

Sporting vence Estoril e partilha a liderança

Sporting 4 - 0 Estoril

O Sporting cedo inaugurou o marcador(8') por Niculae após livre de Hugo Viana e assim removeu grande parte das dificuldades que o Estoril lhe podia apresentar. Ainda assim o 2-0 surgiu apenas aos 76' por Rochemback. A partir daqui o Estoril abriu completamente (teve uma boa oportunidade para fazer o 2-1 por Vargas com o remate a ser desviado por Ricardo) e o Sporting acabou por concretizar uma goleada com mais dois golos ambos por Liedson , o 3º. em posição que nos pareceu irregular após jogada confusa e o 4º. na conversão de uma grande penalidade.

Deste modo o Sporting iguala Porto e Benfica na liderança do campeonato, todos com 42 pontos, Braga e Boavista têm 40. Na cauda da classificação nas posições de perigo : Penafiel e Moreirense 24 (saltou na tabela), Gil Vicente 23, Estoril 22 (baixou para posição de descida de divisão ) Beira Mar e Académica ambas com 20.

Porto continua a não ganhar nas Antas...

FC Porto 1 - 1 SL Benfica

Em jogo morno, o empate ajusta-se ao desenrolar do jogo. Começou melhor o Benfica que mostrou disponibilidade para jogar no meio campo do Porto, tendo mais posse de bola e conseguindo alguns livres que no entanto não geraram perigo. À medida que o tempo decorria o Porto equilibrou o jogo e terminou melhor a primeira parte disfrutando duma jogada de perigo que Postiga desperdiçou ao desviar a bola na cara de Quim mas por cima da barra.

Na segunda parte foi o Porto que teve mais iniciativa disfrutando McCarthy de uma oportunidade flagrante após corte de cabeça, deficiente, de Ricardo Rocha, mas McCarthy tanto quiz colocar a bola que atirou forte mas por cima da barra. O Benfica tinha mais dificuldades de partir para o ataque mas num minuto disfrutou de duas grandes oportunidades: primeiro por Nuno Assis em jogada individual colocou a bola pelo meio dos centrais indo bater no vertice entre a barra e o poste da baliza de Baía com este batido e depois por Giovanni lançado em profundidade passou por Baía, mas ligeiramente desiquilibrado por este já não teve ângulo e capacidade para rematar com êxito, aparecendo Ricardo Costa a cortar.

No minuto seguinte (66') o Porto inaugurou; jogada pela esquerda, Miguel deslocalizado e cruzamento de Nuno Valente rasteiro para McCarthy (quem podia ser mais? ) no meio dos centrais a facturar.

A perder Trapattoni tirou Nuno Assis para entrar Nuno Gomes e depois de um confronto de agarrões entre Ricardo Costa e Karadas que valeu salomonicamente um amarelo a cada um, na marcação de um canto da direita do attaque encarnado por Petit, Giovanni de cabeça atirou a bola contra a relva para entrar junto ao poste direito de Baía que não teve hipóteses (75'). As equipas pareciam acreditar que qualquer delas podia ganhar e Nuno Gomes disfrutou de excelente oportunidade que Baía evitou com grande defesa para canto, que o árbitro não assinalou. No contra-ataque livre perigoso para o Porto e Mccarthy atira forte à barra. Finalmente tínhamos oportunidades e emoção, coisa que não aconteceu na 1ª. parte. Tempo ainda para um amarelo a Simão por "fantasias" com a bola com o jogo parado, quando o Benfica beneficiava de um canto, já em tempo de compensação.

O Porto continua com a pior época de há muitos anos em casa (4V 5E 3D) e assim o Campeonato continua em aberto para pelo menos três equipas : Porto, Sporting e Benfica todas empatados (o Sporting neste momento já vence frente ao Estoril por 1-0) e Braga e Boavista à espreita.

Para melhor jogador em campo seleccionamos McCarthy apesar do desperdício daquela oportunidade e o árbitro desta vez não teve casos muito difíceis para assinalar. Os jogadores só lhe complicaram um pouco a vida depois de haver golos. Até aí houve muito desportivismo esem casos dificeis para analisar.

O Sentimento Dum Ocidental

A Guerra Junqueiro


Nas nossas ruas, ao anoitecer,
Há tal soturnidade, há tal melancolia,
Que as sombras, o bulício, o Tejo, a maresia
Despertam-me um desejo absurdo de sofrer.

O céu parece baixo e de neblina,
O gás extravasado enjoa-me, perturba;
E os edifícios, com as chaminés, e a turba
Toldam-se duma cor monótona e londrina.

Batem os carros d'aluguer, ao fundo,
Levando à via-férrea os que se vão. Felizes!
Ocorrem-me em revista, exposições, países:
Madrid, Paris, Berlim, S. Petersburgo, o mundo!

Semelham-se a gaiolas, com viveiros,
As edificações somente emadeiradas:
Como morcegos, ao cair das badaladas,
Saltam de viga em viga os mestres carpinteiros.

Voltam os calafates, aos magotes,
De jaquetão ao ombro, enfarruscados, secos;
Embrenho-me, a cismar, por boqueirões, por becos,
Ou erro pelos cais a que se atracam botes.

E evoco, então, as crónicas navais:
Mouros, baixéis, heróis, tudo ressuscitado!
Luta Camões no Sul, salvando um livro a nado!
Singram soberbas naus que eu não verei jamais!

E o fim da tarde inspira-me; e incomoda!
De um couraçado inglês vogam os escaleres;
E em terra num tinir de louças e talheres
Flamejam, ao jantar, alguns hotéis da moda.

Num trem de praça arengam dois dentistas;
Um trôpego arlequim braceja numas andas;
Os querubins do lar flutuam nas varandas;
Às portas, em cabelo, enfadam-se os lojistas!

Vazam-se os arsenais e as oficinas;
Reluz, viscoso, o rio, apressam-se as obreiras;
E num cardume negro, hercúleas, galhofeiras,
Correndo com firmeza, assomam as varinas.

Vêm sacudindo as ancas opulentas!
Seus troncos varonis recordam-me pilastras;
E algumas, à cabeça, embalam nas canastras
Os filhos que depois naufragam nas tormentas.

Descalças! Nas descargas de carvão,
Desde manhã à noite, a bordo das fragatas;
E apinham-se num bairro aonde miam gatas,
E o peixe podre gera os focos de infecção!


Toca-se às grades, nas cadeias. Som
Que mortifica e deixa umas loucuras mansas!
O Aljube, em que hoje estão velhinhas e crianças,
Bem raramente encerra uma mulher de "dom"!

E eu desconfio, até, de um aneurisma
Tão mórbido me sinto, ao acender das luzes;
À vista das prisões, da velha Sé, das Cruzes,
Chora-me o coração que se enche e que se abisma.

A espaços, iluminam-se os andares,
E as tascas, os cafés, as tendas, os estancos
Alastram em lençol os seus reflexos brancos;
E a Lua lembra o circo e os jogos malabares.

Duas igrejas, num saudoso largo,
Lançam a nódoa negra e fúnebre do clero:
Nelas esfumo um ermo inquisidor severo,
Assim que pela História eu me aventuro e alargo.

Na parte que abateu no terremoto,
Muram-me as construções retas, iguais, crescidas;
Afrontam-me, no resto, as íngremes subidas,
E os sinos dum tanger monástico e devoto.

Mas, num recinto público e vulgar,
Com bancos de namoro e exíguas pimenteiras,
Bronzeo, monumental, de proporções guerreiras,
Um épico doutrora ascende, num pilar!

E eu sonho o Cólera, imagino a Febre,
Nesta acumulação de corpos enfezados;
Sombrios e espectrais recolhem os soldados;
Inflama-se um palácio em face de um casebre.

