

On this day in History - Aug 16

  • 1027 - Giorgi I dies (b. 0998). King of Georgia.
  • 1358 - Duke Albert II of Austria dies.
  • 1443 - Ashikaga Yoshikatsu dies (b. 1434). Ashikaga shogun.
  • 1513 - King Henry VIII of England and his troops defeated the French in the Battle of the Spurs, at Guinigatte, NW France.
  • 1519 - Después de fundar la Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz, (hoy puerto de Veracruz), Hernán Cortés parte hacia Cempoala que él llamó Sevilla .
  • 1570 - Cédula española establece la Inquisición en las colonias de América
  • 1596 - Frederick V, Elector Palatine was born (d. 1632)
  • 1645 - Jean de La Bruyère was born (d. 1696). French writer.
  • 1650 - Vincenzo Coronelli was born (d. 9 Dec 1718). Italian cartographer and encylopedist.
  • 1661 - Thomas Fuller dies. Churchman and historian
  • 1678 - Andrew Marvel dies (b. 31 Mar 1621). English poet.
  • 1681 - Nascimento de Bernardo Filipe Neri de Távora (m. 27 Abr 1744). 2º conde de Alvor - Portugal.
  • 1682 - Louis, Duke of Burgundy was born (d. 18 Feb 1712). Heir to the throne of France.
  • 1705 - Jakob Bernoulli dies (b. 1654). Swiss mathematician and scientist.
  • 1711 - A cidade do México é atingida por por um grande terramoto que causa consideráveis danos.
  • 1716 - Toma posesión como el 36º virrey de la Nueva España, don Baltazar de Zúñiga y Guzmán, marqués de Valero, duque de Arión. Su mandato ha de prolongarse hasta octubre de 1722.
  • 1732 - Portugal : Tem início a construção do Aqueduto das Águas Livres.
  • 1733 - Matthew Tindal dies (b. 1657). English deist
  • 1746 - Nascimento de Joaquim José da Silva Xavier (O Tiradentes) (m. 21 Abr 1792)
  • 1773 - Publicação do Breve de Clemente XIV que dissolve a Companhia de Jesus em todo o mundo.
  • 1777 - American Revolutionary War: Battle of Bennington - British forces are defeated by American troops.
  • 1780 - American Revolutionary War: Battle of Camden - The British defeat the Americans near Camden, South Carolina.
  • 1781 - O marquês de Pombal, afastado da corte desde 1777, é declarado culpado e merecedor de um castigo exemplar, no processo que Francisco José Caldeira Soares Galhardo Mendanha intentou contra ele, por motivo da Apologia, obra manuscrita que circulou pelo país a partir de 1779, e que defendia a política do marquês.
  • 1788 - Morte de Francisco Xavier Alegre . Historiador e humanista mexicano. Jesuíta
  • 1812 - War of 1812: American General William Hull surrenders Fort Detroit without a fight to the British Army.
  • 1812 - España: en la Plaza Mayor de Madrid se proclama la Constitución promulgada por las Cortes de Cádiz.
  • 1815 - Nascimento de São João Bosco em Becchi, Itália (m. 1888). Fundou os Salesianos em 1859.
  • 1819 - Eleven people die and 400 are injured by cavalry charges at the Peterloo Massacre at a public meeting at St. Peter's Field, Manchester, England.
  • 1821 - Arthur Cayley was born (d. 26 Jan 1895). British mathematicien.
  • 1827 - Johan Siegwald Dahl, was born. Norwegian painter
  • 1832 - Wilhelm Wundt was born (d. 31 Ago 1920). German philosopher and psycologist.
  • 1840 - Jose Jacinto Milanés was born in Matanzas (d. 14 Nov 1863). Cuban poet.
  • 1841 - U.S. President John Tyler vetoes a bill which called for the re-establishment of the Second Bank of the United States. Enraged Whig Party members riot outside the White House in the most violent demonstration on White House grounds in U.S. history.
