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Pirates didn't end yet - Seabourn Spirit

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Seabourn Spirit a luxury tourist cruise ship with 300 people aboard was target of an attempting to hijack by warlords off the north eastern cost of Somalia.

Warlords on Saturday (5 Nov) morning attempted to hijack a tourist cruise ship off the north eastern coast of Somalia. Two boats full of pirates approached the Seabourn Spirit about 100 miles (160 kilometers) off the Somali coast and opened fire while the heavily armed bandits tried to get onboard. The ship escaped by shifting to high speed and changing course.

If you thought the pirates had gone away hundreds years ago you were wrong. Or would have been the Spirit that call them?

Em português:

Um navio de cruzeiro com cerca de 300 pessoas a bordo (o "Seaborn-Spirit") foi alvo de uma tentativa de assalto por piratas ao largo da costa da Somália no passado sábado, 5 de Novembro. Dois barcos cheios de piratas fortemente armados acercaram-se do navio e começaram a disparar mas o navio escapou mudando de rumo a grande velocidade.

Se pensava que a pirataria era coisa da história estava bem enganado.




Ainda existem piratas? Oh! Disso eu nao sabia... :O
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