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Sporting nas meias finais da Taça de Portugal

Sporting 2 - 1 Académica

De goleada expectável a um triunfo tangencial

A Académica ia fazer um exame a Alvalade mas cedo se viu que os estudantes não só não tinham estudado a lição como pareciam que nem ler nem escrever sabiam. O Sporting cedo chegou à vantagem após jogada de Moutinho pela direita com o cruzamento a ser finalizado de cabeça por Liedson e aos 4' a equipa de Alvalade já ganhava. Passados 2 minutos outra grande oportunidade e aos 11' mais um cruzamneto da direira e Liedson de cabeça a fazer o 2-0. O sistema de três centraius da Académica não funcionava e ocom João Moutinho a «dirigir» a orquestra, a peça musical agradava aos adeptos leoninos.

Na segunda parte a Académica veio apostada em rectificar. Já sem invenções tacticas a Académica teve duas oportunidades flagrantes de marcar, com o remate de longe de Vinha a bater na barra de Ricardo e mais tarde Robertoi Brum a atirar ai poste. Na altura deste segundo lance já estava, todavia, a equipa de Coimbra reduzida a dez por falta (pisão do pé de João Moutinho que deu toda a impressão de intencional por Vítor Vinha). A reacção da Académica foi mesmo com dez bastante interessante embora também o Sporting estivesse perto de fazer o terceiro golo, também na segunda parte.

Já depois do minuto 90' a Académica de cabeça por Dame reduziu para 2-1 dando mais equilibrio ao marcador mas o jogo terminava logo a seguir não tendo havido tempo para impacientar os adeptos. Duas partes distintas mas com a vitória dos locais a não sofrer contestação.

Jorge Sousa terá ajuizado bem o lance da expulsão.

Estádio José Alvalade, em Lisboa

Árbitro: Jorge Sousa (Porto)

SPORTING – Ricardo; Abel, Tonel, Polga e Caneira; Nani (Romagnoli, 71 m), Miguel Veloso, João Moutinho e Yannick (Farnerud, 59 m); Bueno (Pereirinha, 80 m) e Liedson.

ACADÉMICA – Pedro Roma; Danilo, Kaká, Litos (Vítor Vinha, 33 m)e Lino; Paulo Sérgio, Roberto Brum e Filipe Teixeira; Dame, Nestor Alvarez (Alexandre, 46 m) e Cláudio Pitbull (Gyano, 46).

Golos: 1-0, Liedson (4 m); 2-0, Liedson (11 m); 2-1, Dame (90 m)

Cartão amarelo a Danilo, Tonel, Bueno, Caneira e Kaká.
Cartão vermelho directo a Vítor Vinha (55 m),por falta dura sobre João Moutinho.

Nos outros jogos dos Quartos-de-final o Belenenses foi ganhar ao Bragança por 2-1 com os bragantinos a merecerem o prolongamento que esteve para acontecer com a bola dentro ba baliza da equipa do Restelo mas em lance que a arbitragem não sancionou com a alegação de fora de jogo.

O Beira Mar derrotado na última jornada em casa pelo Boavista repetiu o desafio agora para a Taça e a verdade é que se deu bem ao marcar dois golos no prolongamento depois de 0-0 ao fim dos 90 minutos. Matheus (112 m) e Delibasic (120 m) marcaram os golos frente ao Boavista que esteve em inferioridade numérica por expulsão de Lucas e que contestaram no final a competência do árbitro Olegário Benquerença.

O outro jogo Braga-Varzim só se disputa em 25 de Março.

E assim nasceu ... o maior clube português

Em 28 de Fevereiro de 1904, fundou-se na Farmácia Franco, à Rua Direita de Belém, nº. 107, o Grupo Sport Lisboa.

Os sócios fundadores foram:
Abílio Meireles
Amadeu Rocha
António Rosa Rodrigues
António Severino
Cândido Rosa Rodrigues
Carlos França
Daniel Brito
Eduardo Corga
Francisco Calisto
Francisco Reis
João Inácio Gomes
João Goulão
Joaquim Almeida
Joaquim Ribeiro
Jorge Augusto de Sousa
Jorge de Sousa Afra
José Linhares
José Rosa Rodrigues
Manuel Gourlade
Manuel França
Raul Empis
Henrique Teixeira
Vírgilio Cunha
e Cosme Damião que elaborou a acta
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Em 1906 foi fundado o Grupo Sport de Benfica, dando-se em 1908 a fusão dos clubes passando em 13 de Setembro de 1908 a denominar-se Sport Lisboa e Benfica.

(post publicado inicialmente no blog Benfica do Futuro)

103 anos. Parabéns Benfica!

