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World Ocean Day / Dia Mundial dos Oceanos

Created in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro World Ocean Day is an opportunity each year to celebrate our world ocean and our personal connection to the sea. Its aim is to celebrate the world's ocean and its rich diversity of life; highlight global ocean awareness, education and action programmes to promote a healthy and productive ocean.

In 2008, the United Nations General Assembly decided that, as from 2009, 8 June would be designated by the United Nations as “World Oceans Day” (resolution 63/111, paragraph 171).

The theme of the World Oceans Day by the United Nations in 2010 is "Our oceans: opportunities and challenges".

When we are living one tragic disaster for the oceans, The Gulf of Mexico - BP oil spill, this day is an opportunity to emphasize that we live on a blue planet where 70 percent of the surface is covered by ocean waters, and to raise public awareness of the key connections among a healthy ocean, a healthy climate, and our future. Regardless of where we live, we are dependent on the state of health of our shared bodies of water.