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ÍTACA - Konstantinos Kaváfis

Quando partires de regresso a Ítaca,
deves orar por uma viagem longa,
plena de aventuras e de experiências.
Ciclopes, Lestrogónios, e mais monstros,
um Poseidon irado - não os temas,
jamais encontrarás tais coisas no caminho,
se o teu pensar for puro, e se um sentir sublime
teu corpo toca e o espírito te habita.
Ciclopes, Lestrogónios, e outros monstros,
Poseidon em fúria- nunca encontrarás,
se não é na tua alma que os transportes,
ou ela os não erguer perante ti.

Deves orar por uma viagem longa.
Que sejam muitas as manhãs de Verão,
quando, com que prazer, com que deleite,
entrares em portos jamais antes vistos!

Em colónias fenícias deverás deter-te
para comprar mercadorias raras:coral e madrepérola,
âmbar e marfim,e perfumes subtis de toda a espécie:
compra desses perfumes o quanto possas.
E vai ver as cidades do Egipto, para aprenderes com os que sabem muito.
Terás sempre Ítaca no teu espírito, que lá chegar é o teu destino último.
Mas não te apresses nunca na viagem.
É melhor que ela dure muitos anos,
que sejas velho já ao ancorar na ilha, rico do que foi teu pelo caminho,
e sem esperar que Ítaca te dê riquezas.
Ítaca deu-te essa viagem esplêndida.
Sem Ítaca, não terias partido.
Mas Ítaca não tem mais nada para dar-te.
Por pobre que a descubras, Ítaca não te traiu.
Sábio como és agora,
senhor de tanta experiência,
terás compreendido o sentido de Ítaca.

in "90 e mais quatro poemas", de Constantino Cavafy, trad por Jorge de Sena, ed. por Fora do Texto, Coimbra, 1970.

As you set out for Ithaca
hope your road is a long one,
full of adventure, full of discovery.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
angry Poseidon - don't be afraid of them:
you' ll never find things like that on your way
as long as you keep your thoughts raised high,
as long as a rare excitement
stirs your spirit and your body.
Laistrygonians, Cyclops,
wild Poseidon - you won't encounter them
unless you bring them along inside your soul,
unless your soul sets them up in front of you.

Hope your road is a long one.
May there be many summer mornings when,
with what pleasure, what joy,
you enter harbours you're seeing for the first time;
may you stop at Phoenician trading stations
to buy fine things,
mother of pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
sensual perfume of every kind -
as many sensual perfumes as you can;
and may you visit many Egyptian cities
to learn and go on learning from their scholars.

Keep Ithaca always in your mind.
Arriving there is what you're destined for.
But don't hurry the journey at all.
Better if it lasts for years,
so you're old by the time you reach the island,
wealthy with all you've gained on the way,
not expecting Ithaca to make you rich.

Ithaca gave you the marvelous journey.
Without her you wouldn't have set out.
She has nothing left to give you now.
And if you find her poor, Ithaca won't have fooled you.
Wise as you will have become, so full of experience,
you'll have understood by then what these Ithakas mean.


Σα βγεις στον πηγαιμό για την Ιθάκη,
να εύχεσαι νάναι μακρύς ο δρόμος,
γεμάτος περιπέτειες, γεμάτος γνώσεις.
Τους Λαιστρυγόνας και τους Κύκλωπας,
τον θυμωμένο Ποσειδώνα μη φοβάσαι,
τέτοια στον δρόμο σου ποτέ σου δεν θα βρείς,
αν μέν' η σκέψις σου υψηλή, αν εκλεκτή
συγκίνησις το πνεύμα και το σώμα σου αγγίζει.
Τους Λαιστρυγόνας και τους Κύκλωπας,
τον άγριο Ποσειδώνα δεν θα συναντήσεις,
αν δεν τους κουβανείς μες στην ψυχή σου,
αν η ψυχή σου δεν τους στήνει εμπρός σου.

Να εύχεσαι νάναι μακρύς ο δρόμος.
Πολλά τα καλοκαιρινά πρωϊά να είναι
που με τι ευχαρίστησι, με τι χαρά
θα μπαίνεις σε λιμένας πρωτοειδωμένους·
να σταματήσεις σ' εμπορεία Φοινικικά,
και τες καλές πραγμάτειες ν' αποκτήσεις,
σεντέφια και κοράλλια, κεχριμπάρια κ' έβενους,
και ηδονικά μυρωδικά κάθε λογής,
όσο μπορείς πιο άφθονα ηδονικά μυρωδικά·
σε πόλεις Αιγυπτιακές πολλές να πας,
να μάθεις και να μάθεις απ' τους σπουδασμένους.

Πάντα στον νου σου νάχεις την Ιθάκη.
Το φθάσιμον εκεί είν' ο προορισμός σου.
Αλλά μη βιάζεις το ταξίδι διόλου.
Καλλίτερα χρόνια πολλά να διαρκέσει·
και γέρος πια ν' αράξεις στο νησί,
πλούσιος με όσα κέρδισες στον δρόμο,
μη προσδοκώντας πλούτη να σε δώσει η Ιθάκη.

Η Ιθάκη σ' έδωσε το ωραίο ταξίδι.
Χωρίς αυτήν δεν θάβγαινες στον δρόμο.
Αλλο δεν έχει να σε δώσει πια.

Κι αν πτωχική την βρεις, η Ιθάκη δεν σε γέλασε.
Ετσι σοφός που έγινες, με τόση πείρα,
ήδη θα το κατάλαβες η Ιθάκες τι σημαίνουν.

Κωνσταντίνος Π. Καβάφης (1911)

Constantine P. Cavafy (also known as Konstantin or Konstantinos Petrou Kavafis, or Kavaphes; Greek: Κωνσταντίνος Π. Καβάφης; April 29, 1863 – April 29, 1933)