On this day in History - Feb. 28

  • 0364 - Valentinian I is elevated as Roman Emperor.
  • 0870 - The Fourth Constantinople Council closed, under Pope Adrian II in the West and Emperor Basil I in the East. The council had condemned iconoclasm, and became the last ecumenical council held in the Eastern Mediterranean area.
  • 1066 - Westminster Abbey opens.
  • 1155 - Henry the Young King was born (d. 1183). Son of Henry II of England
  • 1326 - Duke Leopold I of Austria dies.
  • 1453 - Isabella, Duchess of Lorraine dies (b. 1400)
  • 1485 - Niclas, Graf von Abensberg dies (b. 1441). German soldier.
  • 1525 - O último imperador azteca, Cuauhtemoc, é torturado e executado pelo conquistador espanhol Hernan Cortes.
  • 1533 - Michel de Montaigne was born (d. 1592), French essayist and philosopher.
  • 1552 - Joost Bürgi was born (d. 31 Jan 1632). Swiss/German mathematician who invented logarithms independently of the Scottish mathematician John Napier.
  • 1561 - Ambroise Paré published La méthode curative des playes et fractures de la teste humaine ("Treatment method for wounds and fractures of the human head").
  • 1572 - Aegidius Tschudi dies (b. 1505). Swiss historian.
  • 1594 - O médico de Elizabeth I, Roger Loper, é preso por suposta conspiração para envenenar a Rainha .
  • 1609 - Paul Sartorius dies at 39. Composer.
  • 1612 - John Pearson was born (d. 1686). English theologian.
  • 1644 - Holandeses abandonam São Luís e a capitania do Maranhão volta ao domínio português.
  • 1648 - King Christian IV of Denmark and Norway dies (b. 1577)
  • 1670 - Benjamin Wadsworth was born (d. 1737). American President of Harvard University.
  • 1675 - Guillaume Delisle was born (d. 1726). French cartographer.
  • 1683 - René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur was born (d. 17 Oct 1757). French scientist active in various fields, and the foremost entomologist of the early 18th century .
  • 1700 - February 28 is followed by March 1 in Sweden, thus creating the Swedish calendar.
  • 1704 - Louis Godin was born (d. 1760). French astonomer.
  • 1712 - Louis-Joseph de Montcalm was born (d. 1759). French military commander.
  • 1724 - George Townshend, 1st Marquess Townshend was born (d. 1807). British field marshal.
  • 1736 - Por decreto, a Coroa portuguesa, obriga a que o transporte de ouro, diamantes e outras pedras preciosas do Brasil, se faça exclusivamente nos cofres das frotas.
  • 1743 - René-Just Haüy was born (d. 1 Jun 1822). French mineralogist who was the founder of the science of crystallography through his discovery of the geometrical law of crystallization.
  • 1746 - Hermann von der Hardt dies (b. 1660). German historian.
  • 1784 - John Wesley charters the Methodist Church.
  • 1786 - John Gwynn dies (b. 1713). English architect and engineer.
  • 1788 - Thomas Cushing dies (b. 1725). American Continental Congressman.
  • 1797 - Mary Lyon was born. Educator (Mt Holyoke) (Hall of Fame).
  • 1806 - Forças francesas capturam Barcelona, Espanha.
  • 1811 - Comienza el movimiento pro independencia de Uruguay, a orillas del río Asensio.
  • 1820 - John Tenniel was born (d. 1914). English illustrator.
  • 1823 - Ernest Renan was born (d. 1892). French philosopher.
  • 1824 - Blondin was born (d. 1897). French tightrope walker.
  • 1825 - Assinatura de um tratado entre a Grã-Bretanha e a Rússia fixando os limites fronteiriços entre o Canadá e o Alasca, então uma possessão russa.
  • 1827 - The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad is incorporated, becoming the first railroad offering commercial transportation of both people and freight.
  • 1830 - O Visconde de Caramuru, presidente da Bahia (Brasil) é assassinado por um desconhecido.
  • 1833 - Alfred von Schlieffen was born (d. 1913). German field marshal.
  • 1838 - Maurice Lévy was born (d. 1910). French engineer.
  • 1838 - Robert Nelson, leader of the Patriotes, proclaim the independance of Lower Canada (today Québec)
  • 1844 - A gun on USS Princeton explodes while the boat is on a Potomac River cruise, killing two United States Cabinet members and several others.
  • 1847 - Batalla de Sacramento: los EE.UU. derrotan a México.
  • 1849 - Regular steamboat service from the west to the east coast of the United States begins with the arrival of the SS California in San Francisco Bay, 4 months 21 days after leaving New York Harbor.
  • 1850 - The University of Utah opens in Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • 1857 - André Dumont dies (b. 1809). Belgian geologist.
  • 1859 - Florian Cajori was born (d. 14 Aug 1930). Swiss-born U.S. educator and mathematician whose works on the history of mathematics were among the most eminent of his time.
  • 1861 - Colorado is organized as a United States territory.
  • 1862 - Canon Edwin Sidney Savage was born (d. 1947). Rector of Hexham Abbey and St Bartholomew the Great.
  • 1865 - Wilfred Grenfell was born (d. 1940). Medical missionary.
  • 1869 - Alphonse de Lamartine dies. French statesman and poet.
  • 1870 - The Bulgarian Exarchate is established by decree of Sultan Abd-ul-Aziz of the Ottoman Empire.
  • 1875 - Sir Goldsworthy Gurney dies (b. 14 Feb 1793). Prolific English inventor who built technically successful steam carriages a half century before the advent of the gasoline-powered automobile.
  • 1877 - Henri-Édouard-Prosper Breuil was born (d. 14 Aug 1961). French archaeologist especially noted as an authority on prehistoric cave paintings of Europe and Africa.
  • 1878 - Pierre Fatou was born (d. 1929). French mathematician, who worked on iteration theory which was later analysed by Benoit Mandelbrot.
  • 1878 - Artur Kapp was born (d. 1952). Estonian composer.
  • 1882 - Geraldine Farrar was born (d. 1967). American soprano.
  • 1882 - José Vasconcelos was born in Oaxaca. Mexican thinker and politician.
  • 1882 - Pádraic Ó Conaire was born (d. 1928). Irish writer.
  • 1883 - The first vaudeville theater is opened in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • 1885 - The American Telephone and Telegraph Company was incorporated in New York State as the subsidiary of American Bell Telephone. (American Bell would later merge with its subsidiary.)
  • 1885 - Batalla de Barranquilla entre los sublevados en Colombia contra el presidente de la República, Rafael Núñez, y los rebeldes.
  • 1891 - Armando Cortes-Rodrigues was born in Vila Franca do Campo, San Miguel Island, Azores (d. 14 Oct 1971). Portuguese writer.
  • 1894 - Ben Hecht was born (d. 1964). American playwright, film writer.
  • 1895 - Marcel Pagnol was born (d. 1974). French novelist, playwright and film director
  • 1895 - Guiomar Novaes was born. Brazilian pianist (Brazilian Order of Merit).
  • 1896 - Philip Showalter Hench was born (d. 30 Mar 1965). American physician who was one of the leaders in American rheumatology. He shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1950 for discoveries relating to the hormones of the adrenal cortex, their structure and biological effects (with Edward C. Kendall and Tadeus Reichstein of Switzerland).
  • 1897 - Queen Ranavalona III, the last monarch in Madagascar, was deposed by a French military force.
  • 1900 - The Second Boer War: The 118-day "Siege of Ladysmith" is lifted.
  • 1900 - General Sir Redvers Henry Buller's troops relieve British forces at Ladysmith – they have been under siege by the Boers since 2 November 1899.
  • 1900 - Wolfram Hirth was born (d. 1959). German pilot and designer of aircrafts.
  • 1901 - Linus Pauling was born in Portland, Oregon. American chemist who applied quantum mechanics to the study of molecular structures, particularly in connection with chemical bonding The only winner of Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1954 and Peace 1962 (d. 1994) .
  • 1903 - Vincente Minnelli was born in Chicago, Illinois (d. 1986). Film director (American in Paris, Gigi ) .
  • 1904 - Foundation of Grupo Sport Benfica now Sport Lisboa e Benfica
  • 1906 - Bugsy Siegel was born in Brooklyn, New York (d. 1947). American gangster.
  • 1907 - Milton Caniff was born (d. 1988). American cartoonist (Terry and the Pirates, Steve Canyon).
  • 1908 - Billie Bird was born (d. 2002). American actress.
  • 1909 - Stephen Spender was born (d. 1995). English poet.
  • 1911 - Denis Parsons Burkitt was born (d. died 23 Mar 1993). British surgeon and medical researcher. In the late 1950s, Burkitt began studying a form of lymphoma that affected children in his part of Africa (Burkitt's lymphoma).
  • 1915 - Zero Mostel was born (d. 1977 ). American actor ( Fiddler on the Roof).
  • 1915 - Sir Peter Medawar was born (d. 2 Oct 1987) . British zoologist who received (with Sir Macfarlane Burnet) the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1960 for the discovery of acquired immunological tolerance when he found (1953) that adult animals injected with foreign cells early in life accept skin grafts from the original cell donor.