Partem patrulhas de cavalaria
Dos arcos dos quartéis que foram já conventos:
Idade-Média! A pé, outras, a passos lentos,
Derramam-se por toda a capital, que esfria.

Triste cidade! Eu tenho que me avives
Uma paixão defunta! Aos lampiões distantes,
Enlutam-me, alvejando, as tuas elegantes,
Curvadas a sorrir às montras dos ourives.

E mais: as costureiras, as floristas
Descem dos magasins, causam-me sobressaltos;
Custa-lhes a elevar os seus pescoços altos
E muitas delas são comparsas ou coristas.

E eu, de luneta de uma lente só,
Eu acho sempre assunto a quadros revoltados;
Entro na brassetie-, às mesas de emigrados,
Ao riso e à crua luz joga-se o dominó.


E saio. A noite pesa, esmaga. Nos
Passeios de lajedo arrastam-se as impuras.
Ó moles hospitais! Sai das embocaduras
Um sopro que arrepia os ombros quase nus.

Cercam-me as lojas, tépidas. Eu penso
Ver círios laterais, ver filas de capelas,
Com santos e fiéis, andores, ramos, velas,
Em uma catedral de um comprimento imenso.

As burguesinhas do Catolicismo
Resvalam pelo chão minado pelos canos;
E lembram-me, ao chorar doente dos pianos,
As freiras que os jejuns matavam de histerismo.

Num cutileiro, de avental, ao torno,
Um forjador maneja um malho, rubramente;
E de uma padaria exala-se, inda quente,
Um cheiro salutar e honesto a pão no forno.

E eu que medito um livro que exacerbe,
Quisera que o real e a análise mo dessem;
Casas de confecções e de modas resplandecem;
Pelas vitrines olha um ratoneiro imberbe.

Longas descidas! Não poder pintar
Com versos magistrais, salubres e sinceros,
A esguia difusão dos vossos reverberas,
E a vossa palidez romântica e lunar!

Que grande cobra, a lúbrica pessoa,
Que espartilhada escolhe uns xales com debuxo!
Sua excelência atrai, magnética, entre luxo,
Que ao longo dos balcões de mogno se amontoa.

E aquela velha, de bandós! Por vezes,
A sua trame imita um leque antigo, aberto,
Nas barras verticais, a duas tintas. Perto,
Escarvam, à vitória, os seus mecklemburgueses.

Desdobram-se tecidos estrangeiros;
Plantas ornamentais secam nos mostradores;
Flocos de pó-de-arroz pairam sufocadores,
E em nuvens de cetins requebram-se os caixeiros.

Mas tudo cansa! Apagam-se nas frentes
Os candelabros, como estrelas, pouco a pouco;
Da solidão regouga um cauteleiro rouco;
Tornam-se mausoléus as armações fulgentes.

"Dó da miséria!... Compaixão de mim!..."
E, nas esquinas, calvo, eterno, sem repouso,
Pede-me sempre esmola um homenzinho idoso,
Meu velho professor nas aulas de Latim!


O tecto fundo de oxigénio, de ar,
Estende-se ao comprido, ao meio das trapeiras;
Vêm lágrimas de luz dos astros com olheiras,
Enleva-me a quimera azul de transmigrar.

Por baixo, que portões! Que arruamentos!
Um parafuso cai nas lajes, às escuras:
Colocam-se taipais, rangem as fechaduras,
E os olhos dum caleche espantam-me, sangrentos.

E eu sigo, como as linhas de uma pauta
A dupla correnteza augusta das fachadas;
Pois sobem, no silêncio, infaustas e trinadas,
As notas pastoris de uma longínqua flauta.

Se eu não morresse, nunca! E eternamente
Buscasse e conseguisse a perfeição das cousas!
Esqueço-me a prever castíssimas esposas,
Que aninhem em mansões de vidro transparente!

Ó nossos filhos! Que de sonhos ágeis,
Pousando, vos trarão a nitidez às vidas!
Eu quero as vossas mães e irmãs estremecidas,
Numas habitações translúcidas e frágeis.

Ah! Como a raça ruiva do porvir,
E as frotas dos avós, e os nómadas ardentes,
Nós vamos explorar todos os continentes
E pelas vastidões aquáticas seguir!

Mas se vivemos, os emparedados,
Sem árvores, no vale escuro das muralhas!...
Julgo avistar, na treva, as folhas das navalhas
E os gritos de socorro ouvir, estrangulados.

E nestes nebulosos corredores
Nauseiam-me, surgindo, os ventres das tabernas;
Na volta, com saudade, e aos bordos sobre as pernas,
Cantam, de braço dado, uns tristes bebedores.

Eu não receio, todavia, os roubos;
Afastam-se, a distância, os dúbios caminhantes;
E sujos, sem ladrar, ósseos, febris, errantes,
Amareladamente, os cães parecem lobos.

E os guardas, que revistam as escadas,
Caminham de lanterna e servem de chaveiros;
Por cima, as imorais, nos seus roupões ligeiros,
Tossem, fumando sobre a pedra das sacadas.

E, enorme, nesta massa irregular
De prédios sepulcrais, com dimensões de montes,
A Dor humana busca os amplos horizontes,
E tem marés, de fel, como um sinistro mar!

Cesário Verde

I'm your man - lyrics of a song of Leonard Cohen

I'm Your Man
If you want a lover
I'll do anything you ask me to
And if you want another kind of love
I'll wear a mask for you
If you want a partner
Take my hand
Or if you want to strike me down in anger
Here I stand
I'm your man
If you want a boxer
I will step into the ring for you
And if you want a doctor
I'll examine every inch of you
If you want a driver
Climb inside
Or if you want to take me for a ride
You know you can
I'm your man

Ah, the moon's too bright
The chain's too tight
The beast won't go to sleep
I've been running through these promises to you
That I made and I could not keep
Ah but a man never got a woman back
Not by begging on his knees
Or I'd crawl to you baby
And I'd fall at your feet
And I'd howl at your beauty
Like a dog in heat
And I'd claw at your heart
And I'd tear at your sheet
I'd say please, please
I'm your man

And if you've got to sleep
A moment on the road
I will steer for you
And if you want to work the street alone
I'll disappear for you
If you want a father for your child
Or only want to walk with me a while
Across the sand
I'm your man

If you want a lover
I'll do anything you ask me to
And if you want another kind of love
I'll wear a mask for you

