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On this day in History - Dec. 11

  • 361 - Juliano, o Apóstata, por ter renegado o cristianismo e restabelecido a religião oficial romana, entra triunfalmente em Constantinopla, sendo nomeado Imperador.
  • 384 - St. Damasus, Pope, died
  • 1282 - Llewelyn, príncipe de Gales, é morto durante uma batalha contra os ingleses.
  • 1465 - Ashikaga Yoshihisa, born , Ashikaga shogun (d. 1489)
  • 1474 - Enrique IV de Castilla y León, fallecimiento de.
  • 1475 - O Papa Leão X, nascimento de (m. 1521).
  • 1792 - King Louis XVI of France goes on trial for treason.
  • 1803 - Louis-Hector Berlioz born, French composer (died 1869)
  • 1807 - Motim em Lisboa, motivado pelo içar da bandeira francesa no castelo de São Jorge, após uma parada militar pelo exército francês de ocupação, comandado pelo general Junot.
  • 1816 - Indiana became the 19th state.
  • 1843 - Robert Koch, born, German bacteriologist, Nobel Prize in 1905 (d. 1910)
  • 1844 - Nitrous oxide was used for the first time in dentistry.
  • 1845 - Começo da primeira Guerra Anglo-Sikh na Índia, com o ataque dos Sikhs a forças coloniais britânicas. Os Sikhs foram derrotados após quatro batalhas, e a região do Punjab foi anexada pelos britânicos
  • 1863 - Annie Jump Cannon, born , astronomer In 1872, America’s first black governor took office as Pinckney Benton Stewart Pinchback became acting governor of Louisiana.
  • 1890 - Carlos Gardel, nasceu cantor de tangos franco-argentino.
  • 1901 - Guglielmo Marconi envia la primera señal de radio trans-atlántica, de Cornwall a Newfoundland
  • 1913 - Carlo Ponti, nascimiento de, productor de cine italiano.
  • 1918 - Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn, born , Russian Writer, 1970 Nobel Prize laureate
  • 1925 - Bernardino Machado substitui Manuel Teixeira Gomes no cargo de presidente da República Portuguesa.
  • 1928,- police in Buenos Aires thwarted an attempt on the life of President-elect Herbert Hoover.
  • 1930 - Jean Louis Trintignant, nasceu, actor francês.
  • 1936 - King Edward VIII abdicated the throne of Britain in order to marry American divorcee Wallis Warfield Simpson.
  • 1937 - Italy leaves the League of Nations
  • 1941 - Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.
  • 1943 - John F. Kerry,born, politician
  • 1954 - The American Nuclear Society is founded
  • 1958 - Upper Volta declares its independence from France
  • 1961 - Urbano Ortega, nascimiento de, jugador de fútbol.
  • 1972 - Apollo 17 lands on the Moon
  • 1980 - Dr Apollo Milton Obote is finally returned to power in Uganda
  • 1981 - Muhammad Ali's last fight – he loses to Trevor Berbick
  • 1981 - Javier Pérez de Cuéllar of Peru becomes UN Secretary-General
  • 1981 - The Salvadoran armed forces massacre 900 villagers in the El Mozote massacre
  • 1991 - Artur Lundkvist, morre, escritor sueco.
  • 1994 -Russian troups invade Chechnya in an unsuccessful attempt to restore Moscow's power in the region.
  • 1997 - Housing secretary Henry Cisneros is indicted for conspiracy, obstructing justice, and false statements to the FBI.
  • 1998 - A Thai Airways Airbus A310-200 crashes just short of runway at Surat Thani airport, located in southern Thailand, killing 101.
  • 2001 - The People's Republic of China joins the World Trade Organization
  • 2003 - Ahmadou Kourouma, died, author from Côte d'Ivoire