  • 1915 - Ketti Frings was born (d. 1981). American Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and screenwriter.
  • 1916 - Henry James dies (b. 1843). American/British writer (The Wings of a Dove).
  • 1916 - Audley Bowdler Williamson was born (d. 21 Nov 2004). British inventor and manufacturer of skin-care products who invented Swarfega hand cleaner, a green jelly that mechanics, printers and others use to wash grease, grime, and ink from their hands.
  • 1917 - Almafuerte (Pedro Bonifacio Palacios) dies. Argentine poet.
  • 1917 - Fidel Sánchez Hernández was born (d. 2003). Former president of El Salvador (1967-1972)
  • 1921 - Conflicto armado entre Costa Rica y Panamá.
  • 1921 - Pierre Clostermann was born (d. 2006). French World War II pilot.
  • 1921 - António Palma dies. Portuguese actor.
  • 1922 - Egypt was declared an independent country.
  • 1922 - The United Kingdom accepts the independence of Egypt.
  • 1922 - Paulo Mendes Campos was born (d. 1991). Brazilian writer.
  • 1923 - Charles Durning was born. American actor
  • 1924 - U.S. begins intervention in Honduras .
  • 1925 - Friedrich Ebert dies (b. 4 Feb 1871). Weimar Germany's first president
  • 1926 - Svetlana Alliluyeva was born. Soviet defector, daughter of Joseph Stalin
  • 1929 - Frank O. Gehry was born in Toronto. Canadian-American architect and designer, renowned worldwide for his original, sculptural, and often audacious work, including the curvaceous Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain.
  • 1929 - Hayden Fry was born. American football coach.
  • 1929 - John Montague was born. Irish poet.
  • 1929 - Joseph Rouleau was born. French Canadian bass opera singer
  • 1929 - Baron Clemens von Pirquet dies (b. 12 May 1874). Austrian physician who originated a skin test for tuberculosis that bears his name, a classic diagnostic test in which tuberculin is applied to a superficial abrasion of the skin of the arm.
  • 1930 - Leon Neil Cooper was born. American physicist and winner of the 1972 Nobel Prize for Physics with John Bardeen and John Robert Schrieffer, for his role in developing the BCS (for their initials) theory of superconductivity.
  • 1930 - Gavin MacLeod was born. American actor
  • 1930 - Juan Aberle dies. Composer from El Salvador.
  • 1931 - Dean Smith was born. American basketball coach.
  • 1932 - Don Francks was born. Canadian actor.
  • 1933 - Rein Taagepera was born. Estonian politician.
  • 1933 - Gleichschaltung: The Reichstag Fire Decree is passed in Germany a day after the Reichstag fire.
  • 1935 - Nylon is discovered by Wallace H. Carothers of Dupont.
  • 1935 - Fernando Fader dies (b. 11 Apr 1882). Impressionist painter.
  • 1935 - Francisca (Chiquinha) Gonzaga dies. Brazilian composer.
  • 1936 - Italian forces take Mt. Alaji in Abyssinia, avenging the massacre of 1895 .
  • 1936 - Charles Nicolle dies (b. 21 Sep 1866). French bacteriologist who received the 1928 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his discovery (1909) that typhus is transmitted by the body louse.
  • 1938 - Klaus Staeck was born, graphic artist.
  • 1939 - The first issue of Serbian weekly magazine Politikin zabavnik was published.
  • 1939 - The word "Dord" is discovered in the Webster's New International Dictionary, Second Edition, prompting an investigation.
  • 1939 - Erika Pluhar was born. Actress and singer.
  • 1939 - Tommy Tune was born. American dancer, choreographer, actor .
  • 1939 - Daniel C. Tsui was born. Chinese-born American physicist who (with Horst L. Störmer and Robert B. Laughlin) received the 1998 Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery and explanation that the electrons in a powerful magnetic field at very low temperatures can form a quantum fluid whose particles have fractional electric charges (fractional quantum).
  • 1940 - Mario Andretti was born. Italian-American race car driver (1969 Indianopolis 500)
  • 1940 - Joe South was born. American singer and songwriter.
  • 1941 - Se funda en Bogotá el Santa Fe Corporación Deportiva.
  • 1941 - King Alfonso XIII of Spain dies (b. 1886) .
  • 1942 - During World War II, Japanese troops landed on the island of Java, which they occupied until 1945.
  • 1942 - Karel Doorman dies (b. 1889). Dutch admiral.
  • 1942 - Brian Jones was born (d. 1969). English musician ("The Rolling Stones").
  • 1942 - Joe South was born. Musician.
  • 1942 - Frank Bonner was born. American actor and director.
  • 1942 - Dino Zoff was born. Italian legengary soccer player (goalkeeper).
  • 1943 - António Livramento was born (d. 7 Jun 1999). Portuguese roller hockey player considered several times the best player of the world.
  • 1943 - Barbara Acklin was born (d. 1998). American soul singer.
  • 1944 - Kelly Bishop was born. American actress.
  • 1944 - Sepp Maier was born. German soccer player (goalkeeper).
  • 1944 - Win Aung was born. Burmese politician.
  • 1945 - Bubba Smith was born. American football player, actor (Police Academy) .
  • 1946 - Robin Cook was born (d. 2005). British politician .
  • 1946 - Syreeta Wright was born (d. 2004). American singer.
  • 1947 - Stephanie Beacham was born. British actress
  • 1947 - February 28 Incident: In Taiwan, civil disorder is put down with large loss of civilian lives.
  • 1948 - The last British troops left India.
  • 1948 - Steven Chu,Steven Chu was born. American physicist who (with Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and William D. Phillips) was awarded the 1997 Nobel Prize for Physics for their independent, pioneering research in cooling and trapping atoms using laser light.
  • 1948 - Bud Gartiser sets a new world record after clearing the 50-yard low hurdles in 6.8 seconds.
  • 1948 - Mike Figgis was born. English director, writer and composer .
  • 1948 - Bernadette Peters was born. American actress and singer .
  • 1948 - Mercedes Ruehl was born. American actress.
  • 1948 - Steven Chu was born. American physicist, Nobel Prize laureate.
  • 1949 - Es depuesto el presidente de Paraguay, Raimundo Rolón .
  • 1951 - Protein structure. In 1951, their theoretical description of the structure of proteins was published by Linus Pauling and Robert Corey in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • 1952 - End of 8th Winter Olympic Games in Oslo .
  • 1952 - William Finn was born. American composer and lyricist .
  • 1953 - James D. Watson and Francis Crick announce to friends that they have determined the chemical structure of DNA; formal announcement April 25 following publication in April Nature (pub. April 2).
  • 1953 - Eliezer Sukenik dies (b. 12 Aug 1889). Eliezer Lipa Sukenik was a Polish-born Israeli archaeologist who identified the antiquity of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  • 1954 - Jean Bourgain was born. Belgian mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1994 for his work in analysis .
  • 1954 - Brian Billick was born. American football coach
  • 1955 - Gilbert Gottfried was born. American comedian and actor.
  • 1955 - Rui Reininho was born. Portuguese musician (GNR).
  • 1956 - Jimmy Nicholl was born. Canadian-born Northern Irish footballer.
  • 1956 - Mike Tenay was born. American wrestling commentator.
  • 1956 - Frigyes Riesz dies ( b. 22 Jan 1880). Hungarian mathematician and pioneer of functional analysis, which has found important applications to mathematical physics.
  • 1957 - John Turturro was born. American actor.
  • 1958 - Jeanne Mas was born. French singer and actress
  • 1959 - Maxwell Anderson dies (b. 1888). American playwright, film writer.
  • 1959 - United Arab Republic and Britain agree on a settlement following the Suez crisis .
  • 1960 - The United States defeats Czechoslovakia 9-4 in ice hockey to win the gold medal at the Winter Olympics in Squaw Valley, California.
  • 1960 - Dorothy Stratten was born (d. 1980). Canadian actress and Playboy model .
  • 1961 - Rae Dawn Chong was born. Canadian actress.
  • 1961 - Mark Latham was born. Australian politician.
  • 1961 - René Simard was born. French Canadian singer and TV host
  • 1963 - Claudio Chiappucci was born. Italian cyclist
  • 1964 - Djamolidine Abdoujaparov was born. Uzbekistan cyclist
  • 1966 - Paulo Futre was born in Montijo. Portuguese football player.
  • 1967 - Colin Cooper was born. English footballer
  • 1967 - Henry Luce dies (b. 1898). American publisher.
  • 1968 - David V Duccini was born. Philosopher.
  • 1968 - Stéphan Lebeau was born. Canadian ice hockey player
  • 1969 - Patrick Monahan was born. American singer (Train)
  • 1969 - Robert Sean Leonard was born. American actor.
  • 1970 - Lemony Snicket was born. American writer, author of The Series of Unfortunate Events books .
  • 1970 - Noureddine Morceli was born. Algerian athlete, 1500m runner (Olympics-gold-96)
