  • 1927 - Se publica en Madrid la "Antología poética en honor de Góngora", recopilada por Gerardo Diego.
  • 1929 - Thomas Tuke, dies (b. 12 Jun 1858). British painter .
  • 1930 - John Astin, was born. American actor .
  • 1930 - Rolf Harris, was born. Australian artist, entertainer .
  • 1930 - Peter Marshall, was born. Game-show host .
  • 1931 - Aleksey Vasilyevich Sorokin, was born. Russian cosmonaut.
  • 1932 - Amelia Earhart is 1st woman to fly solo cross the Atlantic .
  • 1937 - Warren Beatty, was born in Richmond VA - USA. Actor and director (actor: Splendor in the Grass, The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone, Bonnie and Clyde, McCabe & Mrs. Miller, The Parallax View, Shampoo, Heaven Can Wait, Reds, Dick Tracy, Bulworth, Town and Country; Academy Award-winning director: Reds [1981]; Heaven Can Wait, Dick Tracy, Bulworth; Irving G. Thalberg Memorial [Academy] Award [2000]).
  • 1940 - Sino-Japanese War: Japan declares Nanking to be the capital of a new Chinese puppet government, nominally controlled by Wang Ching-wei.
  • 1940 - Astrud Gilberto, was born. Brazilian singer and composer (Girl From Ipanema) .
  • 1941 - Wasim Sajjad, was born. Former President of Pakistan .
  • 1941 - Graeme Edge was born. Musician (drums: "The Moody Blues" : Nights in White Satin, LP: Kick Off Your Muddy Boots, Long Distance Voyager).
  • 1944 - Sir Charles Vernon Boys dies (b.15 Mar 1855). English physicist and inventor of sensitive instruments.
  • 1945 - Eric Clapton, was born. Blues guitarist (Yardbirds, Cream, Tears in Heaven) .
  • 1945 - 289 anti-fascists murdered by Nazis in Rombergpark Dortmund .
  • 1945 - World War II: Soviet Union forces invade Austria and take Vienna.
  • 1945 - A cidade polaca de Danzig foi tomada pelas tropas soviéticas .
  • 1946 - Academy Award radio, an anthology radio show on CBS, debuts on this day.
  • 1946 - Doris Day (I) gets married with George Weidler .
  • 1947 - Arthur Machen, dies (b. 1863). Author.
  • 1948 - Mahatma Gandhi assassinated in New Delhi .
  • 1949 - Friedrich Bergius, dies. German chemist and entrepreneur Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1931.
  • 1949 - Marcia Ball, was born. Blues pianist .
  • 1949 - Lene Lovich, was born in Detroit, Michigan, USA . American-born singer, best known for her work in the early New Wave era .
  • 1949 - José Natividad González Parás, nasce. Político mexicano.
  • 1949 - Friedrich Bergius dies (b. 11 Oct 1884). German chemist, who invented converting coal dust and hydrogen directly into gasoline and lubricating oils without isolating intermediate products, (Stuttgart, 25 June 1921). For his work in developing the chemical high pressure hydrogenation method necessary for this process he shared the 1931 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Carl Bosch of Germany.
  • 1950 - Robbie Coltrane, was born. Actor, comedian.
  • 1950 - the invention of the phototransistor was announced. This was a transistor operated by light rather than electric current, invented by Dr. John Northrup Shive of the Bell Telephone Laboratories at Murray Hill, N.J. .
  • 1951 - Remington Rand delivers the first UNIVAC I computer to the United States Census Bureau.
  • 1953 - Einstein announced his revised unified field theory.
  • 1954 - The first subway in Canada finally opens after five years of construction, in Toronto.
  • 1954 - Nascimento de Rosi Campos (Rosângela Martins Campos), atriz brasileira, em Bragança Paulista-SP.
  • 1954 - Fritz Wolfgang London dies (b. 7 Mar 1900). German-American physicist who, with Walter Heitler, devised the first quantum mechanical treatment of the hydrogen molecule, while working with Schrödinger at the University of Zurich.