  • 1842 - Perú - O General Juan Crisóstomo Torrico se proclama-se Chefe da Nação
  • 1845 - Gabriel Lippmann was born (d. 1921). French physicist. 1908 Physic Nobel Prize laureate
  • 1858 - U.S. President James Buchanan inaugurates the new transatlantic telegraph cable cable by exchanging greetings with Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom. However, a weak signal will force a shutdown of the service in a few weeks.
  • 1859 - Costa Rica: Escoltado por el Coronel Blanco, a la cabeza de 100 soldados y 10 oficiales, sale de San José (Costa Rica), con destino a Puntarenas, el depuesto Presidente Juan Rafel Mora Porras, para ser embarcado posteriormente camino al exilio.
  • 1860 - Jules Laforgue was born (d. 29 Aug 1887). French poet.
  • 1862 - Amos Alonzo Stagg was born (d. 17 Mar 1965). American coach.
  • 1864 - John Chambliss dies. American Confederate general.
  • 1867 - Nasce no Porto, António Pereira Nobre (m. 18 Mar 1900 de tuberculose). Poeta português. Formado em Direito na Sorbonne, fez uma "peregrinação" desesperada pelo mundo devido à sua doença. ("Só" - Paris 1892)
  • 1868 - Bernarr McFadden was born (d. 12 Oct 1955). Publisher.
  • 1869 - Batalha de Barreiro Grande, durante a guerra da Argentina, Uruguai e Brasil contra o Paraguai.
  • 1869 - Morte do poeta português Faustino Xavier de Novais (irmão da futura esposa de Machado de Assis). É considerado o maior poeta satírico português depois de Nicolau Tolentino. Poeta portuense fixou-se no Brasil.
  • 1884 - Hugo Gernsback was born (d. 19 Aug 1967). Luxembourg-born editor and publisher.
  • 1886 - Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa dies (b. 18 Feb 1836). Indian guru.
  • 1887 - John Stith Pemberton dies. Inventor of Coca-Cola.
  • 1888 - T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) was born (d. 19 May 1935). English writer and soldier.
  • 1888 - Armand J. Piron was born (d. 1943). American musician.
  • 1888 - Venezuela: El Presidente Juan Pablo Rojas Paúl ordena la fundación del Hospital Vargas de Caracas
  • 1892 - Otto Messmer was born (d. 28 Oct 1983). American cartoonist.
  • 1894 - George Meany was born (d. 10 Jan 1980). American labor union leader.
  • 1895 - Albert Cohen was born in Corfu, Greece (d. 7 Oct 1981). Swiss novelist and diplomat. (Belle du Seigneur -1968).
  • 1895 - Liane Haid was born (d. 28 Nov 2000). Austrian actress.
  • 1896 - Skookum Jim Mason, George Carmack and Dawson Charlie discover gold in the Klondike in Canada.
  • 1899 - Robert Wilhelm Bunsen dies (b. 31 Mar 1811). German chemist.
  • 1900 - Eça de Queirós morre em Neuilly, França (n. 25 Nov 1845 na Póvoa do Varzim). Escritor português. É por muitos considerado o maior escritor realista português do século XIX. Ver biografia completa em Vidas Lusófonas
  • 1902 - Georgette Heyer was born (d. 4 Jul 1974). English novelist.
  • 1906 - Nasce em Málaga, Espanha, Oscarito (Oscar Lorenzo Jacinto de la Imaculada Concepción Teresa Diaz) (m. 4 Ago 1970). Actor e comediante brasileiro. Formou uma dupla histórica com Grande Otelo.
  • 1906 - A cidade de Valparaíso, no Chile, é atingida por um forte terramoto. Cerca de 1,5 mil pessoas morrem e a costa sobe 1,5 metro de altura.
  • 1907 - James Hector dies. Geologist
  • 1911 - Nace en Paraná, Entre Ríos, Luz Vieira Méndez (m. 1971). Educadora argentina.