  • 1971 - 53rd PGA Championship: Jack Nicklaus shoots a 281 at PGA National FL Jack Nicklaus wins his 2nd golf grand slam .
  • 1971 - Tristan Louis was born. American writer
  • 1972 - Rory Cochrane was born. American actor.
  • 1973 - Eric Lindros was born. Canadian hockey player.
  • 1973 - Nicolas Minassian was born. French racing driver.
  • 1973 - Eric Lindros was born. Canadian ice hockey star.
  • 1974 - In a futile attempt to appease widespread strikes and army mutinies, Haile Selassie appoints a new premier in Ethiopia.
  • 1974 - After seven years, the United States and Egypt re-establish diplomatic relations.
  • 1974 - Ethiopian government of Makonnen forms.
  • 1974 - Lee Carsley was born. Irish footballer.
  • 1974 - Bobby Bloom dies (b. 1946). American singer/songwriter.
  • 1975 - A major tube train crash at Moorgate station, London kills 43 people.
  • 1975 - Mike Rucker was born. American football player
  • 1976 - 18th Grammy Awards: Love Will Keep Us Together, Natalie Cole wins.
  • 1976 - Ali Larter was born. American actress.
  • 1975 - Mike Rucker was born. American football player
  • 1976 - Ali Larter was born. American actress
  • 1977 - Jason Aldean was born. American country singer
  • 1977 - José Luis Romero dies. Argentine historian.
  • 1977 - Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson dies (b. 1905). American actor.
  • 1978 - Cyprus : Spyros Kyprianou was elected president with no opposition.
  • 1978 - Philip Ahn dies (b. 1905). American actor.
  • 1978 - Zara Cully dies (b. 1892). American actress.
  • 1978 - Marissa Perez was born. Miss Connecticut Teen USA (1996) .
  • 1978 - Mariano Zabaleta was born. Argentine tennis player
  • 1978 - Benjamin Raich was born. Austrian Olympic skier.
  • 1979 - "The famous Mr. Ed" dies, the talking horse .
  • 1979 - Hélder Rodrigues was born. Portuguese motociclist
  • 1979 - Primož Peterka was born. Slovenian ski jumper .
  • 1979 - Sébastien Bourdais was born. French racing driver
  • 1979 - Michael Bisping was born. British mixed martial artist
  • 1979 - Ivo Karlović was born. Croatian tennis player
  • 1980 - Pascal Bosschaart was born. Dutch footballer.
  • 1980 - Piotr Giza was born. Polish footballer
  • 1981 - Florent Serra was born. French tennis player
  • 1982 - Natalia Vodianova was born. Russian Model. Wallpapers here
  • 1983 - The final episode of M*A*S*H is broadcast in the USA, becoming the most watched television episode in history, with 106–125 million viewers in the U.S. (estimate varies by source).
  • 1983 - El Compact Disc hace su aparición en el mercado.
  • 1984 - 26th Grammy Awards: Beat It, Michael Jackson wins 7 including Album of the year for Thriller.
  • 1984 - Karolína Kurková was born. Czech supermodel.
  • 1985 - Fefe Dobson was born. Canadian singer
  • 1985 - Jelena Janković was born. Serbian tennis player.
  • 1985 - David Byron dies (b. 1947). British singer (Uriah Heep).
  • 1985 - Ray Ellington dies (b. 1916). British singer.
  • 1986 - Daniel Broderick was born. Australian musician.
  • 1986 - European Economic Community sign "Special Act" for Europe free trade .
  • 1986 - Olof Palme is assassinated in Stockholm (b. 1927). Prime Minister of Sweden, (1969-76, 82-86)
  • 1986 - O Plano Cruzado determina a substituição do Cruzeiro, que perde três zeros.
  • 1987 - Michelle Horn was born. Teen actress.
  • 1987 - Kerrea Gilbert was born. English footballer
  • 1988 - 15th Winter Olympic games close at Calgary, Canada .
  • 1989 - El presidente venezolano, Carlos Andrés Pérez, suspende las garantías constitucionales.
  • 1989 - Aurélio Buarque de Holanda Ferreira, intelectual brasileiro, morre.
  • 1990 - Se aprueba en la URSS la propiedad privada de la tierra y su transmisión en herencia.
  • 1991 - Guillermo Manuel Ungo dies. Salvadoran politician.
  • 1991 - Reinhard Bendix dies (b. 1916). German sociologist.
  • 1992 - Twenty-eight people were injured when an IRA bomb exploded at London Bridge train station.
  • 1993 - 7th American Comedy Award: Seinfeld wins.
  • 1993 - Ruby Keeler dies (b. 1910). Canadian actress, singer, dancer.
  • 1993 - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents raid the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas with a warrant to arrest cult leader David Koresh. Four BATF agents and five Davidians die in the initial raid, starting a 51-day standoff.
  • 1993 - Ishiro Honda dies at 81. Japanese director and producer (Godzilla).
  • 1994 - San Lorenzo de Almagro inaugura su estadio, el Nuevo Gasómetro.
  • 1994 - O ministro da Fazenda, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, anuncia o plano Real de combate à inflação.
  • 1994 - Na Bósnia, então vítima de uma guerra civil entre sérvios e muçulmanos, a Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN) entrou em combate pela primeira vez desde sua fundação em 1949. Nesse mesmo dia, “caças” americanos derrubaram quatro “jatos” sérvios.
  • 1995 - Apertura del Aeropuerto Internacional de Denver, en los Estados Unidos.
  • 1995 - UN peacekeeping forces, mainly Bangladeshis and Pakistanis, are withdraw from Somalia ending international involvement in the country.
  • 1995 - Raul Salinas de Gortari was arrested for masterminding the murder of Jose Francisco Ruiz (28 Sep 1994). He was imprisoned in Almaloya prison, Mexico’s highest-security facility. In 1998 Raul Salinas was acquitted of money laundering but remained in jail on murder and illegal-enrichment charges
  • 1996 - A Rússia é admitida como membro do Conselho da Europa.
  • 1996 - Daniel Chipenda dies at 64. Angolan politician.
  • 1996 - 38th Grammy Awards: Alannis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill won best rock album and album of the year; Seal’s "Kiss from a Rose" won for record and song of the year.
  • 1997 - Earthquake in Pakistan, kills 45 .
  • 1997 - The North Hollywood shootout takes place.
  • 1998 - Dermot Morgan dies (b. 1952). Irish actor and comedian.
  • 1998 - Arkady Shevchenko dies (b. 1930). Soviet diplomat.
  • 1998 - Kosovo War: Serbian police begin the offensive againt the KLA in Kosovo.
  • 1999 - In Nigeria retired General Obasanjo led the presidential vote with 62%. Serious concern over vote-rigging was expressed.
  • 1999 - Xie Bingxin dies at age 99. Chinese children's novelist. Her books included "For Small Readers," Little Tangerine Lamp," and "Ode to a Cherry Blossom."
  • 2001 - Flooding continued in central Mozambique as the death toll rose to 52. 81,000 were made homeless since the beginning of the year.
  • 2001 - An earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter Scale hits the Nisqually Valley area of Washington. There were no reports of any deaths.
  • 2001 - Smarty Jones was born. American racehorse, winner of the 2004 Kentucky Derby .
  • 2002 - Ethnic conflict in India: At least 55 are killed in Ahmadabad, India when Hindus burn Muslim homes.
  • 2002 - Helmut Zacharias dies (b. 1920). German violinist.
  • 2002 - Mary Stuart dies (b. 1926). American actress.
  • 2003 - Tassos Papadopoulos took office as the fifth Greek Cypriot president, pledging to strive for the reunification.
  • 2003 - Roger Michael Needham dies (b. 1935). British cryptographer.
  • 2003 - Chris Brasher dies (b. 1928). British athlete .
  • 2003 - Fidel Sánchez Hernández dies (b. 1917). President of El Salvador . He directed the so-called 100-hour war, when the Salvadoran army invaded Honduras in 1969 over a territorial dispute.
  • 2003 - Roger Michael Needham dies. Professor of cryptography at Cambridge University .
  • 2004 - Over 1 million Taiwanese participating in the 228 Hand-in-Hand Rally formed a 500-kilometer (300-mile) long human chain to commemorate the 228 Incident in 1947 .
  • 2004 - Daniel J. Boorstin dies (b. 1914). American historian writer, and Librarian of Congress. His work includes The Americans trilogy: "The Colonial Experience" (1959), "The National Experience" (1966), and "The Democratic Experience" (1973).
  • 2004 - Andres Nuiamäe dies killed in battle (b. 1982). Estonian soldier.
  • 2004 - Carmen Laforet dies. Spanish writer.
  • 2004 - Daniel J. Boorstin dies (b. 1914). American historian, writer, and Librarian of Congress.
  • 2005 - Burundians voted on a new constitution that enshrines Hutu control by allotting them 60% of parliamentary seats with 40% for Tutsis.
  • 2005 - In Nepal at least 50 Maoist rebels and 4 soldiers were killed in a gunbattle in the western Bardiya district.
  • 2005 - Grenada : Alister Hughes dies at 86. Journalist known for his coverage of Grenada's political woes and the US invasion in 1983.
  • 2005 - A suicide bombing at a police recruiting centre in Al Hillah, Iraq kills 127.
  • 2006 - Owen Chamberlain dies (b. 1920). American physicist, Nobel Prize recipient.
  • 2007 - Jupiter flyby of the New Horizons Pluto-investigator spacecraft.
  • 2007 - Billy Thorpe dies (b. 1946). Australian rock musician from Billy Thorpe & the Aztecs