  • 1955 - 27th Academy Awardst at The RKO Pantages Theater in Los Angeles : "On the Waterfront",(Sam Spiegel, producer) won Oscars for Best Picture, Director (Elia Kazan), Actor (Marlon Brando), Supporting Actress (Eva Marie Saint) and more (art direction, cinematography, film editing, writing). Grace Kelly was voted Best Actress for "The Country Girl" . Best Supporting Actor was Edmond O’Brien for "The Barefoot Contessa" and Best Music/Song Oscars went to Jule Styne (music), Sammy Cahn (lyrics) for "Three Coins in the Fountain" from the flick of the same name.
  • 1957 - Paul Reiser, was born. Actor.
  • 1960 - Nascimento de Dalva Labres, ( Estrela Dalva). Administradora e Poetisa.
  • 1962 - MC Hammer, was born. Rapper .
  • 1962 - Jack Paar films his last episode of The Tonight Show.
  • 1964 - Tracy Chapman, was born.Grammy Award-winning folk, pop singer-songwriter Singer (Freedom Now, I Got a Fast Car).
  • 1964 - The game show Jeopardy! debuts on television.
  • 1964 - Nascimento de Vera Zimmermmann (Vera Alice Santos Zimmermann), atriz brasileira, em Santos-SP.
  • 1965 - Vietnam War: A car bomb explodes in front of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon, killing 22 and wounding 183 others.
  • 1965 - Philip Showalter Hench dies (b. 28 Feb 1896).American physician who was one of the leaders in American rheumatology. He shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1950(with Edward C. Kendall and Tadeus Reichstein of Switzerland) for discoveries relating to the hormones of the adrenal cortex, their structure and biological effects .
  • 1966 - Maxfield Parrish, dies (b. 1870). Artist.
  • 1968 - Donna D'Errico, actress (Baywatch) model, playmate (September 1995) .
  • 1968 - Céline Dion, was born. Canadian singer .
  • 1970 - Secretariat, was born. Triple Crown -winning race horse (d. 1989) .
  • 1972 - Vietnam War: The Eastertide Offensive begins after North Vietnamese forces cross into the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) of South Vietnam.
  • 1974 - The Ramones play their first ever gig as a trio at CBGB's in New York City.
  • 1975 - Vietnam del Sur capitula ante Vietnam del Norte.
  • 1976 - España: se emplea el vasco en el Ayuntamiento de San Sebastián, después de 40 años.
  • 1976 - Obadele Thompson, was born. Barbadan athlete .
  • 1977 - Sergey Ilyushin, dies (b. 1894). Russian aerospace engineer.
  • 1979 - José María Velasco Ibarra, dies . Equatorian politic.
  • 1979 - Norah Jones, was born. Musician.
  • 1980 - Se constituye en la ciudad de Guernica el Parlamento Vasco.
  • 1981 - President Ronald Reagan is shot in the chest outside a Washington, D.C. hotel by John Hinckley, Jr., family friend of the Vice President.
  • 1981 - President Ronald Reagan is shot in the chest outside a Washington, D.C., hotel by a deranged drifter named John Hinckley Jr.
  • 1986 - Una mujer sometida en Londres a fecundación "in vitro", Linda Jacobsen, da a luz quintillizos.
  • 1986 - James Cagney, dies at his Stanfordville NY farm (b. 1899);(Public Enemy, Angels With Dirty Faces, Yankee Doodle Dandy ...).
  • 1987 - 59th Academy Awards Cerimony took place at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion of the Los Angeles Music Center. Chevy Chase, Goldie Hawn and Paul Hogan ("Crocodile Dundee") hosted. : Best Picture "Platoon" (Arnold Kopelson, producer); Best Director: Oliver Stone for "Platoon"; Best Actor : Paul Newman ( for "The Color of Money"); Best Actress: Marlee Matlin for "Children of a Lesser God"; Best Supporting Actor: Michael Caine for "Hannah and Her Sisters"; Best Supporting Actress: Dianne Wiest for "Hannah and Her Sisters" and Best Music/Song: Giorgio Moroder (music), Tom Whitlock (lyrics) for "Take My Breath Away" from "Top Gun". And HBO (Home Box Office) earned its first Oscar as "Down and Out in America" tied for Best Documentary feature.