  • 1911 - E. F. Schumacher was born (d. 1977). German economist and statistician.
  • 1913 - Menachem Begin was born (d. 1992). Prime Minister of Israel, recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize
  • 1913 - Tōhoku Imperial University (modern day Tōhoku University) admits its first female students.
  • 1915 - World War I: Should victory be achieved over the Central Powers, the Triple Entente promises the Kingdom of Serbia: the Austro-Hungarian territories of Baranja, Srem, Slavonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina; and the eastern 2/3 of Dalmatia (from the river of Krka to the city of Bar).
  • 1918 - España: se crean los dos primeros Parques Nacionales españoles: el de Peña Santa (en Covadonga (Asturias)) y el de Ordesa (en el Pirineo oscense).
  • 1920 - Ray Chapman of the Cleveland Indians is hit in the head by a fastball thrown by Carl Mays of the New York Yankees, and dies early the next day. To date, Chapman is the only player to die from injuries sustained in a Major League Baseball game.
  • 1920 - Charles Bukowski was born (d. 1994). American poet.
  • 1921 - King Peter I of Serbia dies.
  • 1923 - Shimon Peres was born. Israel's eighth Prime Minister, co-laureate in 1994 with The Nobel Peace Prize.
  • 1924 - Fess Parker was born. American actor
  • 1923 - Millôr Fernandes was born in Rio de Janeiro. Brazilian writer and cartoonist.
  • 1925 - Estréia em Nova York de "A quimera do ouro", primeiro longa-metragem de Charles Chaplin.
  • 1925 - Constituição do Primeiro Partido Comunista de Cuba
  • 1926 - Artur Bual was born. Portuguese painter
  • 1927 - Ramón Veloz was born in Havana (d. 16 Aug 1986). Cuban singer and musician
  • 1927 - Osvaldo Rossler was born. Cuban singer, author and poet
  • 1928 - Ann Blyth was born. American actress (The Merry Monahans, The Helen Morgan Story, Rose Marie, Kismet, The Student Prince, The Great Caruso, The Buster Keaton Story).
  • 1928 - Murderer Carl Panzram is arrested in Washington, DC after killing about 20 people.
  • 1929 - Helmut Rahn was born (d. 2003). German footballer.
  • 1930 - Robert Culp was born. American actor.
  • 1930 - Nasce Glauce Rocha, em Campo Grande, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil (m. 12 Out 1971 em S. Paulo). Actriz brasileira
  • 1930 - Frank Gifford was born. American football player and announcer
  • 1930 - O general Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina assume a presidência da República Dominicana.
  • 1930 - Se inaugura en los Estados Unidos el primer supermercado del mundo (King Kullen Grocery Company in New York).
  • 1930 - The first colour sound cartoon, called Fiddlesticks, is made by Ub Iwerks
  • 1930 - Ted Hughes was born. English poet
  • 1931 - Eydie Gorme was born. American singer
  • 1933 - Julie Newmar was born. Actress
  • 1936 - Encerram os Jogos Olímpicos de Berlim iniciados em 1 de Agosto. Portugal obteve uma medalha de bronze na modalidade de Hipismo, no concurso de obstáculos por equipas, através de Luís Mena e Silva, Domingos de Sousa Coutinho e José Beltrão.
  • 1937 - Félix Paiva assume a presidência do Paraguai.
  • 1937 - Rodolfo Chiari dies (b. 15 Nov 1869). President of Panamá (1924-1928).
  • 1938 - Jacinto Bienvenido Peynado assume a presidência da República Dominicana que exerceu até à sua morte (7 Mar 1940).
  • 1938 - Robert Johnson dies (b. 8 May 1911). Blues singer and guitarist
  • 1938 - Andrej Hlinka dies (b. 27 Sep 1864). Slovak politician and priest.
