

Bush or Kerry ?

Let us know. Give us your comment about who is going to win next elections. Write your opinion: Bush or Kerry and why?
Presidential Tracking Poll

Quem vai ganhar as próximas eleições americanas?. Coloque o seu voto nos comentários a este "post" e diga-nos porquê.

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Eu voto Kerry. Uma vitória de Bush colocará o mundo ainda em maior instabilidade. Ao caso do Iraque suceder-se-ia outros

phoenix disse...

If the voters who want a change in U.S. politics actually come out to vote, Kerry will be the next President. While the current polls show the two candidates in a statistical dead heat, Bush has a slightly higher percentage of proven voters. So it is especially important to those of us who are disgusted with George Bush to make it to the polls on election Tuesday. The last election was embarassing enough for the U.S. and look at the international mess it got us into.

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