  • 1987 - Vincent Van Gogh's painting "Sunflowers" is bought for $39.85 million.
  • 1992 - Dimite el Gobierno brasileño por denuncias de corrupción del presidente, Fernando Collor.
  • 1992 - 64th Academy Awards. Billy Crystal was host. "The Silence of the Lambs" sweeps with Best Picture,"Silence" also won the Best Director Oscar for Jonathan Demme; Anthony Hopkins as Best Actor and Jodie Foster as Best Actress.Jack Palance won Best Supporting Actor for playing Curly in "City Slickers" and the Best Supporting Actress Oscar was claimed by Mercedes Ruehl for "The Fisher King".
  • 1992 - Incorporação no Exército das primeiras mulheres.
  • 1992 - Manolis Andronicos dies (b. 23 Oct 1919).Greek archaeologist who discovered ancient royal tombs in northern Greece, possibly belonging to the Macedonian King Philip II, the father of Alexander III the Great.
  • 1993 - In Sarajevo, two Serb militiamen were sentenced to death for war crimes committed in Bosnia.
  • 1993 - Jamaican premier Percival Patterson wins parliamentary election .
  • 1994 - Serbs and Croats signed a cease-fire to end their war in Croatia while Bosnian Muslims and Serbs continued to fight each other.
  • 1997 - Muere José Rovirosa, cineasta y catedrático mexicano.
  • 1997 - Steve Elkington wins Golf's Players Championship .
  • 1998 - El tenista chileno Marcelo Ríos se ubica primero en la clasificación de la ATP.
  • 1999 - Michel Etcheverry dies (b. 16 Dec 1919). French actor .
  • 2002 - Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, dies (b. 1900). Queen Mother of the United Kingdom.
  • 2002 - A suicide bomber, Mohammad Salahat (22), struck in Tel Aviv and 32 people were injured. Israeli troops sealed Arafat in his Ramallah compound. A Hamas suicide bomber killed 15 Israelis at the Matza restaurant in Haifa.
  • 2003 - Rudolf Walter Leonhardt dies. German journalist.
  • 2003 - Valentin Pavlov, dies. Former prime minister of the Soviet Union.
  • 2004 - A boat carrying 107 people sank during the crossing from Somalia to Yemen and only four other people, including two crew members, were rescued.


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On this day in History - Mar 29

  • 0537 - Vigilius was consecrated and enthroned as Pope, replacing Silverius.
  • 1058 - Pope Stephen X dies.
  • 1249 - A cidade de Faro foi conquistada aos Mouros pelo Rei D. Afonso III .
  • 1461 - Wars of the Roses: Battle of Towton - Edward of York defeats Queen Margaret to become King Edward IV of England. Margarida de Anjou run away from England and Henrique VI is made prisioner in Tower of London .
  • 1561 - Santorio Santorio was born (d. 22 Feb 1636. Italian physician who made the first systematic study of basal metabolism. In his research, he was also the first to employ instruments of precision and to apply quantitative experimental research techniques in the practice of medicine.
  • 1629 - Jacob (or Jacques) de Gheyn II, dies (b. 1565). Dutch draftsman, engraver, and painter.
  • 1631 (burial) Jorge Manuel Theotocopoulos (or Theotocopouli), dies. Toledo Spanish painter and architect born in 1578, son of Doménikos Theotokópoulos “El Greco” [1541 – 07 Apr 1614] and Doña Jerónima de Las Cuevas, who were not married.
  • 1638 - Swedish colonists establish first settlement in Delaware, called New Sweden.