  • 1940 - Bruce Beresford was born. Australian film director
  • 1946 - Lesley Ann Warren was born. American actress
  • 1946 - Massoud Barzani was born. Iraqi Kurdish politician
  • 1946 - The Japan Business Federation, or Keidanren, is established, and Ichirō Ishikawa is appointed its representative.
  • 1946 - Dumarsais Estimé assume a presidência do Haiti
  • 1948 - Moria Casán (Ana María Casanova) was born in Buenos Aires. Argentinian actress
  • 1948 - Babe Ruth dies. Baseball player
  • 1949 - Margaret Mitchell dies. Novelist
  • 1950 - Hasely Crawford was born. Trinidad and Tobago athlete
  • 1950 - Federico Chaves assume a presidência do Paraguai
  • 1951 - Arnaldo Barsanti dies (b. 1889). Composer and musician ( "Anastasio el pollo", "Echale aceite a la manija", "Los invisibles").
  • 1951 - Muere Eduardo Chibás, líder del Partido del Pueblo Cubano, Ortodoxo
  • 1952 - Reginald VelJohnson was born. American actor
  • 1953 - Kathie Lee Gifford was born. French-born singer and actress
  • 1953 - Federico Chávez toma posse como Presidente do Paraguai.
  • 1954 - Sports Illustrated magazine is first published.
  • 1954 - James Cameron was born. Canadian film director (Titanic, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Aliens, The Abyss, True Lies, True Lies 2)
  • 1955 - Nascimento Fernandes dies (b. 1881). Portuguese actor.
  • 1956 - Bela Lugosi dies. Actor
  • 1957 - Irving Langmuir dies (b. 1881). American chemist, Nobel Prize laureate.
  • 1958 - Angela Bassett was born. American actress Waiting to Exhale, FX, What’s Love Got to Do with It?, Malcolm X, Boyz N the Hood
  • 1958 - Madonna was born. American singer (Material Girl, Like a Virgin) and actress (Dick Tracy, Desperately Seeking Susan, Shanghai Surprise, A League of Their Own).
  • 1959 - Wanda Landowska dies (b. 1879), Polish harpsichordist.
  • 1960 - Francisco Lauro dies. Musician ("Los Mendocinos") Author tango "Perfidia"
  • 1960 - Ausenda d'Oliveira dies in Lisbon (b. 20 Apr 1888 in Cantanhede). Portuguese actress.
  • 1960 - Timothy Hutton was born. American actor.
  • 1960 - Cyprus gains its independence from the United Kingdom with Archbishop Makarios as president.
  • 1960 - Joseph Kittinger parachutes from a balloon over New Mexico at 102,800 feet (31,330 m). He sets unbeaten (as of 2003) world records for: high-altitude jump; free-fall by falling 16 miles (25.7 km) before opening his parachute; and fastest speed by a human without an aircraft, 614 mi/h (982 km/h).
  • 1962 - The Beatles fire drummer Pete Best and replace him with Ringo Starr.
  • 1963 - Restauración de la independencia en la República Dominicana.
  • 1963 - Fernando Ponassi-Boutureira was born. Argentine-Italian architect
  • 1964 - Vietnam War: A coup d'état replaces Duong Van Minh with General Nguyen Khanh as President of South Vietnam. A new constitution is established with aid from the U.S. Embassy.
  • 1966 - Vietnam War: The House Un-American Activities Committee begins investigations of Americans who have aided the Viet Cong. The committee intends to introduce legislation making these activities illegal. Anti-war demonstrators disrupt the meeting and 50 people are arrested.
  • 1966 - Declaración de Bogotá firman presidentes y representantes de Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela y Perú.
  • 1967 - Pamela Smart was born. American murderer
  • 1967 - Ulrika Jonsson was born. Swedish-born television personality
  • 1967 - René Magritte dies. Belgian painter.
  • 1967 - Luis Antonio Eguiguren dies in Lima. Peruvian politician, historian and journalist.
