

On this day in History - May 19

0804 - Alcuin, dies (b. c. 735). Monk from York, England.
0988 - Dunstan, dies (b. 909). Archbishop of Canterbury.
1102 - Stephen, Count of Blois dies (b. c. 1045).
1125 - Vladimir Monomakh dies (b. 1053).
1296 - Pope Celestine V dies (b. 1215).
1535 - French explorer Jacques Cartier sets sail on his second voyage to North America with 3 ships, 110 men, and Chief Donnacona's 2 sons (who Cartier kidnapped during his first voyage).
1536 - Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII of England is beheaded for adultery.
1568 - Queen Elizabeth I of England arrests Mary Queen of Scots.
1593 - Nascimento em Antuérpia, Bélgica de Jacob Jordaens, pintor flamengo.
1643 - Thirty Years' War: French forces under the duc d'Enghien decisively defeat Spanish forces at the Battle of Rocroi, marking the symbolic end of Spain as a dominant land power.
1645 - Miyamoto Musashi, dies (b. c. 1584). Japanese swordsman.
1649 - An Act declaring England to be a Commonwealth is passed by the Long Parliament.
1715- Charles Montagu, dies (b. 15661). Chancellor of the Exchequer.
1749 - King George II of Great Britain grants the Ohio Company a charter of land around the forks of the Ohio River.
1750 - Marco António de Azevedo Coutinho, primeiro secretário de Estado dos Negócios Estrangeiros e da Guerra, morre.
1762 - Johann Gottlieb Fichte, was born (d. 1814). German philosopher.
1769 - Ao fim de três meses de contenda entre as facções a favor e contra os Jesuítas, o conclave de cardeais elege papa Lorenzo Ganganelli, candidato da facção adversa aos Jesuítas, que adopta o nome de Clemente XIV.
1773 - Arthur Aikin, was born (d. 1854). English chemist, mineralogist and scientific writer.
1780 - Never-explained complete darkness falls on Eastern Canada and the New England area of America at 2 pm.
1786 - John Stanley, dies (b. 1712). English composer.
1795 - Josiah Bartlett, dies (b. 1729). Signatory of the USA Declaration of Independence.
1795 - James Boswell, dies (b. 1740). Scottish biographer.
1795 - Johns Hopkins, was born (d. 1873). Philanthropist.
1800 - Nascimrnto de António Joaquim da Costa Carvalho (m. 20 Jun 1874). Barão de São Lourenço - Portugal.
1802 - The Légion d'Honneur is founded by Napoleon Bonaparte.
1821 - Camille Jordan, dies (b. 1771). French politician.
1825 - Saint-Simon, dies (b. 1760). Founder of French socialism, economist.
1827 - Paul-Armand Challemel-Lacour, was born (d. 1896). French statesman.
1828 - U.S. President John Quincy Adams signs the Tariff of 1828 into law, protecting wool manufacturers in the United States.
1848 - Mexican-American War: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo - Mexico ratifies the treaty thus ending the war and ceding Texas, California and most of Arizona and New Mexico to the United States for $15 million dollars.
1844 - Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was born (d. 1818).
1861 - Dame Nellie Melba, was born (d. 1931). Australian opera singer.
1862 - Nascimento de João do Canto e Castro Silva Antunes. Almirante português.
1864 - American Civil War: Battle of Spotsylvania Court House ends.
1864 - Nathaniel Hawthorne, dies (b. 1804). Author.
1870 - Albert Fish, was born (d. 1936). Serial killer.
1870 -Portugal -Ocorre o último dos muitos golpes militares liderados por Saldanha, ao longo do século XIX (Saldanhada). O marechal impõe ao rei D. Luís a demissão do governo liderado pelo duque de Loulé, e a sua nomeação para a chefia do governo. O governo não dura cem dias, e o duque de Saldanha será enviado para Londres, como embaixador, para um exílio dourado. Morrerá em 1876.
1874 - Gilbert Jessop was born (d. 1955). English cricketer, known as fastest-scoring batsman of all time.