TO HELENA - Ruy Belo

Acabo de inventar um novo advérbio: helenamente
A maneira mais triste de se estar contente
a de estar mais sozinho em meio de mais gente
de mais tarde saber alguma coisa antecipadamente
Emotiva atitude de quem age friamente
inalterável forma de se ser sempre diferente
maneira mais complexa de viver mais simplesmente
de ser-se o mesmo sempre e ser surpreendente
de estar num sítio tanto mais se mais ausente
e mais ausente estar se mais presente
de mais perto se estar se mais distante
de sentir mais o frio em tempo quente
O modo mais saudável de se estar doente
de se ser verdadeiro e revelar-se que se mente
de mentir muito verdadeiramente
de dizer a verdade falsamente
de se mostrar profundo superficialmente
de ser-se o mais real sendo aparente
de menos agredir mais agressivamente
de ser-se singular se mais corrente
e mais contraditório quanto mais coerente
A via enviesada para ir-se em frente
a treda actuação de quem actua lealmente
e é tão impassível como comovente
O modo mais precário de ser mais permanente
de tentar tanto mais quanto menos se tente
de ser pacífico e ao mesmo tempo combatente
de estar mais no passado se mais no presente
de não se ter ninguém e ter em cada homem um parente
de ser tão insensível como quem mais sente
de melhor se curvar se altivamente
de perder a cabeça mas serenamente
de tudo perdoar e todos justiçar dente por dente
de tanto desistir e de ser tão constante
de articular melhor sendo menos fluente
e fazer maior mal quando se está mais inocente
É sob aspecto frágil revelar-se resistente
é para interessar-se ser indiferente
Quando helena recusa é que consente
se tão pouco perdoa é por ser indulgente
baixa os olhos se quer ser insolente
Ninguém é tão inconscientemente consciente
tão inconsequentemente consequente
Se em tantos dons abunda é por ser indigente
e só convence assim por não ser muito convincente
e melhor fundamenta o mais insubsistente
Acabo de inventar um novo advérbio: helenamente
O mar a terra o fumo a pedra simultaneamente

Ruy de Moura Belo (n. em S. João da Ribeira, Rio Maior, em 27 Fev 1933; m. em Lisboa, 1978).