On this day in History - Feb. 28

  • 0364 - Valentinian I is elevated as Roman Emperor.
  • 0870 - The Fourth Constantinople Council closed, under Pope Adrian II in the West and Emperor Basil I in the East. The council had condemned iconoclasm, and became the last ecumenical council held in the Eastern Mediterranean area.
  • 1066 - Westminster Abbey opens .
  • 1326 - Duke Leopold I of Austria dies.
  • 1525 - O último imperador azteca, Cuauhtemoc, é torturado e executado pelo conquistador espanhol Hernan Cortes.
  • 1533 - Michel de Montaigne was born (d. 1592), French essayist and philosopher.
  • 1552 - Joost Bürgi , was born (d. 31 Jan 1632). Swiss/German mathematician who invented logarithms independently of the Scottish mathematician John Napier.
  • 1561 - Ambroise Paré published La méthode curative des playes et fractures de la teste humaine ("Treatment method for wounds and fractures of the human head").
  • 1594 - O médico de Elizabeth I, Roger Loper, é preso por suposta conspiração para envenenar a Rainha .
  • 1609 - Paul Sartorius, composer, dies at 39.
  • 1644 - Holandeses abandonam São Luís e a capitania do Maranhão volta ao domínio português .
  • 1683 - René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur, was born, (d.17 Oct 1757). French scientist active in various fields, and the foremost entomologist of the early 18th century .
  • 1700 - February 28 is followed by March 1 in Sweden, thus creating the Swedish calendar.
  • 1736 - Por decreto, a Coroa portuguesa, obriga a que o transporte de ouro, diamantes e outras pedras preciosas do Brasil, se faça exclusivamente nos cofres das frotas.
  • 1743 - René-Just Haüy was born (d. 1 Jun 1822). French mineralogist who was the founder of the science of crystallography through his discovery of the geometrical law of crystallization.
  • 1784 - John Wesley charters the Methodist Church.
  • 1797 - Mary Lyon was born , educator (Mt Holyoke) (Hall of Fame).
  • 1806 - Forças francesas capturam Barcelona, Espanha.
  • 1811 - Comienza el movimiento pro independencia de Uruguay, a orillas del río Asensio.
  • 1820 - John Tenniel, was born, illustrator (d. 1914) .
  • 1825 - Assinatura de um tratado entre a Grã-Bretanha e a Rússia fixando os limites fronteiriços entre o Canadá e o Alasca, então uma possessão russa.
  • 1827 - The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad is incorporated, becoming the first railroad offering commercial transportation of both people and freight.
  • 1827- Blondin, was born, French tightrope walker whose spectacular crossings of Niagara Falls (USA/Canada) made him world famous (d. 1897) .
  • 1830 - O Visconde de Caramuru, presidente da Bahia (Brasil) é assassinado por um desconhecido.
  • 1833 - Alfred von Schlieffen, was born, German field marshal (d. 1913) .
  • 1844 - A gun on USS Princeton explodes while the boat is on a Potomac River cruise, killing two United States Cabinet members and several others.
  • 1847 - Batalla de Sacramento: los EE.UU. derrotan a México.
  • 1849 - Regular steamboat service from the west to the east coast of the United States begins with the arrival of the SS California in San Francisco Bay, 4 months 21 days after leaving New York Harbor.
  • 1850 - The University of Utah opens in Salt Lake City, Utah.
  • 1859 - Florian Cajori, was born (d. 14 Aug 1930). Swiss-born U.S. educator and mathematician whose works on the history of mathematics were among the most eminent of his time.
  • 1861 - Colorado is organized as a United States territory.
  • 1862 - Canon Edwin Sidney Savage, was born, Rector of Hexham Abbey and St Bartholomew the Great (d. 1947) .
  • 1869 - Muere Alphonse de Lamartine, poeta y estadista francés.
  • 1875 - Sir Goldsworthy Gurney dies (b. 14 Feb 1793). Prolific English inventor who built technically successful steam carriages a half century before the advent of the gasoline-powered automobile.
  • 1877 - Henri-Édouard-Prosper Breuil was born (d. 14 Aug 1961). French archaeologist especially noted as an authority on prehistoric cave paintings of Europe and Africa.
  • 1878 - Pierre Fatou, was born, French Mathematician, who worked on iteration theory which was later analysed by Benoit Mandelbrot.
  • 1882 - Geraldine Farrar, was born, American soprano (d. 1967) .
  • 1882 - Nace José Vasconcelos en Oaxaca, Mexico, pensador y político mexicano.
  • 1883 - The first vaudeville theater is opened, in Boston, Massachusetts.
  • 1885 - The American Telephone and Telegraph Company was incorporated in New York State as the subsidiary of American Bell Telephone. (American Bell would later merge with its subsidiary.)
  • 1885 - Batalla de Barranquilla entre los sublevados en Colombia contra el presidente de la República, Rafael Núñez, y los rebeldes.
  • 1894 - Ben Hecht, was born, playwright, film writer (d. 1964) .
  • 1895 - Guiomar Novaes, was born, Brazil, pianist (Brazilian Order of Merit).
  • 1896 - Philip Showalter Hench was born (d. 30 Mar 1965). American physician who was one of the leaders in American rheumatology. He shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1950 for discoveries relating to the hormones of the adrenal cortex, their structure and biological effects (with Edward C. Kendall and Tadeus Reichstein of Switzerland).
  • 1900 - The Boer War: The 118-day "Siege of Ladysmith" is lifted.
  • 1900 - General Sir Redvers Henry Buller's troops relieve British forces at Ladysmith – they have been under siege by the Boers since 2 November 1899.
  • 1900 - Wolfram Hirth, was born, pilot and designer of aircrafts (d. 1959) .
  • 1901- Linus Pauling, was born in Portland, Oregon. American chemist who applied quantum mechanics to the study of molecular structures, particularly in connection with chemical bonding The only winner of Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1954 and Peace 1962 (d. 1994) .
  • 1903 - Vincente Minnelli, was born in Chicago, Illinois (d. 1986). Film director (American in Paris, Gigi ) .
  • 1906 - Bugsy Siegel, was born, gangster (d. 1947) .
  • 1909 - Stephen Spender, was born, poet (d. 1995) .
  • 1911 - Denis Parsons Burkitt was born (d. died 23 Mar 1993). British surgeon and medical researcher. In the late 1950s, Burkitt began studying a form of lymphoma that affected children in his part of Africa (Burkitt's lymphoma).
  • 1915 - Zero Mostel, was born (d. 1977 ). Actor ( Fiddler on the Roof).
  • 1915 - Sir Peter Brian Medawar was born (d. 2 Oct 1987) . British zoologist who received (with Sir Macfarlane Burnet) the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1960 for the discovery of acquired immunological tolerance when he found (1953) that adult animals injected with foreign cells early in life accept skin grafts from the original cell donor.
  • 1916 - Henry James, dies (b. 1843), US/British writer (The Wings of a Dove).
  • 1916 - Audley Bowdler Williamson was born (d. 21 Nov 2004). British inventor and manufacturer of skin-care products who invented Swarfega hand cleaner, a green jelly that mechanics, printers and others use to wash grease, grime, and ink from their hands.
  • 1917 - Almafuerte (Pedro Bonifacio Palacios), poeta argentino muere.
  • 1917 - Fidel Sánchez Hernández, was born, former president of El Salvador (1967-1972) (d. 2003) .
  • 1917 - Muere Pedro Bonifacio Palacios, "Almafuerte", poeta argentino.
  • 1917 - Se crean los Soviets en Rusia.
  • 1921 - Conflicto armado entre Costa Rica y Panamá.
  • 1922 - Egypt is declared a sovereign state by Britain.
  • 1922 - Paulo Mendes Campos nascimento de (m. 1991), escritor brasileiro .
  • 1924 - U.S. begins intervention in Honduras .
  • 1925 - Friedrich Ebert, morte de, primeiro presidente da República de Weimar, Alemanha.
  • 1929 - Hayden Fry, was born, college football coach .
  • 1929 - Baron Clemens von Pirquet dies (b. 12 May 1874). Austrian physician who originated a skin test for tuberculosis that bears his name, a classic diagnostic test in which tuberculin is applied to a superficial abrasion of the skin of the arm.
  • 1930 - Leon Cooper, was born. American physicist and winner of the 1972 Nobel Prize for Physics, along with John Bardeen and John Robert Schrieffer, for his role in developing the BCS (for their initials) theory of superconductivity.
  • 1930 - Fallece Juan Aberle, compositor salvadoreño.
  • 1931 - Dean Smith was born, NCAA basketball coach .
  • 1933- Gleichschaltung: The Reichstag Fire Decree is passed in Germany a day after the Reichstag fire.
  • 1935 - Nylon is discovered by Wallace H. Carothers of Dupont.
  • 1935 - Muere Fernando Fader, pintor impresionista.
