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International Children Book's Day / Dia Internacional do Livro Infantil

Since 1967, on or around Hans Christian Andersen's birthday, 2 April, International Children's Book Day (ICBD) is celebrated all over the world to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children's books. The celebratory day is coordinated by the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), a non-profit organisation dedicated to bringing children and book together.

The theme for this year celebration is “I am the World”

Hoje comemora-se o Dia Internacional do Livro Infantil. O dia 2 de Abril foi escolhido porque é o dia do nascimento (no ano de 1805) de Hans Christian Andersen um autor de grande influência na Literatura Infantil, autor de contos como o Patinho Feio, O Soldadinho de Chumbo, A Pequena Sereia, A Princesa e a Ervilha...