Ler do mesmo autor: E tudo era possível

On this day in History - Feb. 27

  • 272 - Constantine I was born (d. 0337). Roman emperor who was the first Roman emperor to profess Christianity, sparked the empire's evolution into a Christian state and catalyzed a distinctively Christian culture.
  • 0425 - Theodosius effectively founded a university in Constantinople.
  • 0837 - 15th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet.
  • 1500 - D. João de Castro was born in Lisbon (d. in Goa, 6 Jun 1548). Portuguese scientist, general and Vice-King of Índia.
  • 1557 - 1st Russian Embassy opens in London, Russia and U.S. sign trade agreement
  • 1560 - The Treaty of Berhick, which would expel the French from Scotland, is signed by England and the Congregation of Scotland.
  • 1594 - Henry IV is crowned King of France.
  • 1617 - Sweden and Russia sign the Treaty of Stolbovo, ending the Ingrian War and shutting Russia out of the Baltic Sea
  • 1622 - Rembrandt Carel Fabritius was born. Dutch painter.
  • 1626 - Yuan Chonghuan is appointed Governor of Liaodong, after he led the Chinese into a great victory against the Manchurians under Nurhaci.
  • 1659 - Henry Dunster dies (b. 1609). First President of Harvard College.
  • 1666 - D. Luisa de Gusmão dies in Lisbon (b. 13 Oct 1613). Queen of Portugal (wife of King John IV)
  • 1670 - Jews were expelled from Austria by order of Leopold I.
  • 1691 - Edward Cave was born (d. 1754). English editor and publisher.
  • 1699 - Charles Paulet, 1st Duke of Bolton dies (b. c. 1625). English politician.
  • 1700 - The island of New Britain is discovered.
  • 1703 - The first Mardi Gras is celebrated in Mobile, Alabama.
  • 1706 - John Evelyn dies (b. 1620). English diarist.
  • 1711 - Constantine Mavrocordatos was born (d. 1769). Prince of Wallachia and Prince of Moldavia.
  • 1720 - Samuel Parris dies (b. 1653). English-born Puritan minister.
  • 1735 - John Arbuthnot dies (b. 1667). English physician and writer.
  • 1767 - Jesuítas são expulsos da Espanha.
  • 1776 - At the Battle of Moore's Creek Bridge, North Carolinian revolutionaries defeated loyalists during the American Revolution.
  • 1779 - Thomas Hazlehurst was born (d. 1842). English soap and alkali manufacturer.
  • 1793 - The Giles resolutions are introduced to the United States House of Representatives asking the House to condemn Alexander Hamilton's handling of loans.
  • 1801 - Washington, DC is placed under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress.
  • 1807 - El marino Alejandro Malaspina le informa al virrey de Buenos Aires sobre su reconocimiento de Tierra del Fuego y la costa de la Patagonia.
  • 1807 - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born in Portland, Massachusetts (now in Maine) (d. 1882). American poet.
  • 1812 - Poet Lord Byron gives his first address as a member of the House of Lords, in defense of Luddite violence against Industrialism in his home county of Nottinghamshire.
  • 1812 - El rosarino Cosme Maciel iza por primera vez la bandera celeste y blanca, por orden de Belgrano, en las márgenes de Nuestra Señora del Rosario.
  • 1822 - Eugene Gautier was born. Composer .
  • 1827 - The first Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • 1831 - Hiram Bond Everest was born (d. 1913). American cofounder of The Vacuum Oil Company.
  • 1843 - Ocupación efectiva, por una expedición española, de la isla de Fernando Poo, hoy Malabo, en Guinea Ecuatorial.
  • 1844 - The Dominican Republic gains independence from Haiti.
  • 1844 - Nicholas Biddle dies (b. 1786). President of the Second Bank of the United States.
  • 1854 - Composer Robert Schumann was saved from a suicide attempt in the Rhine.
  • 1860 - Abraham Lincoln makes a speech at Cooper Union in the city of New York that was largely responsible for his election to the Presidency.
  • 1861 - A crowd in protesting Russian rule over Poland is fired upon by Russian troops, killing five protesters.
  • 1861 - Rudolf Steiner was born (d. 1925). Austrian philosopher.
  • 1862 - Anastasios Metaxas was born (d. 1937). Greek architect and shooter.
  • 1863 - Joaquín Sorolla was born. Spanish painter.
  • 1864 - American Civil War: The first Northern prisoners arrive at the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia.
  • 1867 - Irving Fisher was born. American economist (compensating dollar).
  • 1869 - Henry Chandler Cowles was born (d. 12 Sep 1939). American botanist who was a pioneer in the field of plant ecology, especially the concept of ecological succession which he devised through a study of sand dune vegation he made in the 1890's .
  • 1869 - Alice Hamilton was born (d. 22 Sep 1970). American pathologist, known for her research on industrial diseases. By actively publicizing the danger to workers' health of industrial toxic substances, she contributed to the passage of workmen's compensation laws and to the development of safer working conditions.
  • 1873 - Enrico Caruso was born (d. 1921). Italian tenor.
  • 1878 - Alvan T. Fuller was born (d. 1958). 50th Governor of Massachusetts.
  • 1879 - Announcement of the discovery of artificial sweetener saccharin by Constantine Fahlberg at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • 1881 - Luitzen E. Jan Brouwer was born (d. Dec 1966). Dutch mathematician who founded mathematical Intuitionism (a doctrine that views the nature of mathematics as mental constructions governed by self-evident laws).
  • 1884 - Paul Kruger, president of the South African Republic, signed a treaty in London that disavowed British authority over the Transvaal.
  • 1886 - Hugo Black was born (d. 1971). Associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.
  • 1887 - Alexander Porfirievich Borodin dies (b. 1833). Russian composer.
  • 1888 - Earl Caddock was born (d. 1950). American professional wrestler.
  • 1888 - Lotte Lehmann was born (d. 1976). German singer.
  • 1888 - Roberto Assagioli was born (d. 1976). Italian psychiatrist.
  • 1890 - Freddie Keppard was born (d. 1933). American jazz musician.
  • 1891 - David Sarnoff was born (d. 12 Dec 1971). American pioneer in the development of both radio and television broadcasting. He was the first general manager of RCA and founded the television network NBC (1926).
  • 1891 - Anne Samson was born (d. 2004). Oldest-known Canadian 2002-2004 and oldest nun on record 2003-2004.
  • 1892 - William Demarest was born (d. 1983). American actor.
  • 1892 - Louis Vuitton dies (b. 1821). French luggage maker.
  • 1893 - Ralph Linton was born (d. 24 Dec 1953). American anthropologist who had a marked influence on the development of cultural anthropology.
  • 1897 - Marian Anderson was born (d. 1993). American contralto.
  • 1897 - Bernard (-Ferdinand) Lyot was born (d. 2 Apr 1952). French astronomer who invented the coronagraph (1930), an instrument which allows the observation of the solar corona when the Sun is not in eclipse and other instruments used to study the Sun's corona.
  • 1899 - Charles Best was born (d. 31 Mar 1978). American physiologist who, with Sir Frederick Banting, was the first to obtain (1921) a pancreatic extract of insulin in a form that controlled diabetes in dogs. The successful use of insulin in treating human patients followed. But because Best did not receive his medical degree until 1925, he did not share the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine awarded to Banting and J.J.R. Macleod in 1923 for their role in the work.
  • 1900 - Second Boer War: In South Africa, British military leaders receive an unconditional notice of surrender from Boer General Piet Cronje.
  • 1900 - Felix Hoffman was issued a U.S. patent for Aspirin .
  • 1900 - The British Labour Party is founded.
  • 1900 - The FC Bayern München (Munich) is founded.
  • 1902 - Lúcio Costa was born (d. 1998). Brazilian architect.
  • 1902 - John Steinbeck was born in Salinas, California (d.1968). He is probably best remembered for his strong sociological novel The Grapes of Wrath, considered writer, winner of the Nobel Prize in literature 1962.
  • 1902 - Gene Sarazen was born in Harrison, New York (d.1999). PGA golfer (Masters 1935, US Open 1922, 32).
  • 1902 - Breaker Morant dies (b. 1864). Anglo-Australian soldier executed in Boer War under controversial circumstances.
  • 1903 - Grethe Weiser was born (d. 1970). German actress.
  • 1904 - James T. Farrell was born (d. 1979). American author (Studs Lonigan trilogy).
  • 1904 - Yulii Borisovich Khariton was born (d. 19 Dec 1996). Russian physicist who played a key role in the development of the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons and nuclear physics research. Khariton began his career as a researcher in chemical physics, studying combustion and explosion effects.
  • 1904 - André Leducq was born (d. 1980). French cyclist.
  • 1904 - Chick Fullis was born (d. 1946). American baseball player.
  • 1905 - Máximo Gorki es liberado bajo fianza y exiliado en Riga.
  • 1905 - Franchot Tone was born in Niagara Falls, New York (d. 1968). American actor (Dr Freeland-Ben Casey).
  • 1907 - Mildred Bailey was born (d. 1951). American jazz performer.
  • 1908 - Star #46 was added to U.S. flag for Oklahoma .
  • 1910 - Joan Bennett was born (d. 1990). American actress.
  • 1910 - Peter De Vries was born (d. 1993). American writer.
  • 1910 - Kelly Johnson was born (d. 21 Dec 1990). American aeronautical engineer who introduced innovative designs. While managing Lockheed's secret project division, known as the "Skunk Works," he contributed to more than 40 airplanes.
  • 1910 - Ted Horn was born (d. 1948). American race car driver.
  • 1912 - Lawrence Durrell was born (d.1990). Writer, author of The Alexandria Quartet.
  • 1913 - Irwin Shaw was born (d. 1984). American novelist (Rich Man Poor Man).
  • 1913 - Kazimierz Sabbat was born (d. 1989). Polish president.
  • 1917 - John Connally was born (d. 1993). Governor of Texas.
  • 1919 - The Bolsheviks took Lithuania and joined it with Belarus as a single Soviet republic. Litbel lasted until June 25.
  • 1919 - Un incendio destruye el Palacio Municipal de la capital de El Salvador.
  • 1921 - Schofield Haigh dies (b. 1871). English cricketer.