  • 1935 - Francisca (Chiquinha) Gonzaga, compositora brasileira, morre.
  • 1936 - Italian forces take Mt. Alaji in Abyssinia, avenging the massacre of 1895 .
  • 1936 - Charles-Jules-Henri Nicolle dies (b. 21 Sep 1866). French bacteriologist who received the 1928 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his discovery (1909) that typhus is transmitted by the body louse.
  • 1936 - Charles Nicolle, médico francés, premio Nobel de Medicina en 1928, muere.
  • 1938 - Klaus Staeck, was born, graphic artist.
  • 1939 - Erika Pluhar, was born, actress and singer.
  • 1939 - Tommy Tune, was born, dancer, choreographer, actor .
  • 1939 - Daniel C. Tsui was born. Chinese-born American physicist who (with Horst L. Störmer and Robert B. Laughlin) received the 1998 Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery and explanation that the electrons in a powerful magnetic field at very low temperatures can form a quantum fluid whose particles have fractional electric charges (fractional quantum).
  • 1940 - Mario Andretti, was born , Italian automobile driver (1969 Indianapolis 500).
  • 1940 - Basketball is televised for the first time (Fordham University vs. the University of Pittsburgh in Madison Square Garden).
  • 1941 - Muere Alfonso XIII, rey de España.
  • 1941 - Se funda en Bogotá el Santa Fe Corporación Deportiva.
  • 1941 - King Alfonso XIII of Spain dies (b. 1886) .
  • 1942 - Karel Doorman, dies, Dutch admiral (b. 1889) .
  • 1942 - Brian Jones, was born, musician ("The Rolling Stones") (d. 1969) .
  • 1942 - Joe South, was born, musician .
  • 1942 - Dino Zoff, was born, Italian legendary football goalkeeper .
  • 1945 - Bubba Smith, was born, American football player, actor (Police Academy) .
  • 1946 - Robin Cook, was born, British politician .
  • 1947 - February 28 Incident: In Taiwan, civil disorder is put down with large loss of civilian lives.
  • 1948 - The last British troops left India.
  • 1948 - Steven Chu was born. American physicist who (with Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and William D. Phillips) was awarded the 1997 Nobel Prize for Physics for their independent, pioneering research in cooling and trapping atoms using laser light.
  • 1948 - Bud Gartiser sets a new world record after clearing the 50-yard low hurdles in 6.8 seconds.
  • 1948 - Mike Figgis, was born, director, writer, composer .
  • 1948 - Bernadette Peters, was born, actress, singer .
  • 1948 - Mercedes Ruehl, was born, actress .
  • 1949 - Es depuesto el presidente de Paraguay, Raimundo Rolón .
  • 1951 - Protein structure. In 1951, their theoretical description of the structure of proteins was published by Linus Pauling and Robert Corey in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
  • 1952 - End of 8th Winter Olympic Games in Oslo .
  • 1952 - William Finn, was born, composer, lyricist .
  • 1953 - James D. Watson and Francis Crick announce to friends that they have determined the chemical structure of DNA; formal announcement April 25 following publication in April Nature (pub. April 2).
  • 1953 - Eliezer Sukenik dies (b. 12 Aug 1889). Eliezer Lipa Sukenik was a Polish-born Israeli archaeologist who identified the antiquity of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
  • 1954 - Jean Bourgain was born. Belgian mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1994 for his work in analysis .
  • 1956 - Frigyes Riesz dies ( b. 22 Jan 1880). Hungarian mathematician and pioneer of functional analysis, which has found important applications to mathematical physics.
  • 1959 - Maxwell Anderson, dies, playwright, film writer (b. 1888) .
  • 1959 - United Arab Republic and Britain agree on a settlement following the Suez crisis .
  • 1960 - End of 10th Winter Olympic Games in Squaw Valley, California .
  • 1960 - Dorothy Stratten, was born, Canadian actress and Playboy model .
  • 1968 - David V Duccini, was born, philosopher .
  • 1970 - Lemony Snicket, was born, author of The Series of Unfortunate Events books .
  • 1970 - Noureddine Morceli, was born, Algeria, 1500m runner (Olympics-gold-96)
  • 1971 - 53rd PGA Championship: Jack Nicklaus shoots a 281 at PGA National FL Jack Nicklaus wins his 2nd golf grand slam .
  • 1972 - Sino-American relations: The United States and People's Republic of China sign the Shanghai Communiqué.
  • 1973 - Eric Lindros, was born, ice hockey star .
  • 1974 - In a futile attempt to appease widespread strikes and army mutinies, Haile Selassie appoints a new premier in Ethiopia.
  • 1974 - After seven years, the United States and Egypt re-establish diplomatic relations.
  • 1974 - Ethiopian government of Makonnen forms .
  • 1975 - A major tube train crash at Moorgate station, London kills 43 people.
  • 1976 - 18th Grammy Awards: Love Will Keep Us Together, Natalie Cole wins.
  • 1977 - Muere el historiador argentino José Luis Romero.
  • 1977 - Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson,dies, actor (b. 1905) .
  • 1978 - Marissa Perez, was born, Miss Connecticut Teen USA (1996) .
  • 1979 - "The famous Mr. Ed", dies, the talking horse .
  • 1979 - Primož Peterka, was born, Slovenian ski jumper .
  • 1983 - The final episode of M*A*S*H is broadcast in the USA, becoming the most watched television episode in history, with 106–125 million viewers in the U.S. (estimate varies by source).
  • 1983 - El Compact Disc hace su aparición en el mercado.
  • 1984 - 26th Grammy Awards: Beat It, Michael Jackson wins 7 including Album of the year for Thriller.
  • 1986 - European Economic Community sign "Special Act" for Europe free trade .
  • 1986 - Olof Palme, Prime Minister of Sweden, (1969-76, 82-86), is assassinated in Stockholm (b. 1927) .
  • 1986 - O Plano Cruzado determina a substituição do Cruzeiro, que perde três zeros.
  • 1987 - Michelle Horn, was born, teen actress .
  • 1988 - 15th Winter Olympic games close at Calgary, Canada .
  • 1989 - El presidente venezolano, Carlos Andrés Pérez, suspende las garantías constitucionales.
  • 1989 - Aurélio Buarque de Holanda Ferreira, intelectual brasileiro, morre.
  • 1990 - Se aprueba en la URSS la propiedad privada de la tierra y su transmisión en herencia.
  • 1991 - Muere Guillermo Manuel Ungo, político salvadoreño.
  • 1993 - 7th American Comedy Award: Seinfeld wins.
  • 1993 - Ruby Keeler, dies, actress, singer, dancer (b. 1910) .
  • 1993 - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents raid the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas with a warrant to arrest cult leader David Koresh. Four BATF agents and five Davidians die in the initial raid, starting a 51-day standoff.
  • 1994 - San Lorenzo de Almagro inaugura su estadio, el Nuevo Gasómetro.
  • 1994 - O ministro da Fazenda, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, anuncia o plano Real de combate à inflação.
  • 1994 - Na Bósnia, então vítima de uma guerra civil entre sérvios e muçulmanos, a Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN) entrou em combate pela primeira vez desde sua fundação em 1949. Nesse mesmo dia, “caças” americanos derrubaram quatro “jatos” sérvios.
  • 1995 - Apertura del Aeropuerto Internacional de Denver, en los Estados Unidos.
  • 1995 - UN peacekeeping forces, mainly Bangladeshis and Pakistanis, are withdraw from Somalia ending international involvement in the country.
  • 1996 - A Rússia é admitida como membro do Conselho da Europa.
  • 1996 - Daniel Chipenda, Angolam politician, dies at 64.
  • 1996 - 38th Grammy Awards: Jagged Little Pill, Alanis Morisette wins.
  • 1997 - Earthquake in Pakistan, kills 45 .
  • 1998 - Dermot Morgan, dies, actor, comedian (b. 1952) .
  • 1998 - Kosovo War: Serbian police begin the offensive againt the KLA in Kosovo.
  • 2001 - An earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter Scale hits the Nisqually Valley area of Washington. There were no reports of any deaths.
  • 2001 - Smarty Jones, winner of the 2004 Kentucky Derby .
  • 2002 - Ethnic conflict in India: At least 55 are killed in Ahmadabad, India when Hindus burn Muslim homes.
  • 2002 - Helmut Zacharias, dies, German violinist (b. 1920) .
  • 2003 - Chris Brasher, dies, athlete .
  • 2003 - Fidel Sánchez Hernández, dies, former President of El Salvador .
  • 2003 - Roger Michael Needham, dies, professor of cryptography at Cambridge University .
  • 2004 - Over 1 million Taiwanese participating in the 228 Hand-in-Hand Rally formed a 500-kilometer (300-mile) long human chain to commemorate the 228 Incident in 1947 .
  • 2004 - Daniel J. Boorstin, dies, historian (b. 1914) .
  • 2004 - Carmen Laforet, muere, escritora española.