  • 1758 - Scott-Pierre-Nicolas Legrand de Lérant, was born. French artist who died on 11 May 1829.
  • 1769 - Nicolas-Jean de Dieu Soult, nasce. Soldado, duque e político francês.
  • 1772 - Emanuel Swedenborg, dies. Swedish philosopher and mathematician (b. 1688) .
  • 1788 - As Fábricas e Manufacturas das três comarcas de Portalegre, Fundão e Covilhã são entregues a particulares.
  • 1790 - John Tyler, was born (d. 1862). 10th President of the United States
  • 1792 - King Gustav III of Sweden dies after being shot in the back at a midnight masquerade at Stockholm's Royal Opera just 13 days earlier. He is succeeded by Gustav IV Adolf.
  • 1794 - Muere Antoine de Condorcet, nasce. Enciclopedista, matemático, filósofo y político.
    1799 - New York passes a law aimed at gradually abolishing slavery in the state .
  • 1802 - Johann Moritz (or Juan Mauricio) Rugendas, dies of a heart attack. German painter who is noted particularly for his drawings and paintings of Brazil and other Latin American countries.
  • 1806 - Construction authorized of the Great National Pike, better known as the Cumberland Road, becoming the first United States federal highway.
  • 1809 - King Gustav IV Adolf of Sweden abdicated after a coup d'état. At the Diet of Porvoo, Finland's four Estates pledge allegiance to Alexander I of Russia, commencing the secession of the Grand Duchy of Finland from Sweden.
  • 1812 - Johann Friedrick Dryander, German artist born on 26 April 1756. — [I find no Dryander art on the internet, no Wetander either.]
  • 1815 - Jane Austen completes her novel Emma.
  • 1819 - Edwin Laurentine Drake was born (d. 8 Nov 1880). American driller of the first productive oil well near Titusville, Pennsylvania, that launched the modern U.S. petroleum industry .
  • 1824 - Ludwig Büchner was born (d.30 Apr 1899).German physician and philosopher who became one of the most popular exponents of 19th-century scientific materialism. He wrote many works to disseminate knowledge of the natural sciences.
  • 1826 - Wilhelm Liebknecht, was born, journalist and politician (d. 1900) .
  • 1826 - Johann Heinrich Voß, dies. German poet (b. 1751) .
  • 1829 - Muere el Brig. Gral. Cornelio Saavedra, jefe del Regimiento de Patricios y presidente de la Primera Junta de Gobierno de Argentina.
  • 1830 - Criação da primeira Escola Veterinária Portuguesa, por diploma de D. Miguel.
  • 1833 - Nace el jurista Paul Johann Anselm Ritter von Feuerbach.
  • 1835 - Gustaf Zander, was born. Physician (d. 1920) .
  • 1847 - Mexican-American War: United States forces led by General Winfield Scott take Veracruz after a siege.
  • 1848 - An upstream ice jam stops almost all water flow over Niagara Falls.
  • Inauguração da Estrada de Ferro Central do Brasil,(antiga Cia. de Estrada de Ferro D.PedroII), ligando o Rio de Janeiro até a Vila de Queimados (48,1Km - 5 estações), em 1858;
  • 1849 - The United Kingdom annexes the Punjab .
  • 1853 - Elihu Thomson was born (d. 13 Mar 1937). U.S. electrical engineer and inventor whose discoveries in the field of alternating current phenomena led to the development of successful alternating current motors .
  • 1865 - El Gobierno paraguayo declara la guerra a Argentina.
  • 1867 - Se dicta la primera constitución de Canadá.
  • 1867 - Queen Victoria gives Royal Assent to the British North America Act which establishes the Dominion of Canada on July 1.
  • 1867 - Cy Young, was born. Baseball Hall of Famer (d. 1955).
  • 1869 - Ales Hrdlicka was born (d. 5 Sep 1943). Czechoslovakian-American physical anthropologist known for his studies of Neanderthal man and his theory of the migration of American Indians from Asia.