1876 - Júlio Dantas was born in Lagos, Portugal (m. 25 May 1962). Portuguese writer. Leading member of the Nationalist Party, he was at the forefront of attempts to create a right wing republican coalition with Cunha Leal's ULR which would support the military regime. Doctor of Medicine. Vice-President and formerly president of the Lisbon Academy of Science. Director and professor of the National Conservatoire. Inspector of Libraries. A poet, publicist and dramatist of distinction. Is a man of great literary talent and has considerable influence over the National Theatre. One of his plays, called "The Cardinal's Supper," is said to have been translated into 40 languages. He was Minister of Instruction on two separate occasions in 1920, and Minister for Foreign Affairs in 1921 and 1923. Elected member of the Intellectual Committee of the League of Nations in January 1934, and President of the Lisbon Academy of Science for the eleventh time in December 1935. Poeta, dramaturgo, cronista, jornalista, conferencista, médico, deputado, militar, ministro, glória das instituições, da política, da literatura, do teatro, da sociedade da época, acadêmico de dezenas de academias. Em Portugal e no Brasil, ficou mais conhecido por seu teatro voltado para o amor elegante e o heroísmo aristocrático. A meio caminho entre o romantismo e o parnasianismo, seus poemas foram enfeixados em Nada (1896) e Sonetos (1916). O interesse pelo amor elegante levou-o a estudos como O Amor em Portugal no Século XVIII (1915). A procura do passado heróico rendeu Pátria Portuguesa (1914) e Marcha Triunfal (1954). Foi na dramaturgia, porém, que alcançou grande sucesso: em A Severa (1901) foi baseado o primeiro filme português sonoro, de Leitão de Barros, e A Ceia dos Cardeais, escrita em 1902, tem longa história nos palcos. Escreveu ainda Paços de Veiros (1903) e O Reposteiro Verde (1912). Morreu em Lisboa, em 25 de maio de 1962.
1879 - Nancy Astor, was born (d. 1964). First woman to sit in British House of Commons.
1880 - Sir Albert Richardson, was born (d. 1964). Architect.
1882 - Mohammed Mossadegh, was born (d. 1967). Iranian prime minister.
1885 - Peter W. Barlow, dies (b. 1809). Engineer.
1890 - Mário de Sá Carneiro, was born (d. 1916). Portuguese poet. He was one of the greatest poets of Portuguese Modernism. The poet put an end to his life, committing suicide in Paris.
1890 - Nasce Mário de Sá-Carneiro. Grande poeta, amigo íntimo de Fernando Pessoa [ este a propósito de Sá Carneiro disse:«...O Sá-Carneiro não teve biografia: teve génio. O que disse foi o que viveu.» ], dado a grandes depressões, deixou, uma obra singular como poeta e ficcionista. Foi com Pessoa um dos fundadores de "Orpheu", que marca o início do Modernismo português.
1890 - Ho Chi Minh, was born (d. 1969). Vietnamese leader.
1891 - Oswald Boelcke,was born (d. 1916). World War I fighter ace.
1895 - José Martí, dies (b. 1853). Cuban independence leader.
1896 - Nascimento de Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez. Presidente do Chile (1958-1964).
1897 - Oscar Wilde is released from Reading Gaol.
1897 - Frank Luke, was born (d. 1918). World War I fighter ace.
1898 - William Ewart Gladstone, dies (b. 1809). British prime minister.
1898 - Guerra de Cuba: o almirante Cervera consegue burlar a vigilância da esquadra norte-americana e chegar na baía de Santiago.
1904 - Auguste Molinier, dies (b. 1851). French historian.
1906 - Gerd Bucerius, was born (d. 1995). Publisher and publicist.
1906 - João Franco é nomeado chefe do governo. Dá início a um governo ditatorial, que tenta resolver a crise política do regime liberal, provocada pelo sistema rotativista, com uma governação autoritária.
