

International Literacy Day

The United Nations' (UN) International Literacy Day annually falls on September 8 to raise people's awareness of and concern for literacy issues in the world.

It was proclaimed by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) on November 17, 1965 and was first celebrated in 1966.

Literacy is more than reading and writing– it is about how we communicate as a society. It is about social practices and relations, about knowledge, language and culture. (United Nations)

On International Literacy Day each year, UNESCO reminds the international community of the status of literacy and adult learning globally. Celebrations take place around the world.

The theme for the 2011 International Literacy Day is "Literacy and Peace".

1 comentário:

Luma Rosa disse...

Bom dia, Fernando!!
Ainda é manhã por aqui e por aqui também não se fala desse dia, por que será?
A comunicação entre os povos, socialização e educação deveriam ser os pilares de qualquer nação que queira crescer e se sentir "globalizada". No mais, a ignorância só é benéfica para os que querem subjulgar o povo!

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