  • 1871 - The Royal Albert Hall is opened by Queen Victoria.
  • 1873 - Tullio Levi-Civita was born (d. 29 Dec 1941).Italian mathematician who was one of the founders of absolute differential calculus (tensor analysis) which had applications to the theory of relativity.
  • 1873 -Francesco Zantedeschi, dies (b.1797). Italian priest and physicist.
  • 1874 - Lou Hoover, was born. First Lady of the United States (d. 1944).
  • 1877 - Alexander Carl Heinrich Braun dies (b.10 May 1805).German botanist who was the most highly regarded botanist of the "nature philosophy" school, a doctrine which attempted to explain natural phenomena in terms of the speculative theories that dominated early 19th-century German science .
  • 1879 - Anglo-Zulu War: Battle of Kambula: British forces defeat 20,000 Zulus.
  • 1879 - Tschaikovski's opera "Yevgeni Onegin" premieres in Moscow .
  • 1882 - The Knights of Columbus are established.
  • 1885 - Un ejército guatemalteco capitaneado por el presidente, José María Reina Barrios, penetra en territorio salvadoreño.
  • 1885 - Una escuadra francesa se apodera de las islas de los Pescadores, tras un combate con la flota china.
  • 1889 - Warner Baxter, was born († 1951). Actor.
  • 1886 - The first batch of Coca Cola was brewed over a fire in a backyard in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. John Pemberton had created the concoction as a cure for "hangover," stomach ache and headache. He advertised it as a "brain tonic and intellectual beverage," and first sold it to the public a few weeks later on 8 May. Coke contained cocaine as an ingredient until 1904, when the drug was banned by Congress.
  • 1890 - Sir Harold Spencer Jones was born (d. 3 Nov 1960). English astronomer who was 10th astronomer royal of England (1933–55). His work was devoted to fundamental positional astronomy.
  • 1891 - Yvan Goll, was born († 1950). Lyricist and dramatist (d. 1950) .
  • 1891 - Georges Pierre Seurat, dies (b. 02 Dec 1859). French Pointillist painter.
  • 1892 - Sir William Bowman dies (b.20 Jul 1816).(1st Baronet) was an English surgeon and histologist who obtained a European reputation for medical research long before he was thirty years of age .
  • 1895 - Anne Redpath, was born. Scottish painter .
  • 1895 - Ernst Jünger, was born (†. 1998) . Author .
  • 1899- Lavrenty Beria, was born (d. 1953). Soviet Communist leader .
  • 1900 - John McEwen, eighteenth Prime Minister of Australia (d. 1980).
  • 1900 - Charles Elton was born (d. 1 May 1991). English biologist credited with describing the "sociology and economy of animals," thus outlining the basic principles of modern animal ecology. He thought of the "community" as a group of species related through the food chains.
  • 1901 - Andrija Maurovic, Croatian illustrator (d. 1981) .
  • 1902 - Marcel Aymé, narrator and dramatist, humorist and satirist (d. 1967) .
  • 1902 - William Walton, composer (d. 1983).
  • 1903 - Gustavus Swift was born (b. 24 Jun 1839). American manufacturer and inventor of the first refrigerated railroad cars. These improved his handling of the supply of beef from western states to the Chicago meat company of which he was a partner .
  • 1905 -Edward Burra, was born in England. Surrealist painter, illustrator, and stage designer, who died on 22 Oct 1976.
  • 1906 - Slava Raskaj, dies, painter (b. 1878).
  • 1908 - La Cámara de los Comunes británica concede el derecho de voto a las mujeres.
  • 1908 - Arthur O'Connell, actor (d. 1981) .
  • 1911 - Brigitte Horney, actress (d. 1988) .
  • 1911- Designed by John Browning, the M1911 semi-automatic handgun became the standard-issue handgun in the United States Army, and was subsequently widely used in World War I, World War II and the Korean War.