On this day in History - Feb. 27

  • 0280 - Born this day, Constantine I the Great, Roman emperor (312-37), the first to be converted (ca. 312) to the Christian faith. (Another source says 274 or even 289).
  • 0837 - 15th recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet.
  • 1557 - 1st Russian Embassy opens in London, Russia and U.S. sign trade agreement
  • 1560 - The Treaty of Berhick, which would expel the French from Scotland, is signed by England and the Congregation of Scotland .
  • 1594 - Henry IV is crowned King of France.
  • 1617- Sweden and Russia sign the Treaty of Stolbovo, ending the Ingrian War and shutting Russia out of the Baltic Sea
  • 1622 - Rembrandt Carel Fabritius, was born, Dutch painter.
  • 1670 - Jews were expelled from Austria by order of Leopold I.
  • 1700 - The island of New Britain is discovered.
  • 1706 - John Evelyn, dies, diarist (b. 1620).
  • 1767 - Jesuítas são expulsos da Espanha.
  • 1793 - The Giles resolutions are introduced to the United States House of Representatives asking the House to condemn Alexander Hamilton's handling of loans.
  • 1801 - Washington, DC is placed under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress.
  • 1807 - El marino Alejandro Malaspina le informa al virrey de Buenos Aires sobre su reconocimiento de Tierra del Fuego y la costa de la Patagonia.
  • 1807- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, was born, poet (d. 1882).
  • 1812 - Poet Lord Byron gives his first address as a member of the House of Lords, in defense of Luddite violence against Industrialism in his home county of Nottinghamshire.
  • 1812 - El rosarino Cosme Maciel iza por primera vez la bandera celeste y blanca, por orden de Belgrano, en las márgenes de Nuestra Señora del Rosario.
  • 1822 - Eugene Gautier, was born, composer .
  • 1827 - The first Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • 1843 - Ocupación efectiva, por una expedición española, de la isla de Fernando Poo, hoy Malabo, en Guinea Ecuatorial.
  • 1844 - The Dominican Republic gains independence from Haiti.
  • 1844 - Nicholas Biddle, dies, President of the Second Bank of the United States (b. 1786)
  • 1854 - Composer Robert Schumann was saved from a suicide attempt in the Rhine.
  • 1861 - A crowd in protesting Russian rule over Poland is fired upon by Russian troops, killing five protesters.
  • 1861 - Rudolf Steiner,was born , was born, anthroposoph (d. 1925) .
  • 1863 - Nace Joaquín Sorolla, pintor español.
  • 1864 - American Civil War: The first Northern prisoners arrive at the Confederate prison at Andersonville, Georgia.
  • 1867 - Born this day, Irving Fisher, US economist (compensating dollar).
  • 1869 - Henry Chandler Cowles was born (d. 12 Sep 1939). American botanist who was a pioneer in the field of plant ecology, especially the concept of ecological succession which he devised through a study of sand dune vegation he made in the 1890's .
  • 1869 - Alice Hamilton was born (d. 22 Sep 1970). American pathologist, known for her research on industrial diseases. By actively publicizing the danger to workers' health of industrial toxic substances, she contributed to the passage of workmen's compensation laws and to the development of safer working conditions.
  • 1873 - Enrico Caruso, was born, Italian tenor (d. 1921) .
  • 1879 - saccharin, the artificial sweetener, was discovered by Constantine Fahlberg at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • 1881 -Luitzen E. Jan Brouwer was born (d. Dec 1966). Dutch mathematician who founded mathematical Intuitionism (a doctrine that views the nature of mathematics as mental constructions governed by self-evident laws).
  • 1886 - Hugo Black, was born, associate justice of the United States Supreme Court (d. 1971) .
  • 1887 - Alexander Porfirievich Borodin, dies, composer (b. 1833) .
  • 1888 - Lotte Lehmann, was born, singer (d. 1976) .
  • 1890 - Freddie Keppard, was born, jazz musician (d. 1933) .
  • 1891 - David Sarnoff, was born (d. 12 Dec 1971). American pioneer in the development of both radio and television broadcasting. He was the first general manager of RCA and founded the television network NBC (1926).
  • 1891 - Anne Samson, was boorn, oldest-known Canadian 2002-2004 and oldest nun on record 2003-2004 (d. 2004) .
  • 1892 - William Demarest, was born, actor (d. 1983) .
  • 1893 - Ralph Linton was born (d. 24 Dec 1953). American anthropologist who had a marked influence on the development of cultural anthropology.
  • 1897 - Marian Anderson, was born, singer (d. 1993) .
  • 1897 - Bernard(-Ferdinand) Lyot was born (d. 2 Apr 1952). French astronomer who invented the coronagraph (1930), an instrument which allows the observation of the solar corona when the Sun is not in eclipse and other instruments used to study the Sun's corona.
  • 1899 - Charles Best, was born (d. 31 Mar 1978). American physiologist who, with Sir Frederick Banting, was the first to obtain (1921) a pancreatic extract of insulin in a form that controlled diabetes in dogs. The successful use of insulin in treating human patients followed. But because Best did not receive his medical degree until 1925, he did not share the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine awarded to Banting and J.J.R. Macleod in 1923 for their role in the work.
  • 1900 - Boer War: In South Africa, British military leaders receive an unconditional notice of surrender from Boer General Piet Cronje.
  • 1900 - Felix Hoffman was issued a U.S. patent for Aspirin .
  • 1900 - The British Labour Party is founded .
  • 1902 - Lúcio Costa , nascimento de (m. 1998) arquiteto brasileiro.
  • 1902 - John Steinbeck, was born in Salinas, Calif.,(d.1968). He is probably best remembered for his strong sociological novel The Grapes of Wrath, considered writer, winner of the Nobel Prize in literature 1962.
  • 1902 - Gene Sarazen, was born in Harrison, New York (d.1999) PGA golfer (Masters 1935, US Open 1922, 32).
  • 1903 - Grethe Weiser, was born, actress (d. 1970) .
  • 1904 - Born this day, James Thomas Farrell, US author (Studs Lonigan trilogy).
  • 1904 -Yuly Borisovich Khariton was born (d. 19 Dec 1996). Russian physicist who played a key role in the development of the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons and nuclear physics research. Khariton began his career as a researcher in chemical physics, studying combustion and explosion effects.
  • 1905 - Máximo Gorki es liberado bajo fianza y exiliado en Riga.
  • 1905 - Franchot Tone, was born in Niagara Falls, New York (d. 1968). Actor (Dr Freeland-Ben Casey).
  • 1907 - Mildred Bailey, was born, jazz performer (d. 1951) .
  • 1908 Star #46 was added to U.S. flag for Oklahoma .
  • 1910 - Joan Bennett, was born, actress (d. 1990) .
  • 1910 - Kelly Johnson was born (d. 21 Dec 1990). American aeronautical engineer who introduced innovative designs. While managing Lockheed's secret project division, known as the "Skunk Works," he contributed to more than 40 airplanes.
  • 1912 - Lawrence Durrell, was born (d.1990) writer, author of The Alexandria Quartet.
  • 1913 - Irwin Shaw, was born (d. 1984). US novelist (Rich Man Poor Man).
  • 1917 - John Connally, was born, Governor of Texas (d. 1993).
  • 1919 - Un incendio destruye el Palacio Municipal de la capital de El Salvador.
  • 1922- A challenge to the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, allowing women the right to vote, is rebuffed by the Supreme Court of the United States.
  • 1923 - Dexter Gordon, was born, jazz saxophone player (d. 1990) .
  • 1926 - Nace Marta Mercader, escritora argentina.
  • 1926 - David Hunter Hubel was born. Canadian-born American neurobiologist, who was a corecipient (with Torsten Nils Wiesel and Roger Wolcott Sperry) of the 1981 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for mapping the path of nerve impulses from the eye to various centres of the brain.
