1524 - Luís Vaz de Camões, nasce em Lisboa, poeta épico e soldado português († 1580). Um dos maiores poetas portugueses de sempre. Autor de "Os Lusíadas" e de diversos sonetos, entre os quais o célebre " Amor é um fogo que arde sem se ver...". 1688 - Nace Pierre De Marivaux, escritor francés.
1790 - John Bachman, was born (d. 24 Feb 1874). Naturalist and Lutheran minister who published studies of southern animals and works on botany and agriculture.
1794 - French legislature abolishes
slavery throughout all territories of the French Republic.
1797 - Un terremoto destruye con grandes estragos y muchas víctimas la ciudad de Quito.
1799 -
Almeida Garrett, (João Baptista da Silva Leitão) nascimento do escritor português, na cidade do Porto († 1851)
1817 - Las tropas del general San Martín derrotan a las españolas en el desfiladero de Achupallas, Chile.
1819 - Nace en Inglaterra Joshua Abraham Norton, quien en 1859 se proclamó emperador de los EE.UU.
1824 - J.W. Goodrich presenta las galochas de goma.
1841 - Clément Ader, was born (d. 5 Mar 1926). Self-taught French engineer and
inventor, best known as a pioneer of flight before the Wright brothers. In 1890 he constructed a steam-powered aircraft with bat-shaped wings. Cabral, que falha por falta de apoio popular e do exército.
1863 - Alfred Lacroix, was born ( d. 12 Mar 1948). French
mineralogist and geologist whose Minéraux des roches (1888; "The Minerals of Rocks"), written with the geologist Albert Michel-Lévy, was a pioneer study of the optical properties of rock-forming minerals .
1867 - Tropas del emperador Maximiliano vencen a los patriotas mexicanos en La Quemada.
1875 -Ludwig Prandtl, was born (d. 15 Aug 1953). German
physicist who is remembered for his studies of both
aerodynamics and hydrodynamics.
1881 - Nascimento do Professor e Poeta João de Barros.
1884 - Alexander Watson Hutton funda la English High School, pieza clave en la historia fundacional del fútbol argentino.
1884 - Ecuador promulga una nueva Constitución y es elegido presidente José Caamaño.
1892 - Prince George I, was born, Duke of Westrogothia (d. 1971)
1893 -Raymond Arthur Dart was born (d. 22 Nov 1988). Australian-born South African physical
anthropologist and paleontologist whose discoveries of fossil hominids led to significant insights into the evolutionary origins of human beings.
1895 - James Owen Dorsey, dies, (b. 31 Oct 1848). American
ethnologist known principally for his linguistic and ethnographic studies of the Siouan Indians.
1895 - the first rolling lift bridge opened over the Chicago River at Van Buren Street, Chicago. This type was popular around 1900,
designed and patented by William Scherzer of Chicago.
1896 - Friedrich Hermann Hund, was born (d. 31 Mar 1997).
German physicist known for his work on the electronic structure of atoms and molecules.
1897 - El Gobierno español, presidido por Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, promulga un decreto de autonomía para Cuba y Puerto Rico .
1902 -
Charles Augustus Lindbergh, was born, (d. 26 Aug 1974). American
aviator, one of the best-known figures in aeronautical history, remembered for the first nonstop solo flight across the Atlantic.
1904 - Um grande número de trabalhadores portuários e metalúrgicos junta-se ao movimento grevista dos metalúrgicos, começado em 7 de Dezembro do ano anterior. O movimento fracassa completamente.
1904 - Tem início a Guerra Russo-Japonesa.
1906 -
Clyde Tombaugh, was born (d. 17 Jan 1997). American
astronomer who
discovered the planet Pluto in 1930, the only planet discovered in the twentieth century, after a systematic search instigated by the predictions of other astronomers.
1912 - El inventor del paracaídas se mata al saltar desde la Torre Eiffel experimentándolo.
1914 -
Alfred Andersch, was born, German narrator and author of radio drama (d. 1980) .
1914 -
Ida Lupino, was born, English actress, director, writer (d. 1995) .
1914 - EE.UU. concede amplia libertad para exportar a México armas y municiones.