  • 1911 - Criação em Portugal do ensino infantil para ambos os sexos.
  • 1912 - Robert Falcon Scott, dies, explorer (b. 1868) .
  • 1912 - Hanna Reitsch, German aviator (d. 1979) .
  • 1913 - Tony Zale, world champion boxer (d. 1997) .
  • 1913 - R. S. Thomas, Welsh poet (d. 2000) .
  • 1918 - Pearl Bailey, singer, actress (d. 1990) .
  • 1918 - Sam Walton, US businessman, founder of Wal-Mart. (d. 1992).
  • 1921 -John Burroughs, dies (b. 3 Apr 1837). American naturalist and author who lived and wrote after the manner of Henry David Thoreau. Burroughs studyied and celebrated nature in his many essays and books.
  • 1927 -John Robert Vane was born (d. 19 Nov 2004). English biochemist, who shared the 1982 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine (with Sune K. Bergström and Bengt Ingemar Samuelsson of Sweden) for their isolation, identification, and analysis of prostaglandins.
  • 1930 - Heinrich Brüning is appointed German Reichskanzler.
  • 1930- Nascimento de Lima Duarte (Aryclenes Venâncio Martins), grande ator brasileiro, em Desemboque- MG, no ano de 1930;
  • 1931 - Aleksei Gubarev, cosmonaut.
  • 1931 - George Amos Dorsey dies (b. 6 Feb 1868). U.S. ethnographer of North American Indians, especially the Mandan tribe.
  • 1934 - Otto Hermann Kahn, dies, millionaire and benefactor (b. 1867).
  • 1935 - Sir Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, dies (b. 2 Jun 1850).English physiologist, one of the founders of endocrinology and inventor of the prone-pressure method (Schafer method) of artificial respiration adopted by the Royal Life Saving Society.
  • 1937 - Karol Szymanowski, dies, composer (b. 1882) .
  • 1939 - Terence Hill was born in Venice, Veneto, Italy. Actor ( Lo chiamavano Trinità (1971) .... Trinity... aka My Name Is Trinity ) .
  • 1939 - Fernanda de Figueiredo nasce em Lisboa. Actriz. [ (A Cruz de Ferro ou "The Iron Cross" (1968) ; Domingo à Tarde ou "Sunday Afternoon" (1966); Fado Corrido (1964); 9 Rapazes e 1 Cão (1964)] .
  • 1939 - Alfredo Tropa, nasce no Porto. Realizador de cinema e televisão português. Produtor. (O Maioral (1985) Ao Pensar em Electrónica (1980) Barbara (1980/II) Made In - II (1980) O Povo e a Arte (1975) Povo e o Barro, O (1975) Povo e o Futuro, O (1975) Pedro Só (1972) ... aka Just Peter (International: English title) Dois Pisos (1970) A Mulher e a Roda (1970) Águas Vivas (1969) Minuto Zero (1968) Num Mar de Moliço (1966). Ou Inverno ou... (1965) O Inverno (1964). Noël 1721 (1964) Deligny en mai (1963) Os Transportes (1962) Uma Nova Universidade (1961) Biopsie, La (1960) Inundações (1960) Portuguese Men of the Sea (1957).
  • 1940 - Ray Davis, was born . Musician (P-Funk) .
  • 1941 - World War II: British Royal Navy and Royal Australian Navy forces intercepted those of the Italian Regia Marina off the Peloponnesus coast of Greece in the Battle of Cape Matapan.
  • 1942 - Muere el poeta Miguel Hernández.
  • 1943 - Evangelos Odysseas Papathanassiou, aka Vangelis, new age musician .
  • 1943 - Eric Idle, was born. Actor, writer, composer (Monty Python's Flying Circus) .
  • 1943 - John Major, was born. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom .
  • 1943 - Vangelis Papathanassiou , was born in Volos, Greece Vangelis is a composer and performer who works almost exclusively with... Vangelis is a composer and performer who works almost exclusively with electronic instruments. He is probably most well know for his "Chariots of Fire" and "Blade Runner" soundtracks or for the tracks used in the "Cosmos" television series. He has been involved in many musical collaborations, the most famous that with Jon Anderson.