  • 1928 - Alfred Hrdlicka, was born, sculptor and graphic artist .
  • 1929 - Nasce Djalma Santos, jogador brasileiro de futebol .
  • 1930 - Joanne Woodward, was born, American actress .
  • 1930 - Peter Stone, was born, writer .
  • 1932 - The neutron was discovered by Dr. James Chadwick.
  • 1932 - Elizabeth Taylor, was born in London, actress, screen legend, (Butterfield 8, Cleopatra, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf) .
  • 1933 - Raymond Berry, was born, American football player .
  • 1933 - Reichstag fire: Germany's parliament building in Berlin, the Reichstag, is set on fire.
  • 1934 - Ralph Nader,was born, American consumer activist .
  • 1935 - Mirella Freni, was born, Italian soprano .
  • 1936 - Ivan Pavlov, dies (b. 14 Sep 1849). Russian physiologist known chiefly for his development of the concept of the conditioned reflex. In a now-classic experiment, he trained a hungry dog to salivate at the sound of a bell, which was previously associated with the sight of food. He received the 1904 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
  • 1939 - France recognizes Franco's regime in Spain .
  • 1941 - James Joyce, dies, Irish author (b. 1882) .
  • 1941 - Paddy Ashdown, was born, British politician .
  • 1942 - World War II: the USS Langley, the first United States aircraft carrier, is sunk by Japanese warplanes. ( The Battle of Java Sea began 13 US warships sunk 2 Japanese).
  • 1942 - The first French Jews were transported to nazi-Germany.
  • 1943 - Morten Lauridsen, was born, composer .
  • 1946 - José Carreras, was born, Spanish tenor .
  • 1947 - Gidon Kremer, was born, Latvian violinist .
  • 1949 - Chaim Weizmann becomes 1st Israeli president .
  • 1950 - Franco Moschino, was born, fashion Designer .
  • 1951 - The Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution, limiting Presidents to two terms, is ratified.
  • 1951 - São inaugurados em Buenos Aires Os I Jogos Panamericanos.
  • 1952 - Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) se reúne pela primeira vez em sua sede atual em Nova York.
  • 1957 - Viktor Markin, was born, Soviet athlete .
  • 1960 - Adriano Olivetti, morre aos 58 anos, engenheiro e industrial italiano.
  • 1963 - Rajendra Prasad, morre, primeiro presidente da Índia.
  • 1963 - David Keilin dies (b. 21 Mar 1887). Russian-British biochemist who discovered cytochromes, as enzymes critical to the cell's use of oxygen (1923).
  • 1964 - The government of Italy asks for help to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from toppling over.
  • 1964 - Three hundred missionaries are deported from the Sudan for alleged support for anti-government forces.
  • 1964 - Orry-Kelly, dies, costume designer .
  • 1967 - Dominica gains independence from the United Kingdom.
  • 1968 - Frankie Lymon, dies, singer (b. 1942) .
  • 1971 - A causa de graves disturbios en Cali, se declara el estado de sitio en todo el territorio de Colombia.
  • 1971 - Derren Brown, was born, psychological illusionist .
  • 1971 - Born this day, David Coulthard, F 1 racing driver.
  • 1974 - People magazine is published for the first time.
  • 1974 - A Suécia aprova sua nova constituição e o rei passa a exercer um cargo figurativo.
  • 1976 - Western Sahara declares independence.
  • 1977 - Diego Maradona joga pela primeira vez pela Seleção Argentina .
  • 1978 - Vadim Salmanov, dies, composer .
  • 1979 - Guerrilleros del M-19 toman por asalto la Embajada de la República Dominicana en Bogotá.
  • 1980 - Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF wins elections in Zimbabwe
  • 1980 - Winners at the Grammy Awards: song of the year, What A Fool Believes, Streisand - Diamond duet, The Doobie Brothers, album of the year, Billy Joel's 52nd St, best new artist, Rickie Lee Jones, best disco record, I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor.
  • 1980 - Chelsea Clinton, was born, daughter of former U.S. President Bill Clinton .
  • 1981- Josh Groban, was born, American singer.
  • 1981 Greatest passenger load on a commercial airliner-610 on Boeing 747 .
  • 1982 - Wayne B. Williams é condenado pelo assassinato de 28 jovens negros, cujos corpos foram encontrados nos arredores de Atlanta (EUA) num período de 22 meses.
  • 1984 - Carl Lewis jumps world record indoor (8.675 m) .
  • 1985 - Mauritania's new constitutional charter published .
  • 1985 - Henry Cabot Lodge, dies, politician, candidate for Vice President of the United States (b. 1902) .
  • 1986 - Jacques Plante, dies, ice hockey star (b. 1929) .
  • 1986 - The United States Senate allows its debates to be televised on a trial basis.
  • 1989 - Konrad Lorenz dies (b. 7 Nov 1903). Austrian zoologist, founder of modern ethology, the study of animal behaviour by means of comparative zoological methods. He shared the 1973 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine, for developing a unified, evolutionary theory of animal and human behaviour.
  • 1989 - Paul Oswald Ahnert, dies, astronomer (b. 1897) .
  • 1990 - Exxon Valdez oil spill: Exxon and its shipping company are indicted on five criminal counts.
  • 1990 - Adoptada a bandeira da Letónia.
  • 1991 - Gulf War: U.S. President George H. W. Bush announces that "Kuwait is liberated."
  • 1992 - Tiger Woods, 16, becomes youngest PGA golfer in 35 years .
  • 1993 - Lillian Gish, dies, actress (b. 1893) .
  • 1994 - 17th Winter Olympic games closes in Lillehammer, Norway .
  • 1995 - Começa o julgamento de Salvatore Toto Rina sob acusações de cumplicidade em 48 assassinatos na Sicília.
  • 1996 - Pokémon game debuts for Nintendo Game Boy .
  • 1997 - Kingsley Davis dies (b. 20 Aug 1908). American sociologist and demographer who was a world-renowned expert on population trends.
  • 1997 - William Ross Maples dies (b. 7 Aug 1937). American forensic anthropologist who examined and identified the skeletons of a number of historical figures, including Tsar Nicholas II and other members of the Romanov family killed in 1918 by the Bolsheviks, Vietnam MIAs, conquistador Francisco Pizarro, and in 1994 helped convict Byron De La Beckwith of the 1963 murder of civil rights leader Medgar Evers.
  • 1997 - A Irlanda legaliza o divórcio.
  • 1998 - Os EUA encerram o embargo de 35 anos contra a África do Sul.
  • 1998 - George Herbert Hitchings dies (b. 18 Apr 1905). American pharmacologist who was a medical research pioneer who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 1988 for the development of drugs that became essential in the treatment of several major diseases. He shared the prize with colleague Gertrude B. Elion and with Sir James W. Black.
  • 1998 - J. T. Walsh, dies, actor (b. 1943) .
  • 1999 - While trying to circumnavigate the world in a hot air balloon, Colin Prescot and Andy Elson set a new endurance record after being in a hot air balloon for 233 hours and 55 minutes.
  • 1999 - Olusegun Obasanjo becomes Nigeria's first elected president since mid-1983.
  • 2002- Ryanair Flight 296 catches fire in London Stansted Airport. Subsequent investigations criticize Ryanair's handling of the evacuation.
  • 2002 - 2002 Gujarat violence: a train catches fire a few minutes after it leaves the Godhra railway station, killing an estimated 58 Hindu pilgrims returning from Ayodhya and triggering riots that lead to the death of 1000 people, mostly Muslims.
  • 2002 - Spike Milligan, dies, comedian (b. 1918) .
  • 2002 - Mary Stuart, dies, soap opera actress (b. 1926) .
  • 2003 - Rowan Williams is enthroned as the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury in the Anglican church.
  • 2003 - John Lanchbery, dies, English ballet composer (b. 1923) .
  • 2003 - Fred Rogers, dies, children's television celebrity (b. 1928) .
  • 2004 - Paul Sweezy, dies, economist and founding editor of the Monthly Review (b. 1910).
  • 2004 - Shoko Asahara, líder da seita acusada do atentado com gás sarin no metro de Tóquio em 20 de março de 1995, é condenado à morte.