  • 1968 - Mateja Svet was born. Slovenian alpine skier
  • 1971 - Mario Zanini dies (b. 1907). Brazilian painter.
  • 1972 - The Royal Moroccan Air Force mistakenly fires upon, but fails to bring down, Hassan II of Morocco's plane while he is traveling back to Rabat.
  • 1974 - Robin Hull was born. Finnish snooker player
  • 1974 - Krisztina Egerszegi was born. Hungarian swimmer.
  • 1975 - Vladimir Kuts dies (b. 1929). Soviet runner
  • 1977 - Elvis Presley dies (b. 1935). American singer and actor
  • 1979 - John Diefenbaker dies (b. 18 Sep 1875). Thirteenth Prime Minister of Canada
  • 1980 - Robert Hardy was born. English bassist (Franz Ferdinand)
  • 1980 - Vanessa Carlton was born. American singer, songwriter, and pianist
  • 1980 - Park Choong Hoon assume a presidência da Coréia do Sul
  • 1981 - Taylor Rain was born. American actress
  • 1983 - Earl Averill dies (b. 1902). American baseball player
  • 1984 - Carmaker John De Lorean is acquitted of all eight counts of possessing and distributing cocaine.
  • 1985 - Madonna-Sean Penn's wedding.
  • 1986 - Joaquín Balaguer assume (pela 3ª ?quinta vez) a Presidencia da República Dominicana.
  • 1987 - A McDonnell Douglas MD-82 carrying Northwest Airlines flight 255 crashes on takeoff from Detroit Metropolitan Airport killing all but one of the 156 people on-board (the sole survivor was four-year old Cecelia Cichan). The crew forgot to properly set the aircraft flaps.
  • 1987 - Kyal Marsh was born. Australian actor.
  • 1989 - Amanda Blake dies (b. 1929). American actress
  • 1990 - Paulino Vicente dies. Spanish painter.
  • 1992 - El automovilista británico Nigel Mansell se consagra nuevo campeón del mundo de Fórmula 1.
  • 1993 - The Debian GNU/Linux distribution is founded by Ian Murdo
  • 1993 - Stewart Granger, dies in Santa Monica, California (b. 06 May 1913). English-born American actor.
  • 1994 - Muere Manuel Jiménez de la Guardia, fundador del diario costarricense "La Nación". Fue Ministro de Industria y Comercio de su país.
  • 1994 - Joaquín Balaguer toma posse (7º. mandato) do cargo de Presidente da República Dominicana.
  • 1996 - Leonel Fernández assume a Presidencia da República Dominicana.
  • 1997 - Hasta 220 personas son arrestadas en Alemania durante marchas para conmemorar al 10° aniversario de la muerte del líder nazi Rudolf Hess.
  • 2000 - Hipólito Mejía assume a presidência da República Dominicana
  • 2000 - Início do segundo mandato do presidente venezuelano Hugo Chávez
  • 2002 - Martin Deutsch dies at 85. Physicist who discovered positronium
  • 2002 - Abu Nidal dies (b. 1937). Palestinian terrorist, founder of Fatah - the Revolutionary Council (Fatah al-Qiyadah al-Thawriyyah) well known as Abu Nidal Organization.
  • 2003 - Idi Amin dies (b. 1925). Ugandan dictator (1971-1979)
  • 2003 - Haroldo de Campos dies (b. 19 Aug 1929 in São Paulo). Brazilian poet and translator
  • 2004 - Ivan Hlinka dies (b. 1950). Czech hockey coach.
  • 2004 - Robert Quiroga dies ( 1969). American boxer
  • 2005 - West Caribbean Airways Flight 708 crashes near Machiques, Venezuela, killing the 160 aboard.
  • 2005 - Frère Roger of Taizé dies (b. 1915). Swiss monk and mystic.
  • 2005 - Joe Ranft dies (b. 1960). Pixar animator.

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