

On this day in History - Dec. 13

  • 1124 - Pope Callixtus II, died
  • 1521 - D.Manuel I, morte de, rei de Portugal (n. 1469)
  • 1521 - Pope Sixtus V, religious leader (d. 1590)
  • 1533 - King Eric XIV of Sweden (d. 1577)
  • 1545 - Council of Trent begins
  • 1550 - Fundación de la ciudad de Ferreñafe, en Perú
  • 1553 - King Henry IV of France (d. 1610)
  • 1577 - Francis Drake saíu de Plymouth, em Inglaterra, começando a sua viagem ao redor do Mundo.
  • 1603 - Nascimento do 1.º marquês de Marialva, D. António Luís de Meneses, 3.º conde de Cantanhede.
  • 1642 - Abel Janszoon Tasman, Dutch navigator, reaches New Zealand
  • 1643 - The Battle of Alton during the English Civil War
  • 1797- Nascimento do escritor alemão Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), em Dusseldorf, no sul da Alemanha. Heine é sobretudo conhecido pela sua afirmação profética: «Onde livros são queimados, seres humanos estão destinados a ser queimados também.
  • 1816 - Werner von Siemens, engineer, inventor and industrialist (d. 1892)
  • 1818 - Mary Todd Lincoln was born, wife of Abraham Lincoln [d. 1882]
  • 1854 - Thomas Watson, telephone pioneer
  • 1862 - The Confederates win the Battle of Fredericksburg in the American Civil War.
  • 1886 - Diego Rivera, nacimiento, Mexican painter and muralist (d. 1957)
  • 1903 - Carlos Montoya, was born, Spanish flamengo guitarist (d. 1993)
  • 1903 -Ella Baker, was born in Norfolk, Virginia, civil rights activist; died December 13, 1986, in New York City.
  • 1912 - Luís Gonzaga do Nascimento, nascimento, músico brasileiro, o "rei do baião"
  • 1915 - Curd Jürgens, was born, actor (d. 1982)
  • 1918 - President Wilson arrived in France, becoming the first U.S. president to visit Europe while in office.
  • 1958 - The UN rejects a call for Algerian independence.
  • 1927 - Christopher Plummer, was born, actor
  • 1928 - Acontece a apresentação de “Um Americano em Paris”, de George Gershwin, no Carnegie Hall.
  • 1937 - Battle of Nanjing concludes with the Japanese victory and the fall of the city which became the site of the Nanjing Massacre
  • 1938 - 100 deportees from Sachsenhausen built the Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg
  • 1944 - Wassily Kandinsky, morte de, pintor russo
  • 1949 - The Knesset votes to move the capital of Israel to Jerusalem
  • 1955 - Fundación del Sporting Cristal, equipo que participa en la Liga peruana de fútbol
  • 1959 - Archbishop Makarios becomes the first President of Cyprus
  • 1961 - Irene Saez Conde, nacimiento, Miss Universo 1981, Alcaldesa y Candidata a la precidencia en Venezuela
  • 1966 - Premiers bombardements américains sur la ville de Hanoï
  • 1968 - O governo ditatorial brasileiro baixa o Ato Institucional número 5 (AI-5), instrumento de abuso e perseguição aos civis
  • 1972 - A chartered Spanish airliner crashes on takeoff from the Canary Islands, killing 155
  • 1974 - Malta becomes a republic
  • 1977 - A United States government DC-3 crashes after takeoff at Evansville, Indiana, killing 29, including the University of Evansville basketball team
  • 1978 -The U.S. Mint began stamping the Susan B. Anthony dollar, the first U.S. coin honoring a woman.
  • 1981 -The Polish government imposed martial law in an attempt to crush the Solidarity movement.
  • 1981 - Amy Lee, was born, Evanescence frontwoman
  • 1982 - Um terramoto no Iêmen resulta em cerca de 3000 mortos e 2000 feridos
  • 1987 - FC Porto were World Champions winning in Tokyo, by the first time in their historial, the Intercontinental Cup (the second time was yesterday in Yokohama)
  • 1988 - Agreement is reached between the US, South Africa, Angola and Cuba for Namibian independence and the withdrawal of Cuban forces from Angola.
  • 1991 - La Corée du Nord et la Corée du Sud signent un traité de non agression et de réconciliation après 46 ans de conflit
  • 1996 - Kofi Annan of Ghana chosen to become UN secretary-general.
  • 1998 - Porto Rico recusa a opção de se tornar um estado norte-americano.
  • 2000 - The Texas 7 escape from a Texas prison and go on a crime spree.
  • 2000 - George W. Bush accepted presidency 36 days after election; Al Gore, Jr., conceded.
  • 2001 - Parliament of India attacked by armed militants. Attempt foiled.
  • 2002 - The European Union announces the addition of ten new members in Copenhagen: Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. The countries' membership will be effective May 1, 2004.
  • 2003 - American forces captured Saddam Hussein who was hiding in a hole near his hometown of Tikrit.

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Fideo disse...

Humildemente, un día como hoy a las 6,50 AM del año 1962, nací en la Quilmes, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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