1906 - The Simplon Tunnel was officially opened as the world's longest railroad tunnel. Cutting through the Alps between Italy and Switzerland, it was officially opened by the King of Italy and the president of the Swiss Republic
1907 - Benjamin Baker, dies (b. 1840). English engineer.
1908 - Percy Williams, was born (d. 1982). Canadian athlete.
1909 - Bruce Bennett, was born. Actor.
1909 - Isaac Albéniz, dies (b. 1860). Spanish composer.
1914 - Go Seigen, was born. Go player.
1914 - Max Ferdinand Perutz, was born (d. 2002). Austrian-born British biochemist, corecipient of the 1962 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his X-ray diffraction analysis of the structure of haemoglobin.
1918- Raoul Lufbery, dies (b. 1885). World War I American flying ace.
1919 - In Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk moves to Samsun from Istanbul with a few followers, to oppose the Ottoman government, which eventually leads to the Turkish War of Independence.
1921 - The Emergency Quota Act passes the U.S. Congress establishing national quotas on immigration.
1921 - Nascimento de Rolando de Sá Nogueira. Pintor português.
1921 - Karel van het Reve, was born (d. 1999). Dutch writer.
1921 - Yuri Kochiyama, was born. Civil rights activist.
1922 - Young Pioneer organization of the Soviet Union is established.
1924 - Sandy Wilson, was born. British composer.
1924 - Nasceu o empresário teatral português Vasco Morgado.
1925 - Malcolm X (Malcolm Little), was born (d. 21 Feb1965 assassinated). Black nationalist and civil rights activist.
1926 - Pol Pot, was born (d. 1998). Khmer Rouge leader.
1926 - Peter Zadek, was born. Film and theatre director.
1928 - Morre Max Scheler, filósofo alemão.
1929 - Nascimento no Rio de Janeiro de Johnny Alf (Alfredo José da Silva), considerado precursor da Bossa Nova.
1930 - Lorraine Hansberry, was born (d. 1965). Playwright.
1931 - Eric Tappy, was born. Swiss tenor.
1931 - O Grémio Lusitano, sede nacional da Maçonaria portuguesa, é fechado.
1932 - The gangster film Scarface: The Shame of a Nation opens at the Rialto Theater in Los Angeles, California.
1934 - Jim Lehrer, was born. Journalist, co-anchor.
1935 - T. E. Lawrence ("Lawrence of Arabia") dies (b. 15 Aug 1888). British archaeological scholar, which activity he pursued assiduously from his teens up to the outbreak of WW I. Later he became best known as a military strategist, and author for his legendary war activities in the Middle East during WW I, and for his account of those activities in "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom" (1926).
1935 - David Hartman was born. Emmy Award-winning TV host: Good Morning America; actor: Hello Dolly, Lucas Tanner, The Bold Ones Bold Ones.
1939 - Dick Scobee, was born (d. 1986). Astronaut.
1939 - Livio Berruti, was born. Italian athlete.
1939 - Nancy Kwan, was born. Actress.
1940 - Nascimento em Maceió- AL de Cáca Diegues (Carlos Diegues), diretor brasileiro de cinema e televisão.
1941 - Nora Ephron, was born in New York. American screenwriter .
1942 - Gary Kildall, was born (d. 1994). Computer programmer.
1943 - World War II: British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt set Monday, May 1, 1944 as the date for the cross-English Channel landing (D-Day would later be delayed over a month due to bad weather).
1944 - Peter Mayhew, was born. Actor Chewbacca.
1945 - Pete Townshend, was born. Guitarist, lyricist. (The Who)
1946 - André the Giant, was born (d. 1993). Wrestler.
1946 - Booth Tarkington, dies (b. 1869). American novelist.
1948 - Grace Jones, was born. Singer, actress.
1949 - Archie Manning, was born. American football quarterback .
1951 - Joey Ramone (Jeffrey Hyman), was born (d. 15 Apr 2001). American musician, vocalist with The Ramones.
1953 - Victoria Wood, was born. British comic actress .
1954 - Charles Ives, dies (b. 1874). American composer.