Portugal e India cooperam em futebol

India and Portugal have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the development of football.

“It helps us come closer to international footballing ties,” said Dr Pedro Cabral Adao, Consul of Portugal, Goa.

The scientific project is expected to give a whole new dimension to football training in India.

Thirty Indian coaches, including 20 from Goa, would benefit from the six-day training. The coaches would specifically learn educational and scientific strategies to train young players.

“We are training at omega, but we need to start from alpha - the basics. So this programme will start from the basic and take the training to new heights,” said Noel Lima Leitao, sports commentator.

The fact that six out of the 12 teams at the National Football League are from Goa just shows how strong a base football has in this area. Now with technical expertise available from the land of Eusebio and Figo, things can only get better.

Dominguez ... no Vasco da Gama, pela internet

Dominguez (lembram-se dele ?), jogador internacional português foi comprado pelo Vasco da Gama, através da internet. Não precisou de empresários. Graças ao seu sítio (http://www.josedominguez.net) o Vasco da Gama apercebeu-se das habilidades do jogador e decidiu comprá-lo. Podem ler a notícia completa em Infobae.com .

Pretendo também agradecer ao meu amigo Fideo o envio desta informação. Fideo é o webmaster de um blog sobre futbol argentino El Hincha de Futbol


On this day in History - Feb. 26

  • 0747 - BC - Epoch (origin) of Ptolemy's Nabonassar Era.
  • 0277 - Muere el reformador religioso Manes.
  • 1154 - Muere Roger II, primer rey de Sicilia.
  • 1266 - Battle of Benevento: French forces, under Charles of Anjou, overcome a combined German-Sicilian force.
  • 1361- Wenceslaus, Holy Roman Emperor, was born, King of Bohemia (d. 1419).
  • 1531 - Aproximadamente 30 mil pessoas morrem em consequência de um terramoto em Lisboa. ( Earthquake in Lisbon Portugal, kills 30,000 ).
  • 1549 - Es asesinado el obispo nicaragüense Antonio de Valdivieso por los hijos de Rodrigo de Contreras.
  • 1616 - La Inquisición ordena la captura de Galileo.
  • 1797 - The Bank of England issues the first one pound note.
  • 1802 - Victor Hugo, was born was born in Besancon. (d. 1885), poet (Hunchback of Notre Dame, Les Miserables).
  • 1808 - Honoré Daumier,was born, painter, illustrator, lithograph and sculptor (d. 1879)
  • 1813 Robert R Livingston US diplomat (Declaration of Independence), dies at 66.
  • 1815 - Napoleon Bonaparte escapes from Elba to start, with 1200 of his men, the 100-day re-conquest of France .
  • 1817 - Aparece "La Gaceta del Supremo Gobierno de Chile", primera publicación chilena después de la reconquista española.
  • 1821 - Las tropas portuguesas de Río de Janeiro exigen que se jure en Brasil la Constitución proclamada el año anterior en Portugal.
  • 1824 - Born this day, Carlos Calvo, Argentinian diplomat, people rights scholar (Calvo Clause).
  • 1829 - Levi Strauss, was born, clothing designer, creator of blue jeans (d. 1902) .
  • 1832 Polish constitution abolished/replaced by Czar Nicholas I .
  • 1844 Independencia de la República Dominicana de Haití. 1845 - Alexander III was born in St Petersburg, Russian tsar (1881-94) .
  • 1846 - Buffalo Bill, was born, pioneer and officer, hunter and carny (d. 1917) .
  • 1846 - Nace William Frederick Cody, "Buffalo Bill", militar, explorador y actor estado unidense.
  • 1848 - German philosopher Karl Marx , aged 29, and his partner Frederick Engels published The Communist Manifesto.
  • 1848 - The second French Republic is proclaimed.
  • 1861 - King Ferdinand of Bulgaria was born, (d. 1948) .
  • 1863 - U.S. President Abraham Lincoln signs the National Currency Act into law.
  • 1869 - Es abolida la esclavitud en las colonias portuguesas.
  • 1870 - In New York City, the first pneumatic-subway opens.
  • 1875 - Hans Böckler, was born, unionist and politician (d. 1951) .
  • 1876 - Born this day, Agustin P. Justo y Rolon, president of Argentina (1931-38).
  • 1878 - Muere Juan María Gutiérrez, escritor y político argentino.
  • 1885 - Nace José de la Riva Aguero y Osuna, escritor y político, ex presidente de Perú (1923-1927).
  • 1885 - Congress of Berlin, gives Congo to Belgium & Nigeria to England
  • 1887 - Benegal Narsing Rau, was born in India, President of UN Security Council (1950)
  • 1892 - Os deputados às Cortes Gerais portuguesas, passaram e exercer a sua actividade sem remuneração
  • 1893 - I. A. Richards, was born, literary critic and rhetorician (d. 1979) ,
  • 1903 - Richard Jordan Gatling, dies, inventor (b. 1818) .
  • 1903 Nace el escritor Agustín de Foxá .
  • 1908 -King Leopold II is paid £5 million in exchange for the Congo Free State, now renamed the Belgian Congo.
  • 1908 - Tex Avery, was born, cartoonist (d. 1980)
  • 1908 - Jean-Pierre Wimille, was born, race car driver (d. 1949) .
  • 1909 - King Talal, King of Jordan was born, (d. 1972) .
  • 1913 - Felix Draeseke, dies, German composer (b. 1835) .
  • 1916 - Jackie Gleason, was born, actor, writer, composer, comedian (d. 1987) .
  • 1918 - Theodore Sturgeon, was born, science fiction writer (d. 1985) .
  • 1919 - An act of the U.S. Congress establishes most of the Grand Canyon as a United States National Park (see Grand Canyon National Park).
  • 1920 - Tony Randall, was born, actor (The Odd Couple) (d. 2004) .
  • 1921 - Carl Menger, dies, Austrian economist, dies (b. 1840) .
  • 1928 - Fats Domino, was born, musician .
  • 1928 - Anatoli Filipchenko, was born, cosmonaut .
  • 1929 - The Grand Teton National Park is created.
  • 1930- 1st red & green traffic lights installed (Manhattan NYC). .
  • 1932 - Johnny Cash, was born (d. 2003), country music singer(I Walk The Line, Folsom Prison Blues, Boy Named Sue) .
  • 1933 - Godfrey Cambridge, was born, actor (d. 1976) .
  • 1933 - Sir James Goldsmith was born in Paris (d. 18 Jul 1997). Financier and corporate raider (Referendum Party) .
  • 1935 - The Luftwaffe is reformed.
  • 1935 - Robert Watson-Watt gives the first public demonstration of RADAR.
  • 1936 - In the February 26 Incident, young Japanese military officers attempt to stage a coup against the government.
  • 1936 - José Policarpo da Cruz, was born. Portuguese, ordained a Catholic priest on 15 Aug 1961, appointed auxiliary of Lisbon on 26 May 1978 and consecrated bishop on 29 June 1978; appointed Coadjutor Archbishop of Lisbon on 05 March 1997; succeeded Cardinal António Ribeiro as Patriarch of Lisbon on 24 March 1998; made a cardinal on 21 February 2001.
  • 1939 - Manifestação dos Sindicatos Nacionais, Casas do Povo e Casas dos Pescadores de apoio à política corporativista do governo de Salazar.