  • 1922 - A challenge to the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, allowing women the right to vote, is rebuffed by the Supreme Court of the United States.
  • 1922 - Hans Rookmaaker was born (d. 1977). Dutch professor and art historian.
  • 1923 - Dexter Gordon was born (d. 1990). American jazz saxophone player.
  • 1925 - Samuel Dash was born (d. 2004). American Congressional counsel.
  • 1926 - Marta Mercader was born. Argentine writer.
  • 1926 - David Hunter Hubel was born. Canadian-born American neurobiologist, who was a corecipient (with Torsten Nils Wiesel and Roger Wolcott Sperry) of the 1981 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for mapping the path of nerve impulses from the eye to various centres of the brain.
  • 1927 - Lynn Cartwright was born (d. 2004). American actress.
  • 1927 - Guy Mitchell was born (d. 1999). American singer.
  • 1928 - Alfred Hrdlicka was born. Sculptor and graphic artist .
  • 1929 - Djalma Santos was born. Brazilian football player.
  • 1930 - Paul von Ragué Schleyer was born. American chemist
  • 1930 - Joanne Woodward was born. American actress .
  • 1930 - Peter Stone was born. American writer.
  • 1932 - The neutron was discovered by Dr. James Chadwick.
  • 1932 - Elizabeth Taylor was born in London. Actress, screen legend, (Butterfield 8, Cleopatra, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf) .
  • 1932 - William Southam dies (b. 1843). Canadian newspaper publisher.
  • 1933 - Reichstag fire: Germany's parliament building in Berlin, the Reichstag, is set on fire.
  • 1933 - Ruy Belo was born in S. João da Ribeira, Rio Maior (d. 1978). Portuguese essayst and poet.
  • 1933 - Raymond Berry was born. American football player .
  • 1934 - N. Scott Momaday was born. American writer.
  • 1934 - Ralph Nader was born. American consumer activist.
  • 1934 - Van Williams was born. American actor.
  • 1934 - Baptista Bastos was born. Portuguese journalist and writer.
  • 1934 - Vincent Fourcade was born (d. 1992). French interior designer.
  • 1935 - Mirella Freni was born. Italian soprano
  • 1936 - Roger Mahony was born. Fourth Archbishop of Los Angeles.
  • 1936 - Ron Barassi was born. Australian rules footballer
  • 1936 - Joshua W. Alexander dies (b. 1852). U.S. Secretary of Commerce under Woodrow Wilson
  • 1936 - Ivan Pavlov dies (b. 14 Sep 1849). Russian physiologist known chiefly for his development of the concept of the conditioned reflex. In a now-classic experiment, he trained a hungry dog to salivate at the sound of a bell, which was previously associated with the sight of food. He received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1904.
  • 1937 - Barbara Babcock was born. American actress
  • 1937 - David Ackles was born (d. 1999). American singer songwriter.
  • 1939 - France recognizes Franco's regime in Spain .
  • 1939 - Peter Revson was born (d. 1974). American racecar driver.
  • 1940 - Martin Kamen and Sam Ruben discovered carbon-14
  • 1940 - Bill Hunter was born. Australian actor.
  • 1940 - Howard Hesseman was born. American actor.
  • 1941 - Paddy Ashdown was born. British politician.
  • 1941 - William D. Byron dies (b.1895). U.S. Congressman.
  • 1942 - World War II: the USS Langley, the first United States aircraft carrier, is sunk by Japanese warplanes. ( The Battle of Java Sea began 13 US warships sunk 2 Japanese).
  • 1942 - The first French Jews were transported to nazi-Germany..
  • 1942 - Charlayne Hunter-Gault was born. American journalist.
  • 1942 - Michel Forget was born. French Canadian actor.
  • 1942 - Robert H. Grubbs was born. American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate.
  • 1943 - The Smith Mine #3 in Bearcreek, Montana, United States explodes, killing 74 men.
  • 1943 - The Rosenstrasse protest starts in Berlin.
  • 1943 - Morten Lauridsen was born. American composer.
  • 1943 - Mary Frann was born (d. 1998). American actress.
  • 1943 - Kostis Palamas dies (b. 1859). Greek poet, twice nominated for the Nobel prize
  • 1944 - Ken Grimwood was born (d. 2003). American writer.
  • 1945 - Carl Anderson was born (d. 2004). American singer and actor.
  • 1946 - José Carreras was born. Spanish tenor .
  • 1947 - Gidon Kremer was born. Latvian violinist.
  • 1948 - The Communist Party takes control of government in Czechoslovakia.
  • 1949 - Chaim Weizmann becomes 1st Israeli president.
  • 1950 - Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek was elected president of Nationalist China.
  • 1950 - Franco Moschino was born. Fashion Designer.
  • 1951 - The Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution, limiting Presidents to two terms, is ratified.
  • 1951 - University College of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, was opened.
  • 1951 - São inaugurados em Buenos Aires Os I Jogos Panamericanos.
  • 1951 - Steve Harley was born. British rock musician (Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel)
  • 1952 - Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) se reúne pela primeira vez em sua sede atual em Nova York.
  • 1952 - Stathis Psaltis was born. Greek actor
  • 1953 - Gabriela Svobodová was born. Czech cross country skier
  • 1954 - Neal Schon was born. American musician (Journey)
  • 1955 - Peter Christopherson was born. English musician, video director and designer.
  • 1956 - Marjorie Russo was born. American poet.
  • 1956 - Female suffrage was granted in Egypt.
  • 1956 - Beto Barbosa was born. Brazilian singer.
  • 1957 - Mao made his speech "On Correct Handling of Contradictions Among People."
  • 1957 - Viktor Markin was born. Russian athlete.
  • 1957 - Timothy Spall was born.English actor.
  • 1957 - Danny Antonucci was born. Canadian animator.
  • 1957 - Adrian Smith was born. English musician (Iron Maiden).
  • 1958 - Naas Botha was born. South African rugby union footballer
  • 1958 - Nancy Spungen was born (d. 1978). Girlfriend of Sid Vicious
  • 1959 - Johnny Van Zant was born. American singer (Lynyrd Skynyrd)
  • 1960 - Andres Gomez was born. Ecuadorian tennis player.
  • 1960 - Adriano Olivetti dies. Italian engineer and industrialist.
  • 1961 - The first congress of the Spanish Trade Union Organisation is inaugurated.
  • 1962 - South Vietnamese president Ngo Dinh Diem was unharmed as two planes bombed the presidential palace in Saigon. The 1st US national was killed. Although Diem had shortcomings as a leader, he had led South Vietnam for eight years and at the time of his death was attempting to deal with Buddhist factionalism.
  • 1962 - Adam Baldwin was born. American actor.
  • 1962 - Grant Show was born. American actor.
  • 1963 - The Dominican Republic receives its first democratically elected president, Juan Bosch, since the end of the dictatorship led by Rafael Trujillo.
  • 1963 - The USSR said that 10,000 troops would remain in Cuba.
  • 1963 - Pär Nuder was born. Swedish politician.
  • 1963 - Rajendra Prasad dies. First President of India.
  • 1963 - David Keilin dies (b. 21 Mar 1887). Russian-British biochemist who discovered cytochromes, as enzymes critical to the cell's use of oxygen (1923).
  • 1964 - The government of Italy asks for help to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from toppling over.
  • 1964 - Three hundred missionaries are deported from the Sudan for alleged support for anti-government forces.
  • 1964 - Todd Bodine was born. American race car driver.
  • 1964 - Orry-Kelly dies (b. 1897). Australian costume designer.
  • 1965 - Noah Emmerich was born. American actor.
  • 1965 - Frank Peter Zimmermann was born. German violinist.
  • 1965 - Joakim Sundström was born. Swedish sound editor, sound designer and musician
  • 1966 - Donal Logue was born. Canadian actor.
  • 1967 - Dominica gains independence from the United Kingdom.
  • 1967 - Saint Kitts and Nevis (with Anguilla) became an independent state associated with the United Kingdom.
  • 1967 - Stuart Turner was born. General Good Guy
  • 1968 - Matt Stairs was born. Canadian baseball player
  • 1968 - Frankie Lymon dies (b. 1942). American singer.
  • 1969 - Brad Vander Ark was born. American musician
  • 1969 - Marius Barbeau dies (b. 1883). French Canadian folklorist.
  • 1970 - Michael A. Burstein was born. American writer.
  • 1970 - Patricia Petibon was born. French opera singer.
  • 1970 - Marie Dionne dies (b. 1934). One of the French Canadian Dionne quintuplets
  • 1971 - A causa de graves disturbios en Cali, se declara el estado de sitio en todo el territorio de Colombia.
  • 1971 - Doctors in the first Dutch abortion clinic (the Mildredhuis in Arnhem) start to perform abortus provocatus.
  • 1971 - Derren Brown was born. Psychological illusionist .
  • 1971 - Rozonda Thomas was born. American singer (TLC)
  • 1972 - President Nixon and Chinese Premier Chou En-lai issued the Shanghai Communique at the conclusion of Nixon's historic visit to China.
  • 1972 - Pat Brady dies (b. 1914). American actor and singer.
  • 1973 - Ali Tabatabaee was born. American Iranian rapper (Zebrahead)
  • 1973 - Mark Taylor was born. Welsh rugby union footballer
  • 1973 - Peter André was born. English singer - Husband to Katie Price, Glamour model
  • 1974 - People magazine is published for the first time.
  • 1974 - A Suécia aprova sua nova constituição e o rei passa a exercer um cargo figurativo.
  • 1975 - Shelby Walker was born (d. 2006). American mixed martial artist.
  • 1975 - Prodromos Korkizoglou was born. Greek decathlete
  • 1976 - The formerly Spanish territory of Western Sahara, under the auspices of the Polisario Front declares independence as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic.
  • 1976 - The final meeting between Mao tse Tung and Richard Nixon took place.
  • 1976 - Tony Gonzalez was born. American football player.
  • 1977 - Diego Maradona joga pela primeira vez pela Seleção Argentina.
  • 1977 - Lance Hoyt was born. American professional wrestler
  • 1977 - Ji Sung was born. South Korean actor
  • 1977 - John Dickson Carr dies (b. 1905). American author.
  • 1978 - James Beattie was born. English footballer.
  • 1978 - Vadim Salmanov dies (b. 1912). Russian composer.
  • 1978 - Kakhaber Kaladze was born. Georgian footballer (AC Milan)