1954 - Morre Catarina Eufémia, trabalhadora alentejana, numa manifestação contra o Estado Novo
1956 - James Gosling, was born. The "father" of Java programming language .
1956 - Nascimento em São Paulo, de Jayme Monjardim Matarazzo, director brasileiro de cinema e televisão.
1958 - Ronald Colman, dies (b. 1891). Actor.
1960 - Nace Maribel Guardia, cantante y actriz costarricense.
1960 - O Real Madrid ganha a sua primeira Taça dos Campeões Europeus.
1960 - Presidente Eisenhower (Estados Unidos) visita Portugal.
1961 - Venera program: Venera 1 becomes the first man-made object to fly-by another planet by passing Venus (the probe had lost contact with Earth a month earlier and did not send back data).
1962 - A birthday salute to U.S. President John F. Kennedy takes place at Madison Square Garden, New York. The highlight is Marilyn Monroe's infamous rendition of Happy Birthday. Thirty-four years later, John F. Kennedy, Jr. had actress Drew Barrymore pose as Monroe for the cover of George magazine with the heading "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" in honor of then-President Bill Clinton turning 50.
1963 - Yazz, was born. UK singer.
1964 - Vietnam War: The United States Air Force begins Operation Yankee Team.
1965 - Tui Malila, the oldest living tortoise or living creature ever, dies in Tonga at the age of either 188 or 192.
1969 - Coleman Hawkins, dies (b. 1901). Jazz musician.
1971 - Mars probe program: Mars 2 is launched by the Soviet Union.
1971 - Ogden Nash, dies (b. 1902). American poet.
1972 - Nascimento de Claudia Karvan. Actriz australiana.
1973 - Dario Franchitti, was born. Automobile racer .
1974 - Giscard d'Estaing é eleito presidente da França.
1975 - London Fletcher, was born. American football player .
1975 - Portugal: Os ministros do PS abandonam o governo, em conflito aberto com a direcção do PCP e os militares que a apoiam .
1976 - Kevin Garnett, was born. Basketball player.
1980 - Fernando Belaúnde Terry ganha as eleições presidenciais do Peru.
1983 - Jean Rey, dies (b. 1902). President of the European Commission.
1984 - John Betjeman, dies (b. 1906). English poet.
1985 - Cavaco Silva é eleito presidente da Comissão Política, no final do 12.º Congresso do PSD, realizado na Figueira da Foz.
1987 - James Tiptree, Jr, dies (b. 1915). science fiction author.
1989 - CLR James, dies (b. 1901). Writer and journalist.
1991 - Willy T. Ribbs becomes the first African-American driver to qualify for the Indianapolis 500.
1994 - Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, dies (b. 1929). First Lady of the United States.
1994 - Luis Ocaña, dies. Spanish cyclist.
1998 - Uno Sosuke, dies (b. 1922). Japanese prime minister.
1998 - In Fayetteville, Tennessee, three days before graduation, 18-year-old honor student Jacob Davis allegedly confronts, then shoots dead 18-year-old Nick Creson in the parking lot of his school. This is the latest in a rash of so-called school massacres which took place in the United States during the 1990s
1999 - Renúncia do primeiro-ministro holandês, Win Kok.
1999 - Rolandas Paksas assume o cargo de primeiro-ministro da Lituânia.
2000 - Yevgeny Khrunov, dies (b. 1933). Cosmonaut.
2001 - One child policy: Zhonghua Sun is put to death by People's Republic of China government officials because she refused to be sterilized.
2002 - Walter Lord, dies. Writer.
2002 - John Gorton, dies (b. 1911). Nineteenth Prime Minister of Australia.
2003 - Erik Zimen, dies. Wolf researcher.
2004 - Mary Dresselhuys, dies (b. 1907). Dutch actress.
2004 - É atribuido o Prémio Camões 2004 à escritora portuguesa Agustina Bessa-Luís.
2004 - Morte, na Argentina, do poeta paraguaio Elvio Romero
Feast of Saint Dunstan
Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day in Turkey (1919)

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