  • 1944 - Denny McLain, was born. Baseball pitcher.
  • 1945 - As tropas soviéticas entraram na Áustria .
  • 1945 - World War II: Last day of V-1 flying bomb attacks on England.
  • 1945 - Walt Frazier, was born basketball player.
  • 1946 - El Gobierno argentino niega las acusaciones del Gobierno estadounidense de haber ayudado a Alemania en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
  • 1950 - Bud Cort, was born. Actor .
  • 1951 - Red Scare: Ethel and Julius Rosenberg are convicted of conspiracy to commit espionage.
  • 1952 - Teofilo Stevenson, was born boxer.
  • 1955 - Earl Campbell, was born. American football star .
  • 1955 -Nascimento de Jorge Fernando (Jorge Fernando de Medeiros Rebello), no Rio de Janeiro. Actor brasileiro.
  • 1958 - Nascimento de Pedro Bial , actor e apresentador brasileiro, no Rio de Janeiro-RJ.
  • 1956 - Kurt Thomas, was born. Gymnast .
  • 1957 - Christophe Lambert, was born . Actor (Greystoke, Highlander) .
  • 1958 - Pedro Bial, nasce no Rio de Janeiro. Jornalista.
  • 1959 - Perry Farrell, was born. Musician ("Jane's Addiction", "Porno for Pyros") .
  • 1959 - Barthelemy Boganda, dies. First President of the Central African Republic
  • 1960 - Marina Sirtis, was born. Actress (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
  • 1961 - The Twenty-third Amendment to the United States Constitution is ratified, allowing residents of Washington, DC to vote in presidential elections.
  • 1964 - Elle Macpherson, was born. Model.
  • 1968 - Lucy Lawless, was born. Actress (Xena: Warrior Princess), singer .
  • 1969 - In Madrid, Spain, four different performers tie for first place at the fourteenth Eurovision Song Contest. The medals are shared by Spain's Salomé singing "Vivo cantando" (I live singing), United Kingdom's Lulu singing "Boom Bang-a-bang", Netherlands' Lenny Kuhr singing "De troubadour" (The troubadour), and France's Frida Boccara singing "Un jour, un enfant" (One day, a child...) .
  • 1971 - My Lai massacre: Lt. William Calley is convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in prison.
  • 1971 - A Los Angeles, California jury recommends the death penalty for Charles Manson and three female followers.
  • 1972 - El Gobierno de Bolivia anuncia la expulsión del país de 199 diplomáticos soviéticos en el plazo de una semana.
  • 1972 - Lord J. Arthur Rank, dies, movie theater owner (b. 1888) .
  • 1973 - Vietnam War: The last United States soldiers leave South Vietnam.
  • 1974 - NASA's Mariner 10 becomes the first spaceprobe to fly by Mercury. It was launched on November 3, 1973.
  • 1974 - Manuel Santos Carvalho, morre no Porto (n. 17 June 1891 Lisbon, Portugal). Actor [ Passarinho da Ribeira (1960); Madragoa (1952); A Menina da Rádio (1944); O Costa do Castelo (1943); A Canção de Lisboa (1933); Aldeia da Roupa Branca (1938)].
  • 1976 - Jennifer Capriati, was born. Professional tennis player.
  • 1980 - Mantovani, dies (b. 15 Nov 1905). Italian musician arranger, conductor.
  • 1981 - First running of the London Marathon .
  • 1981 - El Tte.Gral. Roberto Eduardo Viola asume la presidencia de la Nación Argentina.
  • 1981 - Sandra Sanchez was born Washington, D. C., USA. Actress.
  • 1982 - The Canada Act 1982 (U.K.) receives the Royal Assent by Queen Elizabeth II, setting the stage for the Queen of Canada to proclaim the Constitution Act, 1982 .