  • 1979 - Guerrilleros del M-19 toman por asalto la Embajada de la República Dominicana en Bogotá.
  • 1980 - Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF wins elections in Zimbabwe
  • 1980 - Winners at the Grammy Awards: song of the year, What A Fool Believes, Streisand - Diamond duet, The Doobie Brothers, album of the year, Billy Joel's 52nd St, best new artist, Rickie Lee Jones, best disco record, I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor.
  • 1980 - Chelsea Clinton was born. Daughter of former U.S. President Bill Clinton.
  • 1980 - Bobby Valentino was born. American singer
  • 1980 - George Tobias dies (b. 1901). American actor.
  • 1981 - Josh Groban was born. American singer.
  • 1981 - Greatest passenger load on a commercial airliner-610 on Boeing 747 .
  • 1981 - Jacob H. Gilbert dies (b. 1920). American politician.
  • 1982 - Wayne B. Williams é condenado pelo assassinato de 28 jovens negros, cujos corpos foram encontrados nos arredores de Atlanta (EUA) num período de 22 meses.
  • 1983 - Hayley Angel Wardle was born. English actress.
  • 1984 - Carl Lewis jumps world record indoor (8.675 m) .
  • 1984 - Juliana Imai was born. Brazilian model.
  • 1984 - Antti Tuisku was born. Finnish singer.
  • 1984 - David Noel was born. American basketball player.
  • 1984 - Antti Tuisku was born. Finnish singer.
  • 1984 - Lotta Schelin was born. Swedish female footballer.
  • 1985 - Mauritania's new constitutional charter published.
  • 1985 - Fefe Dobson was born. Canadian singer.
  • 1985 - Abe Asami was born. Japanese singer and actress.
  • 1985 - Henry Cabot Lodge dies (b. 1902). Politician, candidate for Vice President of the United States.
  • 1986 - Jacques Plante dies (b. 1829). Canadian ice hockey star.
  • 1986 - The United States Senate allows its debates to be televised on a trial basis.
  • 1987 - Joan Greenwood dies (b. 1921). English actress and director.
  • 1988 - Katarina Witt won the gold medal in women's figure skating at the Winter Olympics in Calgary, Canada, with Elizabeth Manley of Canada placing second and Debi Thomas of the United States, third.
  • 1988 - JD Natasha was born. American musician.
  • 1989 - Venezuela is rocked by the Caracazo.
  • 1989 - Kelly Breeding was born. American singer from B5.
  • 1989 - Konrad Lorenz dies (b. 7 Nov 1903). Austrian zoologist, founder of modern ethology, the study of animal behaviour by means of comparative zoological methods. He shared the 1973 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine, for developing a unified, evolutionary theory of animal and human behaviour.
  • 1989 - Paul Oswald Ahnert dies (b. 1897). German astronomer.
  • 1990 - Exxon Valdez oil spill: Exxon and its shipping company are indicted on five criminal counts.
  • 1990 - Flag of Latvia is adopted.
  • 1990 - Nahum Norbert Glatzer dies (b. 1903). Jewish-American scholar.
  • 1991 - Gulf War: U.S. President George H. W. Bush announces that "Kuwait is liberated."
  • 1991 - In California Jim Mitchell shot and killed his brother Artie Mitchell at Artie’s home in Corte Madera. The brothers had produced pornographic films and operated a number of pornographic theaters that included the O’Farrell Theater in SF. He was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter and sentenced to 6 years in prison. He was released on parole in 1997.
  • 1991 - Azeem Rafiq was born. Yorkshire CCC & English U15 captain
  • 1992 - Tiger Woods, 16, becomes youngest PGA golfer in 35 years.
  • 1992 - William Aramony resigned as president of United Way of America amid charges of financial mismanagement and lavish spending.
  • 1992 - S. I. Hayakawa dies (b. 1906). Canadian-American linguist and politician.
  • 1993 - Lillian Gish dies (b. 1893). American actress.
  • 1993 - Jose Duval dies at 72. Actor and singer who played coffee pitchman Juan Valdez.
  • 1994 - 17th Winter Olympic games closes in Lillehammer, Norway.
  • 1994 - A Maronite church near Beirut was bombed and 10 people were killed.
  • 1995 - Começa o julgamento de Salvatore Toto Rina sob acusações de cumplicidade em 48 assassinatos na Sicília.
  • 1995 - Bernard Cornfield dies (b.1927). British financier. In 1972 Charles Raw, Bruce Page and Godfrey Hodgson authored “Do You Sincerely Want to Be Rich: The full story of Bernard Cornfield and IOS.”
  • 1996 - Satoshi Tajiri creates the hit media franchise Pokémon.
  • 1996 - A Sudanese military plane crashed 25 miles south of Khartoum and killed 91 people on board. The plane was a US made C-130.
  • 1997 - Kingsley Davis dies (b. 20 Aug 1908). American sociologist and demographer who was a world-renowned expert on population trends. He had coined the term "zero population growth" and he was the first sociologist to be named to the National Academy of Sciences.
  • 1997 - William Ross Maples dies (b. 7 Aug 1937). American forensic anthropologist who examined and identified the skeletons of a number of historical figures, including Tsar Nicholas II and other members of the Romanov family killed in 1918 by the Bolsheviks, Vietnam MIAs, conquistador Francisco Pizarro, and in 1994 helped convict Byron De La Beckwith of the 1963 murder of civil rights leader Medgar Evers.
  • 1997 - The divorce is legalized in Ireland.
  • 1998 - Os EUA encerram o embargo de 35 anos contra a África do Sul.
  • 1998 - George H. Hitchings dies (b. 18 Apr 1905). American pharmacologist who was a medical research pioneer who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1988 for the development of drugs that became essential in the treatment of several major diseases. He shared the prize with colleague Gertrude B. Elion and with Sir James W. Black.
  • 1998 - J. T. Walsh dies (b. 1943). American actor.
  • 1998 - Jack Micheline (Harvey Martin Silver) dies at 68. Bohemian poet. His first book of poetry was "River of Red Wine," and his last was "Sixty Seven Poems for Downtrodden Saints."
  • 1999 - While trying to circumnavigate the world in a hot air balloon, Colin Prescot and Andy Elson set a new endurance record after being in a hot air balloon for 233 hours and 55 minutes.
  • 1999 - Olusegun Obasanjo becomes Nigeria's first elected president since mid-1983.
  • 1999 - Korea International School is founded by Soon-Il Chung. It is currently directed by Ann Clapper.
  • 1999 - Brazilian poet Haraldo de Campos (b.1929) won the Mexican Octavio Paz Prize for poetry and essay writing. His major works include "Chess Game of the Stars" and "The Education of the Five Senses."
  • 1999 - Rev. Henry J. Lyons, president of the National Baptist Convention USA, was convicted in Largo, Florida, of racketeering, grand theft and swindling millions of dollars from companies seeking to do business with his followers. He announced his resignation Mar 15. Lyons was sentenced to 5 ½ years in prison and ordered to repay almost $2.5 million.
  • 1999 - From Niger it was reported that a mass grave containing 149 old men, women and children had been found in eastern Niger. The victims were Toubou refugees displaced by fighting several years ago.
  • 1999 - In Nigeria Presidential elections were held. Nigerians voted to elect Olusegun Obasanjo their new president as the country marked the final phase of its return to democracy. Also it was reported that some 1,200 soldiers had died in fighting the rebels of the Revolutionary United Front in Sierra Leone.
  • 2000 - In Iceland the Mount Hekla volcano erupted.
  • 2000 - In Tijuana municipal police chief Alfredo de la Torre Marquez (49) was shot to death by assassins who sprayed his car with over 100 bullets.
  • 2002 - Ryanair Flight 296 catches fire in London Stansted Airport. Subsequent investigations criticize Ryanair's handling of the evacuation.
  • 2002 - 2002 Gujarat violence: a train catches fire a few minutes after it leaves the Godhra railway station, killing an estimated 58 Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya and triggering riots that lead to the death of 1000 people, mostly Muslims.
  • 2002 - Alicia Keys won in 5 categories at the 44th annual Grammy Awards. Train won for best rock song: "Drops of Jupiter," U2 won for best record of the year: "Walk On," and Various Artists won the album of the year: "O Brother, Where Art Thou."
  • 2002 - Spike Milligan dies (b. 1918). British comedian.
  • 2002 - Mary Stuart dies (b. 1926). Soap opera actress.
  • 2003 - Rowan Williams is enthroned as the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury in the Anglican church.
  • 2003 - John Lanchbery dies (b. 1923). English ballet composer.
  • 2003 - Fred Rogers dies (b. 1928). Children's television celebrity "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood".
  • 2004 - Shoko Asahara, líder da seita acusada do atentado com gás sarin no metro de Tóquio em 20 de março de 1995, é condenado à morte.
  • 2004 - A bombing of a Superferry by Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines kills 116, its worst terrorist attack.
  • 2004 - Former BPMC general secretary Ordrick Samuel launches a new party in Barbuda, Barbudans for a Better Barbuda.
  • 2004 - Paul Sweezy dies (b. 1910). American economist and editor.
  • 2004 - Yoshihiko Amino dies (b. 1928). Japanese historians.
  • 2005 - Pre-pay price capping on the Transport for London Oyster card is introduced.
  • 2006 - In Yemen a firing squad executed Abed Abdul Razak Kamel, an Islamic militant who killed three American missionaries in a south Yemen hospital in 2002.
  • 2006 - The Harlem Globetrotters extended their overall record to 22,000 wins.
  • 2006 - Otis Chandler dies (b. 1927). American newspaper publisher of the L.A. Times
  • 2006 - Robert Lee Scott, Jr. dies (b. 1908). U.S. General, Flying Tiger, and author
  • 2006 - Linda Smith dies (b. 1958). British comedian.
  • 2007 - The general strike against Lansana Conté in Guinea ends.
  • 2007 - The Chinese Correction, the Shanghai Stock Exchange tumbled 9% the largest drop in 10 years.
  • 2007 - Bobby Rosengarden dies (b. 1924). American jazz drummer.
  • 2007 - Bernd von Freytag-Loringhoven dies (b. 1914). German soldier.
  • First day of Maslenitsa in Russia (2006)
  • Brasil: Dia do Idoso