  • 1940 - Segunda Guerra Mundial: el destructor británico "Cossak" aborda al buque alemán "Altmark" y libera a los 300 prisioneros ingleses que transportaba .
  • 1941 - Tony Ray-Jones, was born, British photographer (d. 1972) .
  • 1944 - Shooting begins of the Nazi propaganda film, "The Fuhrer Gives a Village to the Jews" in Theresienstadt.
  • 1947 - Sandy Shaw, [Sandra Goodrich], was born in Dagenham Essex England, British singer, Eurovision Song Contest winner .
  • 1949 - Un movimiento cívico-militar derroca al presidente de Paraguay, general Raimundo Rolón.
  • 1950 - Oscar Osorio vence en las elecciones presidenciales de El Salvador .
  • 1952 - United Kingdom Prime Minister Winston Churchill announces that his nation has an atomic bomb.
  • 1954 - Michael Bolton was born, , singer
  • 1956 - Keisuke Kuwata, was born, Japanese singer
  • 1957 - Besim Hasani, was born, President of Kosova Olimpic Committee
  • 1959 - Rolando Blackman, was born, basketball star
  • 1959 - Lou Costello, actor (Abbott & Costello), dies at 52
  • 1961 - King Mohammed V of Morocco dies, (b. 1909)
  • 1961 - O príncipe Hassan ascende ao trono do Marrocos como rei Hassan II, após a morte repentina de seu pai Mohammed V.
  • 1961 -The Italian held capital of Somaliland, Mogadishu, is captured by British forces
  • 1962 - Greg Germann, was born, actor .
  • 1966 - Apollo Program: Launch of AS-201, the first flight of the Saturn IB rocket
  • 1968 - Thirty-two African nations agreed to boycott the Olympics because of the presence of South Africa.
  • 1969 - Levi Eshkol, dies, Prime Minister of Israel (b. 1895) .
  • 1969 - Karl Jaspers German psychiatrist/philosopher, dies at 86 .
  • 1971 - Fernandel, dies (b. 1903). French actor (Death of Champion).
  • 1971 - Erykah Badu, was born, singer .
  • 1973 - Marshall Faulk, was born, American football star .
  • 1973 - Jenny Thompson, was born, U.S. Olympic swimmer .
  • 1974 - Sébastien Loeb, was born, French WRC driver .
  • 1975 - Em Portugal, foi promulgada a Lei da Imprensa.
  • 1976 - Spain departs from Spanish Sahara Spain completes its withdrawal from Spanish Sahara, a former colonial territory in northeastern Africa .
  • 1980 - A República Árabe do Egito e o estado de Israel estabeleceram relações diplomáticas, pondo fim a trinta anos de guerra entre as duas nações.
  • 1981 - Howard Hanson, dies, composer (b. 1896) .
  • 1982 - Muere el actor Paco Martínez Soria.
  • 1984 - Natalia Lafourcade, was born, Mexican pop singer .
  • 1985 - 27th Grammy Awards What's Love Got to Do With It, Cyndi Lauper win .
  • 1986 - Robert Penn Warren is named poet laureate of the United States.
  • 1987 - Iran-Contra affair: The Tower Commission rebukes American President Ronald Reagan for not controlling his national security staff.
  • 1988 - La Asamblea Legislativa de Panamá sustituye al presidente Eric Arturo Delvalle por Manuel Solis de Palma.
  • 1988 - The Soviet Union's hockey team clinched the gold medal at the Winter Olympics in Calgary, Canada.
  • 1990 - Sinead O'Connor was at No.1 on the UK singles chart with Nothing Compares 2 U.
  • 1990 - The Sandinistas are defeated in Nicaraguan elections.
  • 1991 - During the Gulf War, Kuwait City is liberated and Iraq begins its withdrawl
  • 1991 - El Partido Nacionalista de Bangladesh gana las primeras elecciones libres en este país tras catorce años de Gobierno militar.
  • 1991- Tim Berners-Lee introduces WorldWideWeb, the first web browser.
  • 1991 - Gulf War: On Baghdad Radio Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein announces the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait.
  • 1991É instalado o STJ – Superior Tribunal de Justiça, que havia sido criado pela Constituição de 1988 do Brasil.
  • 1993 - World Trade Center bombing: In New York City, a van bomb parked below the North Tower of the World Trade Center goes off, killing 6 and injuring over a thousand. 4 Islamic extremists were convicted and each sentenced to 240 years in prison.
  • 1993 - In Egypt a bomb in a coffee shop killed 3 people and injured 18 In Cairo .
  • 1994 - Bill Hicks, dies, comedian (b. 1961) .
  • 1995 - The United Kingdom's oldest investment banking firm, Barings Bank collapses after a securities broker, Nick Leeson, loses $1.4 billion by gambling on the Singapore Monetary Exchange Simex with derivative securities.
  • 1997 39th Grammy Awards "Change the World" Babyface won four awards, including record of the year; Celine Dion's "Falling Into You" won album of the year and best pop album.
  • 1997 - O governo suíço dá sua aprovação final para a constituição de um fundo para sobreviventes do Holocausto. Esse dinheiro pertencia aos judeus que viviam na Europa durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Após ser roubado por nazistas, o dinheiro foi depositado em bancos suíços.
  • 1998 - Eclipse total de sol (se percibe especialmente en la costa venezolana del Océano Pacífico .
  • 1999- In Iran elections were planned for cities, towns and village councils. These were the first elections since the 1979 revolution.
  • 2000 -Heavy rains continued to ravage South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. 33 people were reported dead in the northern province of South Africa and 29 dead in Zimbabwe.
  • 2001 - Iconoclastic Taliban destroys archeological treasures. The Taliban destroy two giant Buddha statues in Bamiyan, Afghanistan.
  • 2001 - Winners at the Brit Awards included Coldplay, Best British group, Robbie Williams, Best British Male artist and Best single for Rock DJ, Sonique, Best British Female artist, Best Dance act, Fat Boy Slim and U2 won Outstanding contribution.
  • 2001 The Treaty of Nice which updates previous treaties of the European Community, is signed by its 15 states: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands; Denmark, Ireland, the UK; Greece; Spain, Portugal; Austria, Finland, and Sweden.It would be ratified by the parliaments of all except Ireland, whose constitution requires a referendum. Ireland would hold its referendum on 07 June 2001, 34% of eligible voters would participate, of which 54% reject the treaty. Ireland would repeat the referendum on 19 October 2002 and this time the Nice Treaty would be approved by 65% of the voters.
  • 2002 - Lawrence Tierney, dies, actor .
  • 2003 - Gerhard Czerwensky, dies, economist .
  • 2004 - The United States lifts a ban on travel to Libya, ending travel restrictions to the nation that had lasted for 23 years.
  • 2004 - Adolf Ehrnrooth, dies, general; Finnish war veteran .
  • 2004 - Boris Trajkovski, president of the Republic of Macedonia dies (b. 1956) when an aging Beechcraft Super King Air 200 twin-engine turboprop airplane crashes at 08:01 (07:01 UT), in rain, heavy cloud cover and thick fog, near village Bitonja, Bosnia.
  • 2004 - Silas Warner, dies, computer game programmer .