1475 - Michelangelo Buonarroti was born (d. 18 Feb 1564), Italian artist : sculptor, painter, architect, and poet, born in Caprese, Tuscany.(Renaissance artist: Sistine Chapel ceiling; sculptor: David; architect: St. Peter’s [Rome];
1480 - Ratificação por parte dos Reis Católicos do Tratado de Alcáçovas, que terminou a Guerra de Sucessão de Castela. D. Afonso V abandona definitivamente as pretensões de Portugal sobre as Canárias, sendo reconhecido a Portugal o senhorio da Madeira, Açores, Guiné e Cabo Verde, assim como a conquista do Reino de Fez.
- 1521 - Fernão de Magalhães discovers Guam.
1635 - Decreto que alarga o imposto do real-d'água a todo o país. A aplicação do imposto é feito em proveito integral da coroa. Vai tornar-se um dos impostos mais detestados, e símbolo da opressão castelhana em Portugal.
1719 - Violento tremor de terra em Lisboa e no Algarve.
1820 - The Missouri Compromise is enacted by Congress and signed by President James Monroe, providing for the admission of Missouri into the Union as a slave state, but prohibits slavery in the rest of the northern Louisiana Purchase territory.
1826 - D. João VI nomeia, quatro dias antes de morrer, um conselho de regência presidido pela sua filha a infanta Isabel Maria.
1831 - Philip Henry Sheridan, Union Army general.
1836 - The
Alamo fell to Mexican forces.
1853 - Estreia da ópera La Traviata de Verdi, no Teatro La Fenice, em Veneza
1860 While campaigning for the presidency, Abraham Lincoln makes a speech defending the right to strike.
- 1885 - Ring Lardner, was born. Writer (You Know Me, Al).
1888 - Louisa May Alcott dies just hours after the burial of her father.
1899 - Aspirin is patented following Felix Hoffman's discoveries about the properties of acetylsalicylic acid
1914 - German Prince Wilhelm de Wied is crowned as King of Albania.
1916 - The Allies recapture Fort Douamont in France during the Battle of Verdun.
1918 - US naval boat "Cyclops" disappeared in "Bermuda Triangle."
1921 - Criação do Partido Comunista Português, sucessor da Federação Maximalista Portuguesa.
1928 -
Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born, in Aracataca, a town in Northern Colombia, writer(One Hundred Years of Solitude, Love in the Time of Cholera).
1937 - Valentina Nikolayeva-Tereshkova, was born, Russian astronaut, the first woman to orbit the Earth.
1944 - Dame Kiri Te Kannawa,was born, operatic soprano.
1945 - Cologne, Germany, falls to General Courtney Hodges' First Army.
1947 -
Rob Reiner was born,in The Bronx, New York, actor, director, producer.
1953 - Upon Josef Stalin's death, Georgi Malenkov is named Soviet premier.
1957 - The former British colonies of Togoland and the Gold Coast united to form independent
1960 - The Swiss grant women the right to vote in municipal elections.
1987 - The British ferry Herald of Free Enterprise capsizes in the Channel off the coast of Belgium. At least 26 are dead.
2004 - Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans marched through Caracas to protest the rejection of a petition aimed at recalling President Hugo Chavez.
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