  • 1982 - Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney release their single Ebony and Ivory.
  • 1982 - Carl Orff, dies. (b. 10 July 1895). German composer.
  • 1983 - Vanessa Giácomo was born in Volta Redonda, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Actress .
  • 1984 - The Baltimore Colts of the NFL moved to Indianapolis in the middle of the night.
  • 1985 - A Mesquita de Lisboa é inaugurada.
  • 1985 - Acuerdo entre España y la Comunidad Europea para la integración de España.
  • 1985 - George Peter Murdock dies (b. 11 May 1897). American anthropologist who specialized in comparative ethnology, the ethnography of African and Oceanic peoples, and social theory.
  • 1986 - Astrit Hasani, professional table-tennis player Kosova .
  • 1989 - Se inauguran las obras de restauración del museo Louvre incluyendo la nueva pirámide de acceso.
  • 1991 - Lee Atwater, dies. Republican advisor (b. 1951) .
  • 1992 - Paul Henreid, dies, actor (b. 1908) .
  • 1992 - La policía francesa detiene a los tres máximos dirigentes de ETA.
  • 1993 - Catherine Callbeck becomes Premier of Prince Edward Island and Canada's first female premier.
  • 1993 - Edouard Balladur becomes Prime Minister of France.
  • 1994 - O governo da Guatemala e guerrilheiros rebeldes assinam um tratado de direitos humanos simbolizando a esperança de um breve fim da guerra civil que já durava 33 anos.
  • 1997 - Norman Wingate Pirie, dies (b. 1 July 1907). British biochemist and virologist who collaborated with Frederick Bawden to demonstrate that the genetic material found in viruses is RNA.
  • 1997 - Ruth Sager dies (b.7 Feb 1918).American cellular geneticist whose research (1950's - 60's) altered the prevailing view about where genetic material was within the cell. In particular, she recognized that a second set of genes were found outside of the cell's nucleus.
  • 1998 - A Ponte Vasco da Gama que liga Lisboa a Seixal foi inaugurada pelo Presidente da República Portuguesa, Jorge Sampaio, a 29 de Março de 1998.
  • 1998 - Paulo Ubiratan morre no Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (ataque coração) ( b. 14 Jan 1947). Director de novelas e actor [ "Por Amor" (1997) ; A Indomada" (1997) , "Anjo de Mim" (1996) "O Fim do Mundo" (1996) "Tropicaliente" (1994) "Pedra Sobre Pedra" (1992) "Tieta" (1989) "O Salvador da Pátria" (1989) "Roda de Fogo" (1986) "Roque Santeiro" (1985) "Sétimo Sentido" (1982) "Baila Comigo" (1981) "Coração Alado" (1980) "Água Viva" (1980) "Feijão Maravilha" (1979) "Sinal de Alerta" (1978) e muitas outras ].
  • 1998 - Athelstan Frederick Spilhaus dies (b. 25 Nov 1911).South African-born American geophysicist and inventor.
  • 1999 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes at 10006.78 – above the 10,000 mark for the first time ever.
  • 1999 - Joe Williams, dies, jazz singer (b. 1918) .
  • 2001 - Helge Ingstad, dies, explorer (b. 1899) .
  • 2001 - A chartered Gulfstream III jet crashes into a hillside during approach into Aspen, Colorado, killing 18 people.
  • 2003 - The Baldin Collection goes on display at Moscow's Museum of Architecture. The 362 drawings and 2 paintings were taken in 1945 from Germany by Viktor Baldin, a soldier of the conquering Red Army.
  • 2003 - Dr. Carlo Urbani, dies, discoverer of SARS (b. 1956) .
  • 2004 - Alistair Cooke, dies, television host (b. 1908) .
  • 2004 - Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia join NATO as full members.
  • 2004 - The Republic of Ireland becomes the first country in the world to ban smoking in all work places, including bars and restaurants.
  • 2006 - Predicted total solar eclipse.