1915 -
Germany establishes a
submarine blockade around the
UK and declares any vessel in it a legitimate target.
1915 -
Experiments began to find the cause of the
disease, pellegra. In 1915 more than 10,000 people died of pellagra in the United States alone. The work is conducted by Dr. Joseph Goldberger upon a dozen vounteers from the inmates of a Mississippi state prison at Jackson .
1923 - Nace Belisario Betancur, ex presidente de Colombia.
1924 - Liberan a Mahatma Gandhi, líder nacionalista indio .
1924 - Gandhi es liberado de la prisión en la India.
1925 - Robert Koldewey, dies (b. 10 Sep 1855). German architect and archaeologist who revealed the semilegendary Babylon of the Bible as a geographic and historical reality.
1927 - El Gobierno mexicano levanta a clérigos extranjeros, excepto a españoles, la prohibición de residir en el país.
1927 -Rolf William Landauer, was born (d. 27 Apr 1999). German-born American physicist whose discovery of what came to be known as Landauer's principle (that the erasing of computer information causes a loss of energy) led to the development of more efficient computers.
1928 - Hendrik Antoon Lorentz, deis (b. 18 July 1853). Dutch
physicist and joint winner (with Pieter Zeeman) of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1902 for his
theory of the influence of magnetism upon electromagnetic radiation phenomena.
1929 - Nace Carlos Alonso, pintor, ilustrador y dibujante argentino .
1932 - Comienzan en Lake Placid, NY, EE.UU., los I Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno.
1933 - 50 mil pessoas fazem uma manifestação contra o desemprego, no Hyde Park, em Londres.
1939 -Edward Sapir, dies, (born 26 Jan 1884) American linguist and
anthropologist, one of the foremost of his time, who is most widely known for his contributions to the study of North American Indian languages.
1941 - Roy Plunkett received a U.S. patent for "Tetrafluoro-ethylene Polymers" - Teflon.
1952 - Nace Abdala Bucaram, ex presidente de Ecuador.
1957 - Muere Miguel Covarrubias, ilustrador mexicano.
1961 - Tem início a Guerra de Libertação de Angola, com o ataque do MPLA à Casa de Reclusão Militar, ao quartel da PSP e à delegação da Emissora Nacional em Luanda e da UPA no Norte da província.
1962 - Francisco Orlich Bolmarich es electo presidente de Costa Rica.
1972 - La sonda estadounidense "Mariner IX" transmite fotos desde Marte.
1974 -Satyendra Nath Bose, dies (b. 1 Jan 1894). Indian mathematician and
physicist who collaborated with Albert Einstein to develop a theory of statistical quantum mechanics, now called Bose-Einstein statistics.
1974 - Secuestro de Patricia Hearst, hija del magnate de la Prensa estadounidense, que después se unió a sus captores.
1978 - Elecciones municipales en Nicaragua. Los sandinistas anuncian la guerra civil.
1982 - Fallece Efraim Huerta Romo, poeta mexicano.
1982 - O PCP apresenta na Assembleia da República três projectos de diplomas: protecção e defesa da maternidade, garantia do direito ao planeamento familiar e educação sexual, interrupção voluntária da gravidez. A Lei de do Aborto será aprovada em 14 de Fevereiro de 1984.
1984 - Una mujer estéril da a luz tras la implantación de un óvulo fertilizado en otra mujer, en Long Beach (California, EEUU).
1987 -
Liberace, dies, U.S. musician (b. 1919) .
1992 - Se produce un intento militar frustrado para derrocar al presidente venezolano, Carlos Andrés Pérez.
1996 - El presidente guatemalteco, Álvaro Arzú, sale ileso de un atentado en Antigua Guatemala.
1997 - After at first contesting the results,
Serbian President
Slobodan Milosevic recognizes opposition victories in the November 1996 elections.
1999 - Unarmed West African immigrant
Amadou Diallo is shot dead by four plainclothes
New York City police officers on an unrelated stake-out, enflaming race-relations in the city.
2003 - The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is officially renamed to
Serbia and Montenegro and adopts a new constitution.
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